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Do you think colonial adventure novels will make a comeback after
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visiting nintendo treehouse.jpg
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Do you think colonial adventure novels will make a comeback after the inevitable disillusionment with multiculturalism?
a new age Kipling?
yeah or rider haggard

but not as a moustache twirling hipster but really honest modern adventure novel, like if corto maltese went to syria etc.
yea, i've seen a progressive retardation of white boys and girls, so i can see pleb shit like that making a come back. got to placate those white retards with some shit.
File: eat-pray-love-movie.jpg (44 KB, 680x474) Image search: [Google]
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It already has, but the main target is now white women seeking spiritual enlightenment with the foreigns.

>white women seeking spiritual enlightenment with the foreigns.

You mean black dicks.
The butthurt is palpable.

I'm not white either, but no need to be so upset about it.
I'd hope, after the inevitable disillusionment with multiculturalism, that white people will stop paying attention to, or caring about,
>dat pic
>when you realise most of the natural resources of the congo were stripped to make nintendo big again
even if you didn't intend this OP, very nice. +1
We might see a resurgent interest in Kipling. We all better read him now while it's hot, before the normies get their grubby little hands on him.
You now, if you updated Kim to the current day, it would sell like hotcakes.
Colonial as in Tintin in Congo and Kipling?
Extremely unlikely. The rise of the right is, I believe, slightly overrated. It's definitely not strong enough to bring back that level of racism.
They still exist, though, but in a different form. Instead of a man traveling to a country, the reader is the one who travels. An example is Kite Runner or Alchemist or new age music (Yanni, Enya...).
We are always fascinated by exotic cultures, whether we see them as inferior (early Tintin), equal (Corto Maltese) or superior (Kite Runner, where we expect to learn from them), and this kind of books isn't going to die out soon.
>Tintin and Kipling are racist
>racism is equated with right
>Enya is an example of anything other than elevator travel
>random condescending comment about works of art viewing other cultures as inferior

You tick all the boxes

It extends to more than just novels.
After multiculturalism dies its long-deserved death, whites will start focusing more on their own nations and heritage and we'll again see a resurgence in real innovation, in the arts and in science.
History will look back on the period of fascination with nigger culture, from hip hop to comparative anthropology, as a regressive aberration.
Thing is, regressive left and cultural marxism is a perfect fit for corporate culture (mid level managers will all be trannies wearing preferred pronoun badges) and the internet business model. So no matter what Sokal did to them, they live on as an endlessly multiplying digital echo and indeed control most of the resonance boxes.

these two posts were posted by a bot. you can tell because they are just a combination of various words picked up from different contexts, reshuffled into a new one in an attempt to mimic actual human speech

>various words picked up from different contexts, reshuffled into a new one

That's all speech, moron.
It isn't our fault you're too stupid to make sense out of anything other than pre-chewed memes.
The absolute madman! I told him, "Go to Africa if you want to study the negroid psyche," and he actually fucking did it!
Oh no, I neglected to engage anon properly by writing several paragraphs about the topic he should already be familiar with in order to both understand and participate in the discussion. But in doing so I think that I (we) helped you better undestand the trials and tribulations natives felt when white men disembarked with all the goodies of civilization like toilet paper and glass beads.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger!
but your post was pre-chewed memes. that was the point

>post is random data
>post is a meme

you're too stupid to post here.
get some quads and then try again
Early Tintin is pretty racist (not necessarily intentionally) and xenophobic. (No, blacks totally worshipped dogs and USSR was a caricaturally shitty country.) Please tell me that Herge's portrayal of blacks and Russians is equal to Hugo Pratt's.

Racists tend to be conservative, yes.

Enya is flavored by celtic music, that's a fact. It's also a fact that plenty of people enjoy this "exoticness". I never said her music was good.
everyone above this post is retarded
>No, blacks totally worshipped dogs and USSR was a caricaturally shitty country.

Both true.

>Please tell me that Herge's portrayal of blacks and Russians is equal to Hugo Pratt's.

Of course it isn't but the tone of Tintin itself is far sillier and offhandish than Corto Maltese. Nothing wrong with stingy caricatures.
Jokes on you, I have 4chan set to upside down mode.
Pynchon is the modern Kipling. V., Mason & Dixon, Against the Day and some elements in other novels. All pure adventure novels.
that makes you retarded (and me I suppose)
There are only two pronouns applicable to the human genders. I'm sorry if you can't settle your mindset with reality without feeling the need to call everyone a faggot.
>being this monolingual
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