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Unyon OP time
Forgot the subject because I'm retarded edition

Link list:

-Songs, CD/BD releases, lyrics and general information: http://pastebin.com/EeTkSpKa (embed)
-Hibiki Radio Station: http://hibiki-radio.jp/description/symphogear-gx
-Main S3 site: http://www.symphogear-gx.com/
-Episode 13
[Commie] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=739337
[HS] - http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=737864
[H&D] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=759881
-Fourth BD Volume
[RAW] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=771572
LOSSY V1 - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=754956
LOSSY V2 - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=75496
LOSSY - http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=761023

Believe in Justice and Hold a Determination to Fist.

Previous Thread: >>13803589 (Cross-thread)
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Why was the other thread deleted?
Mods woke up from their hotpocket induced coma and had to pretend to be doing their job
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Who knows, let's not talk about it
is something happening becuase it looks like you've been burning through threads faster than you should know that the show is over/
BD 5 just came out, and there's been some real ass discussion going on for a little bit, instead of the vitriol we usually see. There's also the live coming up soon next month, the staff book and design archive and BD6 at the end of February, so we're not starved for content currently.

oh. I thought there might have been OVA subs
No subs yet, probably won't be for a while now.
Zoid finished the subs for the first more than 1 week ago
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Goodnight /sgg/
Don't let it die
we back?
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Nymphogear when
Reminder that Nana's live is out
>Nana will never come to the Vatican to give a concert
Why can a fucking guy from Iran come and not Nana?
They're not ready for her.
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>Drinking with Tsubasa
I know I said I don't like to repost my own work but come on, the other thread was only up for like an hour before it got deleted

For those that may have missed it, here's that Genjuuryoko fic I said I was working on.


A bit heavier on the dialogue and a bit lighter on the sex. Hope you like it. I really tried to give the sense that this was all Fine using Genjuuro's distraught emotional state to manipulate him for her gain, rather than trying to actually bring pleasure to either of them. I'm not sure how well that was actually carried into the completed fic.
Thanks, although I'm not interested in Genjuro and Fine. I liked the one you did about the beef stroganoff trio.
What are those things Tsubasa is flapping around? Is this some sort of octocat mating ritual she has to participate in?
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They're chikuwa, a kind of japanese fish cake.
>Hello there, how are you doing, it's me Maria. Currently, I'm accompanying Tsubasa that has just turned 20 for a drink. *small laugh*...I was looking forward to see how Tsubasa would react for her first ever alcohol, but...
>KOoi TOo~ Aai noo~ OkeHazaama~!
The hell is happening.
Last line is Maria's line. I forgot to greentext it.
Tsubasa got drunk and started singing enka
>those 2 guys who changed to red when Bayonett Charge was starting
Crying drunk chikuwa-samba enka. There is a distinct difference. It is a different art altogether.
The bodies were never found.
Men of fine taste
>disrespecting Nana at her concert
That's a paddlin'
Go back to nepgen.
link pls
No no, Nepgen hits with the hand, not with paddles
I want to spank the Nep.
I want the Nep to spank me

Though that seems more in line with Plutia, Blanc, or maybe ever Vert's characters
Do not sexualize the neps you degenerates.
>/sgg/ - sexualized nep general

On a side note why does it seem like every futa neptunia doujin is futa nepgear? Why not futa Plutia or Noire or Compa or something?
Nepgear slays the pussy with her Gehaburn.
The magic evil sword capable of slaying a goddess with sex
>3rd 'shinai is just autoscorers (and those 2 shitty lolis, who cares about them?)
Did we get a summary of the gags yet?
It's the best one of the GX ones though.
>Hating on the dolls.
I hope someone hurts you.
You got it wrong.
Well, I worded it wrong, admitedly.
I love the dolls, was hating just on Carol and Elfnein.
Actually, I don't even hate Elfnein either, just trying to keep the post from being too wordy. With apparently less than great results.
Fuck Carol though. Carol a shit.
>I don't even hate Elfnein either
But it's impossible to like her.

