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Anyone here ever read Gerty Stein? I'm thinking of getting
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Anyone here ever read Gerty Stein? I'm thinking of getting into her work, but I don't where to start.

I've heard her output can be divided pretty cleanly into beginning-middle-late periods, and that her difficulty increases as she became more esoteric and avant garde.
I want to read to too but I can never not think of Hemingway's anecdote about her.

her too**
What anecdote?

Which was?

I can't find it right now so I can't link it. It was something about Hemingway waiting to see her at her house and he was in her waiting room and vaguely heard Gertrude in another room pleading with her dyke lover like a massive sub and he was skeezed out and left. I wish I could find it.
Okay, but what about her works? Are her early stuff worth bothering with first, or should I drive into her middle, modernist period?
Just shut up and grab something at random. If you dont like, grab from a different period
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