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The Wonderful 101
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Thread replies: 57
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Having a wonderful day are we? Tell me Centinel secret agent, what is your Wonderful Moniker?
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Too bad nobody played this game.

I would if I could afford a Wii U
This a shame, I still hope for a sequel someday.
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Silly OP, this isn't a Gundam thread and no one on /m/ wants to talk about anything other than Gundam.
Wonder Robot
At least Platinum is getting work for the new Star Fox.
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Why is Immorta the best?
>cool design
>dat theme song
>saves the group about four-five times
>unique and useful morph
>is a princess/space cop
>dat spaceship
>has damn fine taste in men
>makes it her mission to stop her brother from causing more damage
>her Unite Big is the most broken goddamn thing ever
Oh yeah, that's why.
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The Reward.gif
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> Using her Unite Big

She just absolutely destroys everything.

It's wonderful.
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A Wonderful 101 thread on /m/?

Hell yes

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If they made a Wonderful 101 Gundam would /m/ like the game then?
The voice acting in this game is still some of the best around.

Who would have thought Jessie from Diagnosis Murder could be such a badass?
Benefit of hiring voice actors instead of the Persona cast.
No because it would make no fucking sense at all.
It's fantastic how it is.
And you can switch between the English and Japanese voice acting in the options to boot.
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Join the team anon.
Black Friday, buy a Wii U bundle with Super Smash and Splatoon for $200.
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One-hundred rangers are taking charge
The line is drawn in the sand
Knuckles crack
In two-hundred very different ways
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But each and every one has got
The same thing to say...
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> Unite Morph!
Because their hearts beat as one
> Unite Hand!
And put the bad guys on the run
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When the job's too ominous
For an average Jill or Joe
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They go anonymous
And watch their powers grow!
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Wonder-Red 4.png
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>Red might be confirmed for Smash tomorrow
Enjoy your Pichu.
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>no one on /m/ wants to talk about anything other than Gundam.
>not a single Gundam Thread on the front page.
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>tfw going along with the ENGAGING UNLIMITED FORM transformations in last couple chapters of the game
Good thing no one else was in the house because I was going HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH and UWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH about as loud as I could.
I wish I had a face for that moment when Vorkkhen and the space pirates go Teioh and he does the poses but then he does a thumbs DOWN and it's like
How do you even make something so great
How do you defeat a giant robot boxing match without taking damage for the bottle cap?

His multy attack combo get me every time, what do I do?
It's been a while since I played w101, and I don't remember at all.
So I'm just going to tell you to git gud.
Learn how to get stars they fuck everything up

Also there's a way to loop the lava robot

if you just mash punches he blocks > pushes your arms away > counters and if you move right you can hit him with one left punch
repeat for the cheesiest win ever
as >>13490559 said get stars and use it after you stun him
also the moment wallga-goojin falls to the lava and the countdown starts, mash A, so you can launch a special beam when you stunt him too
you can make upper jabs too, just like in punch outthere's a chance you stun him so hard that you can juggle him with the punches
W101 had the perfect execution for these type of moments.
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He won't, and it depresses me like nothing else.
I hate to say it, but Bayonetta would get in over him as a Platinum rep. He would need Shovel Knight levels of cred to stand a chance.
i'm expecting a wondermask for miis at best
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>his third eye narrows during the thumbs down
Wonder Red has to be one of the best voiced characters ever. Every line he delivers is perfect.
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His smash could be summoning all of the the currently-not-being-used roster in wonder masks to perform a giant unite hand.
Dying is a terrible thing
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This game gets stupid hard between normal and hard modes, I can't even imagine tackling 101% Hard
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There's no way Wonder Red will get in Smash. The two ost tracks are the best that series is gonna get


Post your favorite song.
>anything other than Interwined
Not really a surprise to be honest desu
That would actually be better

That way you can make wacky custom Wonderfuls like in the game
Welcome to Hideki Kamiya games. They can get so hard that you become a real man.

To be honest, they had to get the elephant in the room out of the way.

Not to mention that trophy, so that puts it above Baten Kaitos, at least.
So the bottle cap for getting all the enemy weapon pickups, I can't seem to get it. I mean I've gotten every droppable weapon in the game.
Chew Dough-Goo
Die Dough-Goo
Gedie Dough-Goo


(Space Beasts)

(Armored Tigers)
Surey Doora
Gurry Doora
Thread replies: 57
Thread images: 30

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