You could replace her character with a sheet of paper giving instructions on how to install Dainsleif and literally nothing would have changed.
I'm waiting for the the shitstorm we'll have in the last one when topdad appears.
That one also has Chris multitasking gears, so one skit isn't going to ruin it too much.
Will he show us all his otoko no puraido?
Well, she saved Aoi to give topdad a "chance" of showing us how great he is.
That one is already out so I don't care that much
What about Miku filming/photographing Hibiki's training?
>Hibiki's training
What training? We are talking about GX. Ah, that reminds me that when GX aired that chinese guy who streamed Symphogear had problems and I didn't watch what happened between Carolnein and the credits so I thought it just ended there. Then I saw some pictures here and I supposed that I didn't watch everything but I didn't care that much since I was waiting for Crunchy who delayed the episode 1 day. Next day I read a post of a guy saying something about a training montage of topdad and Hibiki. Those minutes between that and when I finally downloaded the RAW I was in full rage thinking that Kaneko put a training montage of topdad and Hibiki fucking even more GX.
>What training?
Apparently they did do some actual training in episode 7. We just didn't get to see any of that because of swimsuits, Maria and Garie.
It would be nice if they put Miku filming it while making some gay comment but it's hard to put something so good to forget about the possible topdad sketch(es)
Whow I really fucked up that spoiler. Phone typing is suffering.
>>13813245 #
>you will never party hard with Tsubasa while blasting loud music and singing along with it with epilepsy inducing floodlights in the room
>and then pass out so Tsubasa in her drunken state thinks she needs to get you home and just flops you on the back of her motorbike
>and Tsubasa, while driving her bike fully wasted creates some horrible mass car crash with hundreds of wrecked cars and one exploded bike
>Tsubasa survives completely unscathed and you are paralyzed for life
>Phone typing is suffering.
The app clover is pretty great.

What, no topdad?
Don't worry, Kaneko will use the entirety of the final OVA to show the viewer that topdad is a great guy.

thank goodness
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Tits aren't big enough
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Is that blood?

Chickens do generally tend to contain blood
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Sakimori Chicken murder
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Do these zebus make up for it?
Chicken blood stew tastes pretty good, even.
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Have some more zenbus to make up for my earlier typo
Is this just an entire series about Maria and other gears being on a cooking show and Maria trying to do the sensible thing while the other gear just does something absolutely absurd

Because if it is I want more of it
Didn't we ramble about something similar when GX was still airing?
The Ayahi cooking video was posted over here and we went nuts about putting all of the geahs in a cooking show
>the sensible thing
Maria just takes the path of most resistance.

She'd try and mouth off at Gordon Ramsay and say he doesn't know what he's doing just because he's mean. And then get kicked out of his kitchen.
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>implying Maria wouldn't kick him out
Just look at this raging lioness.
Maria is cute. Can I daughteru someone older than me? I kinda want to daughteru Maria. Pat her head and give her hugs and make her lunches and send her off to school to play with the young ones so she can pretend she isn't as old as she is.
>Can I daughteru someone older than me

When they're as pathetic as Maria, yes
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I want to feel her well-roundedness
I absolutely adore the Zesshoushinai art style. It somehow managed to capture everything important while at the same time being hilarious.
To think they'd even manage to catch people who want daughterus! The enemy is fearsome!
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Did we ever find out the cause behind the rush of Tsubasa and Elfnein art for Nana's birthday?
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I thought Carol was the bigger Nana fan.
>managing to quad-amputate the Swordwing
SMASHING ANTHEMS is such a bombastically cool name.
It's just a stuffed doll of Galaxy Cross Tsubasa that will never actually exist and won't have a pair of them with a Maria doll.
It just looks too much like a regular disfigured Tsubasa with her limbs chopped off and her face frankensteined in nasty ways so it looks like a Zesshoshinai chibi face.
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Anon go to sleep, you're delirious
>that sakimori plushie
hngg, I want that now
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>Nana will never wave to you
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But it's like 4pm...
Is there a rip of the live on an open site yet?
Brazil or Greenland?
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Then post lewd instead of posting about dismembered geahs
What about lewds of dismembered geahs?
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What about lewd dismembered geahs?
The first one.
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The fuck is wrong with her nipples?
Chrisfags confirmed literally Brazilian.
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Somebody being inventful with a vacuum cleaner's hose.
What the fuck is happening on that picture?
So, Miku confirmed for dismembering Bikki so she'll forever be her personal always-dependant sex pet?
I mean, more than she already is.
I'm kinda aroused right now.
>The plumpness on those tighs
Chris just can't stop becoming more perfect, can she?
Are you also the one who made that figure of Tsubasa?
No. Who?
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>Bikki on top
Yeah, right.
You are going on a dangerous way, you may be invoking him.
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>you will never have Hibiki wrap her legs around you with her eyes closed and mouth agape
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This one
Hibiki overpowers Miku through raw physical strength. Miku cums the hardest when Hibiki is treating her like a piece of meat.
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>you will never put it in Hibiki's mouth with her practically begging for more
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The only way to surpass perfection is with even more perfection
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Surely there comes a point where reality breaks.
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But that would be a good thing, if reality breaks we might be able to go to the 2D world
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>you will never let Hibiki have the time of her life riding you
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But anon. That's where Noise come from.
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>you will never leave Bikki so satisfied she drools
Yeah, I missed those threads.
I think I had that same monitor once.
>noises are 3D guys trying to reach 2D girls
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>you will never get Hibiki to lick it clean with a smile on her face
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It's worth the risk, do it for her
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Yep. There's some girls mixed in there, too.
You would kill someone if that would mean to be Miku, right?
>the impurity of 3D is what causes the 2D to disintegrate
>Urobuchi writes Symphogear S4
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Poor grapenoise.
Who do you guys think he was before going there?
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That's not the type of person she wants me to be or deserves, anon.
>Her charm point is the second best butt ever
So which is the first?
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Your waifu's butt
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The butt of Hibiki's heart when it loves you.
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Thanks! Makes me glad, because that one is my favorite, too.
A wino.
He was the Grapist.
Why haven't you changed "DMJii have sex" to "Edging Works of Goddess FUTABABA" or something
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And I'm Being Condescending.png
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The most dominate Miku gets in bed is to temp Biki into a sexual rampage and leglocking so Hibiki cums deep inside.

