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>One of Amuro's closest friends Didn't this manlet
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File: Hayato_Kobayashi_II_2285.jpg (32 KB, 225x350) Image search: [Google]
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>One of Amuro's closest friends
Didn't this manlet desert the White Base in protest since his "friend" wasn't going to get executed for also deserting the White Base? At least with Kai he usually got called out on his behavior and actually showed character development in '79.
Which pilot would you guys say you take a dislike to?
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>thinking he could stop a Gundam with a Zaku
I fucking hated Hayato when I first watched 0079.
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Think of it from his perspective. He's a little manlet who somehow got this hot babe to want his pang a lang and now she's suddenly lusting over Amuro. Of course he's gonna take the first change he gets to have him eliminated.
I don't know if you're serious, but he had to try
Hayato was mature and reasonable. The only people who like Amuro over him are the same kind of insufferably angsty, self-absorbed teenage shitheads as Amuro was.
I was under the impression that Hayato was more an acquaintance than a really close friend.
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My favourite is Sayla. She's the only one who keeps it together.
>somehow got this hot babe to want his pang a lang and now she's suddenly lusting over Amuro
Hayato please stop posting anytime
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she was okay but let's no go crazy.
>keeps it together.
>has three separate opportunities to off char and she blows all of them.
they're still siblings anon
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>Killing your dindu brother.
more like
>three opportunities to defect with him

And she didn't even take the gold
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Does it have to be 79? Either way..I fucking hated this little shit so much, he had me grinding my teeth angrily at points.
His death couldn't come sooner. Thank you Uncle Yazan
always wish Sayla's VA hadn't been a problem so that we could have had more of her.
>Hurr durr manlet
Yes, he's an insignifigant backstage guy with 60s manga appearance but Amuro didn't give two shits about a 5/5 woman near him so why would she wither alone? Get over it, fags.

Hayato is the typical indoctrinated young Japanese beta male who is to scared to think outside the box , irl he would be working in a shitty salary man job till he decides to hang himself
Based Zeon yet again saving someone's life.
>fucking girls who arent even psychic and dont pilot mobile suits
fuck off pleb
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Repeat it in your 30s, boy.
It dosen't have to be. It could be any Mech anime.
I hated that fuck too though.
She was hotter than no-show susie aka Sayla. Fraw can nag me to eat my dinner all dayum day bitch.
Manlet detector is beeping non-stop!
you fucking what? did you forget the episode where she nearly gets the gundam destroyed just doing some dumb ass shit and being utterly incompetent

ugly blonde retard, why do people like her so much

woah bro too far

Fraw went to shit and had awful foster kids

Sayla has those GOAT genetics and can fly
Kikka became a cutie though.
>He's a little manlet who somehow got this hot babe
She was aging and in despair because Amuro didn't give her the D.
The fear of menopause is terrible.
Worst Musashi.

She was 15.
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>No when noticed the dubs and trips
This is why I hate /m/ nowadays.

Also I wonder where OP got the
>One of Amuro's closest friends
quote from. Since we know from when he literally got first introduced in Episode 1 that he held some sort of resentment for Amuro. He was much closer to Ryu than he ever was with Amuro. Once you get that his character makes sense.

My vote goes to pick related. This cunt was more emotional than any of the women were, and was the shittiest pilot as well. Yet, after betraying his comrades, he gets the Hyaku Shiki. While Elle, the better pilot, is stuck with the Mk 2.
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