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File: old-man-and-the-sea-review[1].jpg (100 KB, 831x1218) Image search: [Google]
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What am I in for?
It's practically a brochure just fucking read it
an old man and the sea
bone spurs
Some (hopefully) very relatable themes of perserversance and other similar manly stuff. Nu male, city dwelling, white collar working fags won't be able to grasp in slightly
rhythmic urination
top lel
go to bed nobokov
A guy gets very disappointed.
The only book I've ever read in one sitting. It's about a 2.5 hour read on average, so it's basically just like watching a long-ish movie, just read it.
A beautiful book
anybody have a mega of classic books?

I need some new stuff to read while I'm at the hospital
Why you at the hospital anon?
came here to say this xD

Sucks but it gives me tons of time to read but it's hard to change books out all the time, physical copies that is.
Damn anon, that sucks. I'm trying to get my health on track before I get sick (I'm overweight). I hope you're okay. You'll be in my prayers. Maybe something fun like Redwall or The Sword In the Stone will cheer you up. If you want something a little more intellectual but with the same lighthearted feel to it, you might like On the Road. I've been meaning to read The Old Man and the Sea for ages. I have it in a really nice edition. Cheers anon.
Good luck with your health. I've had pancreatitis since 1993 so I've been sick for a long time and I guess you never actually get used to the pain, just ways to occupy your mind.

I wouldn't say I'm looking for anything in particular but I'll check out your suggestions. Sometimes lighthearted is nice but I'm really open to anything.

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