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Lit, I actually want to read a book that I find compelling. Every
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Lit, I actually want to read a book that I find compelling. Every time I pick something up I feel like I've already experienced the deeper emotions, and I get bored with it. I already experienced so much heavy thoughts and shit, I often feel like the people who are talking to me aren't presenting me any new ideas. The only thing that seems new to me anymore sometimes is the constant stream of useless trivial data that gets added to my memory. The only thing that seems to keep me from getting bored is music, art, and challenging philosophical questions. I've thought to myself multiple times, that if you feel bored, you probably just aren't asking yourself enough questions and don't have many interesting thoughts. I try to avoid that, so please help me find a good book.

also, if you support the idea of god and religion, cis white western culture, or are a sexist racist bitch who supports capitalism, please don't respond. I'm being serious, this board is tainted with you idiots.
My diary t b h

What do you read OP?

You could try uh, making a friend, getting a job, or picking up a new sport.

That, or visit r/iamverysmart.
Ez b8
I tried and failed extremely hard
what the fuck's the point of that? I wanna get into science but desu that sounds extremely fucking difficult and I never did well in school. Fucking hell man, if there was a basic income I'd just live off that and not do anything, fuck work. Pointless waste of time.
>new sport
all I do is running. I would do competitive gay ass fucking if I had a boyfriend though.
go read the culture industry and stop posting shit threads
I learned recently about a video-game term that teenagers these days throw around: "overpowered," or "OP" for short. If a character type in a competitive video game is inordinately more powerful than the others, then it is "overpowered"; the game as a result is deemed "unbalanced," and fans will complain on forums that the developers have delivered to them a swift "slap in the face." It's an interesting metaphor. Life, of course, is no game, and it's a truism that it isn't fair. But every once in a while we get a striking reminder of how unevenly Mother Nature distributes her gifts. Take the literary world for instance. By any measure, David Foster Wallace, the author of the acclaimed novel Infinite Jest, was overpowered. If he were a class in a role-playing game, then you wouldn't hear the end of the complaining. When it came to the writing of fiction, Wallace blew his competitors—historical and contemporary both—out of the water. To borrow another term from video gaming, it's fair to say that he "owned" them. When Infinite Jest hit book stores in February 1996, the title's two words were in the mouth of every serious reader in America; every living writer, however, was faced with a different pair of words: "Game Over."
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fkin DOGBOYS, OP. That shit will hit you like a steamy pile of cis white western shit.

The solution to this problem is a difficult one because it involves climbing back out of your own ass and reading something contrary to what you already think.
Uh... like what?
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