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By the way, what is this "Mono-Eye Gundam"?
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File: srwhotnews_art_mneg1.jpg (538 KB, 1565x1149) Image search: [Google]
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By the way, what is this "Mono-Eye Gundam"?
IIRC, it's either a GBA or DS entry of the G Gen series. Before Wars, you had some semblance of an "original" plot in those games, and Monoeye Gundams is part of that.
Correcting: it was a Wonderswan Color game, which later got in SD G Gen DS as a series.
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Zeta Gundam era video game sidestory (alternate continuity of course). The LRX series were made by the titans. The Terra-Suono is a Psycommu Mobile Suit/Armor WMD, and the Sisqude and Dezperda are its escorts. Dezperda is a Psycommu ace fighter, the Sisqude is not Psycommu but has dangerous boost (technically de-limited) mode that lets it take on and overpower Newtype enemies for a while. Sisqude falls into the hands of the AEUG.
Why do those remind me of Gears? Weltall II in particular
Why are they all Zeeks? Is the Japanese hard-on for Imperial Japan that strong?
Actually, none of them are Zeons by the time of the game. They're all ex-Zeon pilots.
Siegfried (red hair) joined AEUG.
Ein (white hair) was actually a Federation spy in Zeon ranks, and later joined the Titans.
Seleyn (girl) joined the Titans.
The early stages of the game actually have the characters with Zeon during the One Year War. There's a timeskip to Zeta era after Zeon loses and Ein betrays Seig to go back to the Federation (and later Titans) and kidnaps and brainwashes Seleyn.
does anyone have images of the Strike Gundam prototype said to be hidden in this game?
Okawara worked on the game?
2003, Gundam.com was still up, everybody in the irc was playing this. I miss that, trying to find the secret Strike on the lunar panels in a Turn A stage, Zeta or ZZ path, saving Four in the Zeta path, soloing entire maps with Domon in ZZ path
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A mini story that should have been made into a manga or OVA proper.

The 3 units were originally designed to work together.

Selene and Siegfried were pretty close, but she was captured and brainwashed to pilot the Tera S'ono. Ein's Dezpada is slaved to Tera S'ono, and it turns out he can't really pilot for shit; all his skill was mostly due to assistance from Tera S'ono and he jobs once Siegfried disables/destroys Tera S'ono and finishes off Siegfried.
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