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Oh boy, I sure am enjoying the Charles Dickens novel I'm
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Oh boy, I sure am enjoying the Charles Dickens novel I'm reading. I'm definitely not reading it just because I'd be seen as a pleb if I haven't read it. No way, just huge amount of enjoyment!
Dicken's inst patrician. Dude wrote fluffy serial novels for housewives to read in easily digestible installments.
Just read his Nell Trent book. It's not normie. It's literally otaku moe shit.
Did you know that Kafka envied Dickens for his ability to write an engaging story?

"I have been reading about Dickens. Is it so difficult and can an outsider understand that you experience a story within yourself from its beginning, from the distant point up to the approaching locomotives of steel, coal, and steam, and you don’t abandon it even now, but want to be pursued by it and have time for it, therefore are pursued by it and of your own volition run before it wherever it may thrust and wherever you may lure it.
I can’t understand it and can’t believe it. I live only here and there in a small word in whose vowel (‘thrust’ above, for instance) I lose my useless head for a moment. The first and last letters are the beginning and end of my fishlike emotion."
I've recently been reading Dickens for fun

but it's easier to enjoy if you happen to be a Christian and English. I doubt whether all our atheistical Yanks like him much.
Dickens is shite, m8. And this is coming from a proper English bloke init. You what? Basically what this fella said 'ere >>7868961

I (OP) am a UKer but I'm not Christian.

I think his writing is quite good and he can have a humorous turn of phrase with his narrator voice. I just don't really care about reading pages 101 to 650 of the adventures of Nicholas Nickleby in a clichéd, Dickensian narrative.
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Can we stop with the frog pls
jokes on u frog ass faggot, dickens is fucking plebby junk and u look like a pleb for reading it, he's a 19th century sjw but without the balls to go commie, and his brow is middle at best
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>Dickens is shite

>fluffy serial novels

>dickens is fucking plebby junk

Wow, /lit/ is sure full of 16 year old plebs..

I suppose we can add Bleak House to Lear in the works of English Language that are actually total shit!
>clichéd, Dickensian narrative.
oi fook off m8
>I (OP) am a UKer but I'm not Christian.
>not christian

then ur an israeli or an islamic stater, not a uker, fuck off
Piss off Nige, darl
> I'm not Christian.

Oh god, that's totally in character for Usagi.
A Tale of Two Cities is an ok, entertaining book. The only book worth reading from him IMO.
Dickens is fuckin pleb as hell are you kidding. He wrote serialized realist pulp.
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If I read Dickens I'd keep it a secret to be honest.
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I will never give Pepe to the normies.
dumb frogposters pls go stay go thx
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