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Is this an example of a kafkaesque movie?
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Is this an example of a kafkaesque movie?
mullholland dr
I wonder if the Big Bang Theory guys ever look over at the careers of the IT Crowd guys and feel jelly
>literally a Dostoyevsky adaptation
...but yeah, it's actually pretty Kafkaesque tbf.
IIRC the first, scene-setting half of this was a lot better than the second when the plot kicked in. Still well worth watching though.
alri jordy
>$1 mill+ per episode for each of the main cast
They're fine
More like dostoievskaeske friendo.
But they've all been around for a while, and they also have the spectre of Friends to look at.

I mean there you are on your 9th season making 1M per episode, and then you hear Matt LeBlanc is working with Chris Evans. No not that Chris Evans. That is the orange future before you.
I bet you haven't even read this short story which is more "kafkaesque" than some of Kafka's
Yes you've read the story too, well done

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>when Golyadkin's double orders 10 pies
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