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Anybody know of any good historical books about Unit 731 in China
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Anybody know of any good historical books about Unit 731 in China during World War Two?
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miya-san is based
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Please keep the Miyazaki pessimism going.
lol I never knew he was like this. What video(s) are these pictures from?
Kingdom of Dreams and Madness

Then there's a documentary about the making of Princess Mononoke but I've never found it available for download anywhere, there's only a bad quality version on dailymotion.

I need to go so I can't post more right now.

Anyway, his philosophy for making movies can be summarized thus: "I feel the world is destroying itself and there's nothing we can do, but I make movies for the young, and I can't tell them that there's no hope."
Much appreciated.
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Keep it coming
He's like a film noir protagonist.
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This is hilarious, I thought he was a really positive guy and that the 'anime was a mistake' etc. pictures were edited. This is great now I actually want to watch his shit
Here's the Mononoke doc. I might screencap best quotes from it when I've got the time

I don't know this old man but he seems like a top lad.

I'm pretty sure it's on netflix US
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bumping for more Miyazaki
more bitter old man pics pls
No it's a different documentary he can't find
Holy shit that's amazing. Dude's a black hole of crushing clear-eyed truth.
So the dad of anime is secretly the Japanese Cioran?
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This man is savage.
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the entire thing

pure gold

What an odd guy
Miyazaki is an edgelord, that's the one thing I never expected
Keep em coming!
The Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace might have what you're looking for
You mean Gravities rainbow?
Did you ironically confuse the two
He doesn't even come off like an edgelord to me, for some reason. He's just really matter-of-fact.
>He doesn't even come off like an edgelord to me, for some reason. He's just really matter-of-fact.
This, if anyone else was saying it I would be dismissive but for whatever reason i'm not with him.
Start with the greeks
Came here for more Miyazaki sayings and I was not let down.
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What happened to this man to make him this way?
Well WWII was bound to have that effect on some people.
>be a kid during WW2
>witness the starvation and desolation
>witness the atomic bombs
>experience the post-war destruction of traditional japanese values
>see the destruction of said values lead to massive economic growth, ravaging the nature you've always loved
>start making animated movies to give voice to the turmoil in your heart
>see the art you're passionate about be polluted with hentai, futa, and god knows what else
>see that the next generation nor the one after don't give a shit about nature either, or traditional values, nor have they learned the lesson of WW2
>see the world tumbling towards ecological suicide and WW3
>you have no mouth with which to scream, only animated movies
Oh yeah, I forgot that happened. Man, we really fucked Japan, huh?
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"Traditional values" is a fucking spook, values have changed thousands of times in every single society/civilization. Let me guess, you're from /r9k/ or /pol/?
stop kneejerking m8, it's Miyazaki who likes the traditional japanese values, my opinion on them is not relevant and not discernible from my post either
>values have changed thousands of times in every single society/civilization.

Not that guy, but how does this make "traditional values," a spook? He's just saying Miyazaki believes Japan had better values pre-WWII.

Also, calm down.

I found this article a while ago. There is a part about Evangelion and how its popularity relates to the post-WWII nation. It describes Japan as "a nation of permanent children."
You guys might find it interesting.

Didn't his WW2 film basically end with the two Japanese engineers 'the whole world is going to hate Japan for what it did, but that's what happens when you lose a war'?
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thanks, reading it right now
I'd read a story with miyazaki meeting an optimistic young woman and her autistic brother and walking with them around tokyo for a night
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less than 6 months later, an enormous earthquake caused a tsunami which hit Japan, killing 15 thousand people and doing 230 billion dollars in damages

Japan was an exceedingly noble culture prior to the surrender in WW2

Now they make cartoons about little girls with penises
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Thank you based Japanese man
a spook that which is best obeyed

lemme guess you support Bernie/Clinton
You sound spooked
Lemme guess you vote
He probably smiled a little that day
How'd he even get into animating? I can't imagine him as a child, filled with any kind of hope.
>how dare he challenge my ideology!
>he must be from <opposing ideology>!

