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what does /m/ think about the battletech novels
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I read Decision at Thunder Rift as a kid and remember loving it are the others any good?
>To avenge his brother...One warrior will face his greatest enemy
His own Brother
Wolves on the Border is where it's at.

Those background units look so goofy. Like they just saw an old friend and they're both waving hello.
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Practically everything in that artwork looks goofy--with the possible exceptions some of the rocks, and the title line ripped from MechWarrior 3.

>I didn't sign up for the walking tour of Tranquil. Am I happy to be here? You bet I am.
I am surprised so few people on here have read them.
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I read most of them in High School but I can barely remember anything.

I remember Exodus Road had a great premise, and Illusions of Victory had some pretty sweet arena combat.
Sorry, when I was in highschool, Star Wars novels were the drug of the day when licensed expanded universe was concerned. Probably would've given it a shot, you know, if they had any.
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God I loved that game.
looks adorable though
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This cover art is sweet.
The good thing about Battletech novels is that you're spared from having to look at the hideously ugly designs.
>Practically everything in this entire franchise looks goofy

I remember enjoying the crimson skies novels
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im kekin my dick off ovah heah
Mechwarrior Online did a good job of making the less than great battlemechs look good in a 3D model.
Just avoid Far Country and you'll be fine.
Didn't read any of the novels yet. Too busy with TROs.
I own the Twilight of the Clans series. The Stackpole books are good, although it's obvious he's there for the politics. His battles are 1-page "shoot one laser-enemy destroyed" deals.
every time i play war thunder i feel a deep pain knowing that we need a new crimson skies with that kind of perfect sim-arcade fusion gameplay
Amen to that brother
What is a good place to begin with BT novels?
I keep hearing the Stackpole's Warrior Trilogy is a good starting point.
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>Exodus Road
>Some clan drill sergeant asks his men what it means to be a warrior
>Main character says he needs to fight him because it can't be explained in words
You ever played Star Fleet Battles before? Now that's a huge right turn.
Stackpoles a good bet. The grey death legion books are good if you want some dougram fang of the sun fun
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Probably one of my favorite of the novels. I mean it has a BLACK SAMURAI.
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That's one badass Commando.
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