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Just marathoned the first three chapters. When will it get good ?
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Just marathoned the first three chapters. When will it get good ?
>shitposting on /lit/

There're greener pastures anon.
He's slightly less irritating in the end. Just power through for the sake of having read it.
>the joke
I strongly believe, that your personal life situation plays a big part in the enjoyment of this book.
the best thing about this book isn't the central plot, but rather how reflecting on Holden and the view you develop of him demonstrates something about your personality
What do you mean?

From the first 3 chapters, he seems to be the typical cliche teenager. He's a phony himself, a lying hypocrite piece of shit.

>hurr durr fuck the society
>the "holden is whiny" meme
>the "characters have to be likeable" meme

Holden IS whiny and an unlikable cunt like most teenagers. That said, I liked the book.
It won't. The book is way too long. Holden keeps making the same bland observations over and over again. Last 5 pages or so something happens, which isn't memorable nor well written, just like the rest.
r/books detected
That's because he's a well written reflection of what ALL teenagers are like. You were like that. I was like that. I'd say compared to most teenagers, Holden actually has a few moments of surprisingly worthwhile insight towards the end. He's scared of growing up like everyone else but also feels like he has to so that he can protect all the people who are just as whiny and naive as he is
Why you lot still get drawn into arguments about Cathcher in the arts? For a reader with even the slightest insight it is obviously brilliant. This isn't a matter of debate, those who don't get it and don't like the book are simply stupid people.
File: SeptemContraPhoebas.jpg (1 MB, 1681x2410) Image search: [Google]
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/lit/'s arguments over Catcher usually surround the more risqué side of it
If you say so.
he actually starts to kind of get his shit together after being fucked over by the pimp
I thought the ending was kind of abrubt but I liked it overall
What a great book title
What is the cover supposed to represent? I guess it's the horse on the carousel that Phoebe rides at the end. Why's it the cover? Did Salinger do this himself?
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