Someone call the ghostbusters

I, too, dream of an Earth reclaimed by Gaia.

Only a little, Anon-chan. Only a little.

>work 50% of your life for other people animating and the chances of going out and making your own studio or big production are slim to none

the worst part is they're making somebody elses dreams come true slaving away for it while being technically talented but maybe not creative, i saw this and they have a massive studio, feel bad for them all. atleast if you're working at a monetary focused job you know what you're there for.
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that last line
btw once you know this side of him, you'll appreciate his movies a lot better

the first time I saw them, I thought they were refreshing and had an unique take on lots of things, but didn't think much past that

after getting into his personality and worldviews, I rewatched them and they open up in a very different way. he really pours his soul into his movies, and the effect is pretty poignant.

also people say spirited away is his best work but princess mononoke is the movie where he put in the most blood, sweat and tears. it lot of ways the movie is him, laid bare
>they have a massive studio

not really, disney and dreamworks have, without exaggerration, like 4-5 times the animators/artists they have
Barenblatt, Daniel. A Plague Upon Humanity: The Secret Genocide of Axis Japan's Germ Warfare Operation, HarperCollins, 2004. ISBN 0-06-018625-9.
Barnaby, Wendy. The Plague Makers: The Secret World of Biological Warfare, Frog Ltd, 1999. ISBN 1-883319-85-4, ISBN 0-7567-5698-7, ISBN 0-8264-1258-0, ISBN 0-8264-1415-X.
Cook, Haruko Taya; Cook, Theodore F., Japan at war: an oral history, New York: New Press: Distributed by Norton, 1992. ISBN 1-56584-014-3. Cf. Part 2, Chapter 6 on Unit 731 and Tamura Yoshio.
Endicott, Stephen and Hagerman, Edward. The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea, Indiana University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-253-33472-1.
Gold, Hal. Unit 731 Testimony, Charles E Tuttle Co., 1996. ISBN 4-900737-39-9.
Grunden, Walter E., Secret Weapons & World War II: Japan in the Shadow of Big Science, University Press of Kansas, 2005. ISBN 0-7006-1383-8.
Handelman, Stephen and Alibek, Ken. Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World—Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran It, Random House, 1999. ISBN 0-375-50231-9, ISBN 0-385-33496-6.
Harris, Robert and Paxman, Jeremy. A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Random House, 2002. ISBN 0-8129-6653-8.
Harris, Sheldon H. Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare 1932–45 and the American Cover-Up, Routledge, 1994. ISBN 0-415-09105-5, ISBN 0-415-93214-9.
Lupis, Marco. Orrori e misteri dell'Unità 731: la "fabbrica" dei batteri killer, La Repubblica, 14 aprile 2003, on line too.
Mangold, Tom; Goldberg, Jeff, Plague wars: a true story of biological warfare, Macmillan, 2000. Cf. Chapter 3, Unit 731.
Moreno, Jonathan D. Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans, Routledge, 2001. ISBN 0-415-92835-4.
Nie, Jing Bao, et al. Japan's Wartime Medical Atrocities: Comparative Inquiries in Science, History, and Ethics (2011) excerpt and text search
Williams, Peter. Unit 731: Japan's Secret Biological Warfare in World War II, Free Press, 1989. ISBN 0-02-935301-7.
>brazil is a big country
>well actually Russia is like 4 times bigger
pls bump this so I can add more images to it when I've got the time

the world deserves miya-san's sayings
Japanese Max Payne
See if you can find this somewhere, it's a short documentary on Unit 731 through two differing, historically revised perspectives

Great fucking thread, thanks miyazaki-poster. I really want to meet him, and just have a nice conversation with him. I haven't seen all his movies but I knew there was something to him, a quality an artist has.
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...and back to the thread.
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this thread brings me joy.
if anyone with access to cool private trackers and such could check and see if they can find the making of princess mononoke-documentary, I'd be eternally grateful. the one on dailymotion is bad quality and missing a lot of content. I've tried everything in my disposal and haven't found it
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