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Original Memequads OP here
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So, this is my first thread since i posted the memequads almost a week ago.

Since then there have been almost daily threads by other anons about one of the meme books, the memequads themselves or asking what books they were.

I'm glad to see they are catching on, i hope you start accepting them.

Time for some discussion of them? Which ones have you read?
I've read 2666 and The Recognitions and i'm now reading The Tunnel. I haven't been able to get my hands on Women and Men.

P.s. of the original trilogy i haven't read GR yet, i've read Col49 and V. i'm still looking for time to read GR.
The Tunnel is shit. Not Gass' best. Academics don't write masterpieces.

Gaddis great.

Women and Men is shit, even by McElroy's own admission, who says its his worst novel and actively prevents its republication.

2666 is very poorly translated into English. Wimmer doesn't know Spanish. What a shame.
Have you read all four of them? Or are you one of them 'i don't need to read them to know they are shit' type of people?
I've read all except Women and Men, which the author personally told me and every other fan of his, to not fucking read it.
source? (like, really, i'm interested, where the fuck did he say that? Did he say why?)
he's the reason it's so hard to find, you retard

don't force meme trilogies
>he's the reason it's so hard to find

I found it in my library, right next to Cannonball...
McElroy would resent that and ask that you burn it.
I ask you for a source and you respond with "he's the reason that x". Nice job anon.

I'm not forcing anything, i'm pointing out what lives on /lit/.
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>The Tunnel is shit. Not Gass' best. Academics don't write masterpieces.
>Not Gass' best
>Omensetter's Luck better than The Tunnel

>Billy Butter has a lover; without no hands he lies above her, fucking lightly as a plover, first his sister, then her mother. Here's Ben. There ain't no law in the Redeemer's church against a good fuck, is there Furber? Why of course not, Luther, only it's got to be your wife, and beyond five inches it's a sin to enjoy it. By christ you're a good sport, Furb. By christ you are. Pat. Hey boys, ain't Furb a good sport? Squeeze. By christ. You can play at our picnic. Rum a dum. Rum a dum. Rum a dum dum.

>Billy Butter has a lover; without no hands he lies above her, fucking lightly as a plover, first his sister, then her mother. Here's Ben. There ain't no law in the Redeemer's church against a good fuck, is there Furber? Why of course not, Luther, only it's got to be your wife, and beyond five inches it's a sin to enjoy it. By christ you're a good sport, Furb. By christ you are. Pat. Hey boys, ain't Furb a good sport? Squeeze. By christ. You can play at our picnic. Rum a dum. Rum a dum. Rum a dum dum.

>Billy Butter has a lover; without no hands he lies above her, fucking lightly as a plover, first his sister, then her mother. Here's Ben. There ain't no law in the Redeemer's church against a good fuck, is there Furber? Why of course not, Luther, only it's got to be your wife, and beyond five inches it's a sin to enjoy it. By christ you're a good sport, Furb. By christ you are. Pat. Hey boys, ain't Furb a good sport? Squeeze. By christ. You can play at our picnic. Rum a dum. Rum a dum. Rum a dum dum.
I'm wondering at what point did we decide that girth alone took priority over the level of actual memeing going on? For instance I feel like The Lime Twig (and hawkes in general) is more of an emerging meme than 2666 or women and men, and so more deserving of a spot in the fabled memequads. Other than that though, spot on picks OP
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I'm about halfway through The Recognitions. The author is clearly brilliant and some of the prose is stunning, but ultimately it's becoming a chore to read. I'm on another interminable hipster soiree scene. Fuck, how many of these did Gaddis need to illustrate in order to make whatever point he's after. Chrast...

The most interesting character by far is Chaby's father, and so far he's gotten short shrift. I hope he makes more appearances. Also, Esme's Big Group Anal Scene when?
nah Anselm is and esme and recktal brown and the carpenter and Janet and Agnes
I'm about to read the tunnel. just finishing the recognitions. I read 2666 waaay back in the day and I liked it. I wish I could read Spanish though since everyone seems to complain about the translation.

the recognitions is good. DUDE HIPSTERS RETARDED LMAOCORE, pretty much. the world is fucking fake and nothing is genuine anymore. some funny hipster hating goes down. I really wish wyatt stayed longer with his dad. those parts were the funniest. I honestly think J R would be a better fit for this meme quad you are trying to force.
These aren't the original meme quads, this is the improved version.

The original had Underworld and JR instead of Women & Men and 2666
stop trying to force this.. it's not gonna stick
>Academics don't write masterpieces.
>Joyce never wrote a masterpiece
>Beckett never wrote a masterpiece
>Faulkner never wrote a masterpiece
>Mann never wrote a masterpiece
>Broch never wrote a masterpiece
>Sterne never wrote a masterpiece
I would like you to rethink that statement.
How's 2666 if my spanish is lousy? Like I couldn't do 2 chapters of Don Quijote lousy
I wouldn't count Joyce as an academic, he mainly just taught English to non speakers, and a good chunk of that was private tutoring.
>i wouldn't count Joyce as an academic.

What now?
Nah, that was a faux anon, asking if those were any good as a new trilogy. That anon himself said these were probably better for /lit/ in the original memequads thread.

But /lit/ is making them stick themselves, there are threads popping up about all of the meme's everyday and i swear i'm not the one doing it.

I felt like The Recognitions made a sort of weird, switch in style in second half, sometimes it made me miss the first half. But all in all, still loved the second half, i get your feels tho.
His most significant time in the thick of academia was his time as an undergrad. He spent the rest of his life pursuing his art and kept himself on the fringe of the academic world.
literally they all were undergrads and nothing more
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>le The Recognitions is only about BTFO'ing pseuds meme
Yeah, you either didn't read it, or suck at reading. Go back to Plebfinite Jest.
It's harder than Don Quijote, so..
so then what's it about wiseguy. I'm almost done it. tell me what it's about. it's just about how fake everyone and everything is.
Jesus Christ how do you faggots force yourself through this drivel?

Do you really let 4chan memes affect your life and tastes this much? Fucking pathetic.
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