Not that Hibiki would cum anywhere else.
If DMJii fused together into one single Zababa geah, and she had hot steamy futa sex with Zubababan, would that count as a threesome?
Do you mean fused with Potara or Fusion Dance?
Ask the DBZ people they've had that math figured out for a while
Fusion dance, because Kirabe sounds like a better name than Shiriba
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Because there was no edging in it

Also I kinda just forgot

Might just go wiht Goddess Works Futababa though
You sure they wouldn't name themselves Dee M. Jii?
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All dat charm.
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>They move independently of eachother!
>that cameltoe
I want to find it hot but that just looks so uncomfortable.
>looks so uncomfortable
Its not, it's like wearing nothing at all.
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Stupid, sexy Chris!
>not Hibiki "Charm Point" Tachibana
C'mon now, the joke is practically already there.
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We were talking about Chris though
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It's Chris posting time?
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It's always Chrisposting time
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When is it not?
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Someone should go to zoid's house dressed as topdad and say him "sub the zesshoushinai already and I'll punch your mom".
Yukarin pls post more you have good taste
He has already subbed the first one.
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Remember to eat, sleep, watch movies, and hit the gym/backyard training gauntlet so you can be strong for your favorite geah
So what, Zoid WANTS a Topdad in his life?
Fair enough. No, I am not disagreeing, just seeking confirmation
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Who doesn't? Every woman and manchild needs a prideful man to assert dominance over them. As long as they aren't cowards who run away instead of smacking you around.
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>expecting comiket goods to get scanned

I seriously hope you gaijin don't do this.
Some stuff gets scanned, like most anything that goes up online.
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Actually I have no interest in symphogear doujins.
>not recognizing costanzaposting
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hey, I'm a Kirikafag
and way before it became cool
>not the coolest
And you call yourself a Kirikafag
Where's that from and why is Nana looks like she have boobs in that pic.
OVA subs in 5 minutes.
>Do you mean fused with Potara or Fusion Dance?

Glued together at the crotch (which they technically are already)
How many GX 'shinais were there again?
Will be four
why taken down?
No CQC. Going up again in a second.
Almost certain it isn't the case, but does that stand for Close Quarters Combat?
Normally yes, but I'm assuming it means something else in this context. As for what, though? I've got no bloody idea.
Sorry, meant CRC. Too much MGS on the brain I guess.
I wrote that 100% joking of course, but I did giggle just now wondering what combat training is required in order to sub something
>Snake do you remember the basics of CRC
Alright it's here for real this time.

Thank you for yours and whole H&D's work! It's so nice to finally watch it subbed.
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Larry's Imouto's reign of terror has finally come to an end. The subs must flow.
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Is Hibiki the type of person to walk around the house/dorm room with no pants on?
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Thank you!
She'd probably forget to wear pants out of the house if Miku wasn't around to remind her
Are you forgetting who she shares a room with?
Yeah, she needs Miku to help her with her clothes

Classic useless husband.
I doubt Miku would be able to contain herself if that was the case.

I know I wouldn'r
Chris would probably correct her shortly after
The sword hungers
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More like an excuse to get felt up while retaining purity.
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[sunshine intensifies].gif
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Bitch bangs Miku near-daily.
That's exactly why she's so pure.
Yuri love is the purest physical state known to man, it's got like negative lewdness.
But Miku is the one doing the fucking.
Please. Once Elf9 gets her alchemy on, Miku is going to be bloated with bikki baby batter.
haha no.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night, /u/
>true love
>passed out after mutual orgasms

What a beautiful, pure love it is
>that fanart where Chris is getting tittyfucked from the front
>for some reason the artist decided make it look like she has a whole in her chest
For what purpose?
> Gungnir prominently hanging from Hibiki's neck.

