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Why does this 23 year old guy act like a 14 year old angsty teen?
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Why does this 23 year old guy act like a 14 year old angsty teen?
Why was he in love with a 14 year old girl?
hes a filthy earthnoid. earthnoids can't be mature.
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wouldn't you
Because you thought you will fight evil but actually you are part the family of gundam illuminati
No. Not until she is above 18 and have some big boobs.
She was 16 to be fair.

Still it was fucked up and suprisingly no one ever called him on it.
Because he's horny.
13 is the age of consent in Japan so i'll imagine its the same in UC,
There were some delicious fuckbunnies in Nehl-Aragama though.
I would. Along with Marida as well.

I want a threesome with them.
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>Why does this 23 year old guy act like a 14 year old angsty teen?
It's a social commentary about how most modern men are manchildren


>Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children. Today, most men in their 20s hang out in a novel sort of limbo, a hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance. This "pre-adulthood" has much to recommend it, especially for the college-educated. But it's time to state what has become obvious to legions of frustrated young women: It doesn't bring out the best in men.
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Because Unicorn characters are puppets to the plot drama.

You need to be as shallow, unbalanced and preachy as Unicorn characters to dig any of its bullshit.

Marida a cute raped.
No. I don't like underage royalty. I would like a bit older girl like Lalah or Four.
>Healthy young soldier pilots mobile suit, gets pumped with massive shot of psycoframe, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
Riddhe was such a headache.
Don't forget the copious amount of getting cockblocked by Banana.

Riddhe was incredibly jelly and things only got worse for him due to latent newtype autism.
He can blame this on his misfortune of his birth.
Banagher will just slide right down and die
which lala land do you live in where every adult is mature and acts their age?
Yeah, the guy's stupid as hell, but... 23-year-old, male, in the army? What can you expect but stupid as hell?
Wow really? Is sex tourism big because of that?
Never forget that he murdered best and bestest girl in cold blood and never received his a cuptance for either of them.
Most places have it set to 18 and you need parental consent if below that.
Basically 13 is legal but prefectures have laws that boost it to 18 unless there is parental approval.

So basically you have to be her dad at Virtua Fighter first otherwise your bloodline isn't strong enough
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What is wrong with that?
A child's life is a good life.
>a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children
The average American man in his 20s does have a high school diploma.
Financial independence is gone due to the enormous cost of college loans, the "requirement" that you have such a degree to be employed meaningfully, the lack of a guarantee that such a degree WILL get you employed, and ridiculous housing prices.
It's hard to consider marriage and children when you're tens of thousands in debt and working for just slightly more than someone who's only got a high school diploma.
>boomers castigating the current generation for not being able to buy a house and support a family on the wage they get from the factory job they got by walking down the road on the day of HS graduation like they did back in the day
On behalf of my shitty generation failing to realize the world has changed (and due to our actions, which we refuse to see), I apologize, /m/. your shitty music is your own fault though
It's like in any other reasonable country: put the age of consent where, biologically, you are able to have kids, but leave the rest to each state/province/prefecture (in Japan's case) regarding on what is allowed and what isn't. Mexico's age of consent is 12, for instance. And yet if you're over 18 and fuck someone who is 15 there, you get sent to the shit prisons. Because literally every state has it regulated. It's essentially the same in Japan.
The Vatican's age of consent is 12.
Because they adopted all the laws of Italy at the time of their creation and never bothered to update that one because there's no kids in the Vatican to begin with, no one's married, and no one has sex. Ideally.
No one ever said anime writers were good at what they do, OP.

Don't know how the country would work if Japanese people actually behaved like they are portrayed in on they TV shows.
Hes a kissless virgin that put up a big act of being a super cool popular guy but when around lolis, he loses his spaghetti and becomes a big autistic mess.

Beacuse its from a writer that thinks RAPE means good character backstory.

Well, she is her half sisters clone.

Your right, we NEED WWIII.
Wasn't that point of fight club?
No, that was not the point of Fight Club. The point of Fight Club was that the only thing that can give you self-respect is you, that buying into an ideology that promotes a change in lifestyle as a means of breaking free from society's rules because you think that's what will make you happy will just make you a slave to someone else's rules. If you're weak and spineless on the inside, nothing you change on the outside will help. Give the villain a charming voice, a handsome face and some quotable lines, though, and everyone takes it like he's supposed to be totally right.
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like"Sore demo"?
you must not know many 23 year olds then...
Wait, so, even back in the 1950s we thought having sex at 12 was okay?

What the fuck is wrong with the modern world?
Banagher probably has newtype mental ghost sex with Mineva and Marida.

Thank goodness Into The Wild is a better choice...then again, McKandlis didn't think the whole thing through.
You should go out more if you dont think people still angst and rely on emotion as a determinate of action
The Vatican City as it is now, became independent in 1929 mostly due to Mussolini.
Into The Wild's a better choice if you are absolutely nothing like McCandless. You can totally go out into the woods and survive on nothing but your wits, if you're properly educated in survival techniques and things like what you can and cannot eat (which he wasn't), and if you're willing to accept that there's a much higher chance with this sort of lifestyle that you will die (which he didn't grasp until it was too late). If you don't take advantage of having tens of thousands of years of human knowledge to build on, though, you're going to go through the same trial-and-error process that got a whole lot of early humans killed. You can do it, and some people gain happiness from doing it, but it takes a rare sort of person to do it successfully.

Kind of true. As someone in this stage myself there's this point where most if not all of your 20s you spend as kind of a big kid. You've got a job yeah, but no stable married life with kids like it used to be. Hell sometimes you're still living at your childhood home with your parents, only difference being instead of going off to school your going to work.

People even seem to look younger than they used to in their 20s and 30s now too.

23 year olds aint shit either.

Source: being a 29 year old with perspective.
Fuck off, grandpa.

A question the whole board should be asking about themselves

Why is the author implying that only men do this? I've known plenty of women who do this too, because the kind of social conditions that >>13597992 mentioned that create it are not unique to males.

And really, there's nothing actually wrong with it. A few centuries ago a lot of the world's population would have been educated, married and working by their twenties, if not already starting a family. Social conditions improved and people were able to foster their kids for longer leading to extended childhood and teenagers becoming a more pronounced thing. It's now extending because life expectancy is rising (even if quality of life often isn't) along with wealth and leisure time across the board.

If you go back far enough, people would probably be complaining about how their 10 year olds aren't fucking and raising kids because that's what they were doing in their day. At that point you'd be looking at pre-modern man though, probably Australopithecus or something around that time - where our ancestors were starting to become more human-like.

Basically it's just a natural product of better conditions that people will enjoy longer learning and youth periods.
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