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Rate this. It's being able to fill a page with a long composite
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It's being able to fill a page with a long composite sentence a demonstration of writing skill?

I was trying to acomplish that.
Aprende a usar puntos. Practica unos años y luego vuelve. 2/10
Los puntos no indican que la frase termina?
Omnibus militibus, qui ab urbe tam ardenter amata, illo, quo Romulus conditor inclytus imperii omnem mundum regentis septem colles optimos in orbe terrarum creaverat, loco ab imperatore notissimo, ter consul creato, quinque bellis duellatore, patricio nobillimae generis, C. Metello Rufo, X ac XII legionum imperatore ac ceterum ob mortem alterius consulis IV ac VII imperanti, longissime propter bella a barbaris ac Romanis qui contra rem publicam arma tulere incepta ductis, principes, a gentibus peregrinis ad loca summa lati, Gallorum, quae gentes contra Romam bella multa ac varia ac difficilia ac desperata principibus sic adhortantibus gerunt, omnes Druides in oppidis Galliae collocavere et eis dixere eos, crimina magna contra Galliam regigionesque eius creantes, via Druidum propria, hominibus collocandis et in imagines, quae sicut homines videntur, magnas ligneas imponendis et illis imaginibus ardendis, necatum iri, ut divis placeret et di ipsi Gallos fortiores facerent.

I could continue, but I think the point is made. Anyone can make a very long sentence.
File: bossclr.jpg (337 KB, 576x720) Image search: [Google]
337 KB, 576x720
when i was going through my brief Russian literature phase i used to get a kick out of writing the longest possible grammatically correct sentences; if it could be read aloud by anyone other than a bagpipe player without running out of breath, i would toss in a few more semicolons and draw it out further and further, trying not to lose the original impetus, until the people who might read it and were perhaps not graced with the skill to read without moving their lips would turn blue, drop the book and fall to the floor gasping.

it was fun, if not terribly readable.

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