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/a/ has their idea of what the greatest love stories ever told
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/a/ has their idea of what the greatest love stories ever told are but what are /m/'s?

Pic kind of related
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i'm so fucked up.png
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Aside from TRAITORS AND YUKIWHORES the show was more enjoyable than it should be
Gai and Mikoto's love story has always been my favorite.
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Robots can be pedos?
Bologna pony.
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At least get a picture with the guy's face in it.
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For you, anon.

Gondannar if you care about fleshies
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What is this?
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Idolm@ster Xenoglossia, which according to some it rustled the jimmies of IM@S fans and /m/ fans alike or totally different reasons some also would argue it was the greatest love story ever told
LL xenoglossia when
Came here to post this
Yukiho, I was laughing at how it was handled in the show. Surprise, I'm an insane lesbian for Chihaya. Makoto, I really couldn't blame, Azusa was a terrible big sister.

I hope soon.
>a robot can have a folder full of pictures of an underadged girl but I can't

I mean it's understandable but still
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You totally can, just not tell anyone.
Wouldn't the correct equivalent would be you having a folder full of loli robots
Way ahead of you
where can I acquire these loli robots?
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>I hope soon
Come on, Sunrise.
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Makoto, I really couldn't blame, Azusa was a terrible big sister.

I don't think most would argue against that Azusa is useless as a sister due to reasons
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IBO a shit.
It's a pretty good one
I was kind of more going for more of a best love stories with fleshies since there isn't nearly enough robot love stories in the world
Rahxephon? Those are mostly shit.
its called macross delta
>no robot with giant knuckles and a pompadour
Yeah no
I came here to post this.
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>no loving brown girl to blow some feddies with
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lets go blow this guy.jpg
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>blow some feddies with
Thread replies: 45
Thread images: 23

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