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Hey /lit/, I want to read Don Quixote. Is there a particular
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Hey /lit/,

I want to read Don Quixote. Is there a particular English translation that is better than others? Is there a go-to one that I should look for?
If you know English and it takes you more than two weeks to learn Spanish kill yourself.

Okay cool thanks.

Would you happen to know where I could learn early 17th century Spanish?

I think that the current Grossman translation is actually quite good, desu, and much better than the Jarvis translation that I initially read.

Hm. Killing myself sounds like a pretty good alternative, actually.
I warn you anon, Don Quixote is one of the worst books ever written. I'm not trolling or memeing, it's very boring and stupid and just not entertaining or thought - provoking in any way.
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this. the edith grossman translation is widely considered to be the best so far.

also ignore >>8151467, don quixote is awesome. i found it best not to read too much at a time though.
Other than some specific vocabulary referring to items that are no longer in use, Quixote is perfectly legible for anyone remotely familiar with modern day Spanish. Spanish hasn't changed as much as English has in that timespan.
There are slow parts, especially at the beginning, but its far from the worst book ever written.
aw did your teacher give you a bad score on your don quixote essay in your high school lit course
Shit, I remember picking up this book with that cover when I was in 4th grade. I had no real intentions on reading it but it had like 99 AR points and I didn't know what else to get besides the Judy Blume book I had in my hand already. As I was in the library reading Judy Blume and waiting for everyone else to check out their books, my teacher sat down next to me and told her that was the most boring book she ever read.
told me*

You fell for the bait, congratulations
Casual, I bet you haven't even started with the Greeks.
Have you read any tales of chivalry before? Maybe you should start with medieval works, so you can actually understand the jokes.
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