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Has any one read this? Is it worth it? Thanks in advance.
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Has any one read this? Is it worth it?

Thanks in advance.
Do you like fantasy? Then yes. Its a fantasy book - its a very good fantasy book. It adheres closely to traditional fantasy pillars, for better or worse. The prose is not that good, the fantasy stuff is great. It's super comfy. This is about all I can do for you. I liked it, I don't read a lot of fantasy. Take that for what you will.
Thanks anon. I want to delve into his works, but I can't find this particular book translated into my mother tongue.

Are there any other works of his you've read?
Like Mistborn for example?
Many of his books are set in the same universe, but not planet. They overlap in some ways and have a few reoccurring characters.

He is by far my favorite author due to his extensive world building. If you read one series and enjoy it, I can say you will enjoy all of the Cosmere novels and novellas.

I recommend starting with Mistborn 1-3 and then going to the Stormlight Archive. Mistborn is a good introduction to his writing style and magic explanations.
If you enjoy fantasy for the sake of fantasy then go knock yourself out; if you demand certain standards from your fiction however, this is a very bad thing to buy; the prose is simplistic but not in an elegant way, the characters bland, the worldbuilding counter-intuitive. I suggest something like The Blade Itself, if you're interested in multiple perspective modern fantasy writing
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Mt. Sanderson.jpg
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>Reading anything by this man
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>why is he published when my greek/dfw/pinecone knockoff wasn't picked up
Please pour some more salt?
I'm an editor :^)
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>why is my fellow editor helping this man rake in millions, and groom a protege who is also raking in millions
>why are any of the books I edit sell
>why am I so salty over another editor's success
The writing is terrible and unoriginal. The "world building" and "magic systems" are nothing more than nonsensical hamfisted info dumps. It's bloated, there's no substance. It's fine if you are in your teens, but adults should be looking into better fantasy. Fantasy is already barely worth the effort to read, this guy being successful just overshadows better writers.

I loved the two books that are currently out. I've read Mistborn too, and liked it well enough except the ending.

I can't wait for the next book in the series. As a previous poster said, it's "comfy" - a surprisingly good word to describe the series so far.
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Avoid All Of These Authors.png
2 MB, 948x1244
And what, Mr. Patrician™ is better?
Lord of the rings? Maybe gormenghast? A little bit of Little Big? Maybe some Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell?

Not everyone is a proseophile, we don't all get off on beautiful word play. Some of us like the idea more than the action, when it comes to fantasy.

Pic related, what you probably like.
quit projecting, and stop being so defensive. If you like shit then by all means eats hit.
Anon... for some reason I wanna fuck you.
He really loves compound words
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