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>Voltron: Legendary Defender >Not "Legendary Defender
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>Voltron: Legendary Defender
>Not "Legendary Defender Voltron"
I don't know why this pisses me off so much.
>not black allura
>not sven renamed shiro
>not koran becoming the new "varrick"
>not the same idiot production crew from korra.

And you are complaining about the title.
With 'the' it would be correct. Don't forget English is just some funny melody with runes for Japanese.
I don't know why either, since it works just fine.
The original is Voltron Defender of the Universe.
That combination sequence...

I can't be the only one reminded of Genesic GaoGaiGar
There's literally one part that is the claw sequence.
actually all the internals, including "part entering into tunnel" train-style, the various grabbings, and the shoulder that's a bit more King J-Der
>can't comprehend people not going for a stereotypical swede
>>not the same idiot production crew from korra
Isn't it an entirely different writing team?
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>he has a problem with chocolate space elf and Sven's name switch to reference the Golion brothers
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