Were they getting kinky with that?
They kept their other accessories on too, it's not like it's a chastity belt or something
Do you even fist?
>Just realized that the bushinoise in the title card preceding Kirika's freakout is shaking and tearing up trying not to laugh
God dammit, Kaneko! Stuff like this is why I can't fucking quit you!
If only the relics were fully sentient, Mr. Belt style.
Re-watching the 'shinai, I am reminded of the theory that the S.O.N.G background crew is composed of fagdoms of each geah, constantly at war and it's trying to keep them under control that keeps Genjuro from leaving the bridge.
Seeing as how the prison people gave them good food and all, maybe the U.N people became FISfags?
Hell, they got fancy bento boxes for New Year's even
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I want to hold hands with maria
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I want to hug Maria.
I want to be hugged by Maria.
I want to be Maria'd by hug.
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Is anyone else watching Aoi being best girl as usual?
Yes, I too am watching the show that will inevitably destroy my soul.
I'm an idiot who can't recognize when she's using her "bored" voice so no. Picked up.
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Kirika is the best wonder what they will do with her with season 4.

for some reason none of the new shows have caught my eye
To be honest, I just noticed it was Aoi on the 4th episode
It looked like nothing but suffering porn, which I can't stand. So no.
I don't usually like suffering porn either, because the plot is contrived shit to support it and the drama is bad. The problem is that this series is rock fucking solid, and I can't stop watching.
>suffering porn
You mean anything that has suffering for the sake of suffering? Boku Dake is a whodunit murder mystery that's solidly built, and isn't suffering just for the sake of it.
>they don't know Nana's fans changes light colors according to the song
They change from blue to red when its Scarlet Knight, they change from blue to orange/red when its Eternal Blaze.
Do you even Nanafag?
Besides, they are one hell of a concert audience.
Is it your first time seeing Nana's fans?
They're really amazing. And there are also women in those madmen in there screaming "NANA- CHAAANN" every fucking song finish.
>Is it your first time seeing Nana's fans?
I'm not the anon in >>13813415
Have you guys voted yet?
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I want to cuddle and watch movies with Chris
So if anyone is wondering for some reason it does list this but the Leiur coins are roughly the size of a quarter.

Gee I don't know buddy how could you solve this mystery.
Who knows, we all know that Nana attracts all kinds of beings, maybe Elfnein's VA got charmed by Nana too.
What's the ratio of Nana's female fans to male fans?
It still freaks me out a little seeing fully adult people with careers and shit being born on 1993 or later, then having to go through the obligatory "oh yeah, I'm an adult now too"
I know that feel. Hell, I've been an engineer for three years now (I'm 25) and I still can't think of myself as a proper adult my age.
Could Kanade's hair be described as feathered?
I want to spoon with Hibiki under the blankets on a cold winter morning

aka the thing I do every morning with my daki
Absolutely. Feathery might be a slightly better version, but yeah, that's a good word.
10:5, I guess. But I cannot be sure since I haven't attended a Nana live in Japan, but I know and seen some of her girl fans from overseas.
Why didn't you just reduce that to 2:1, dumbnuts?
Sorry, I just woke up earlier and my brain is not functioning properly.
I know I'm pretty late to the party, but
>Bayonet Charge live
>that synchronization
>Ayahi's voice is not losing to Nana's man-eating voice
>Ayahi is hyping the audience the way Nana does
>Ayahi is not scared of Nana and is just having fun together with her unlike some people who give way to Nana and let themselves be eaten because its Mizuki Nana and they respect her

No, feathered is the actual name for that sort of hairstyle

"Feathery" makes her sound like a goose

Is it possible to be ONLY a Kirikafag? You'd think that being a Kirikafag automatically includes Shirabe in the equation.
>Nana's next live tour confirmed
Jesus, is she going to space now?
Well, she could probably fund a space program with her dosh.

>Nana concert in space on the ISS with a dedicated concert module when
>"Feathery" makes her sound like a goose

She is fairly tall


Dude she's like 5'5"
But how tall is everyone else?
Now I want to hear Nana engrishly sing Space Oddity in the ISS just like that canadian mustache guy.
Are there any other Genudm references in Symphogear? I noticed the Argeitlam's funnel spam attack (I can't tell if it was referencing the DRAGOONs or actual funnels, the animation looks like DRAGOONs to me but Sazabi's funnels do the same thing)
Very short. Maria is the tallest at 5'7" (or slightly under that, if I remember), Tsubasa is like 5'5" (and is three years older than when the Zwei Wing concert happened) and everyone else is 5'2" or shorter.
Someone dust off the Chris collage
Literally 90% of Chris' weapons
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