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Hey, /lit/ I'm trying to get a new take on how to portray
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Hey, /lit/

I'm trying to get a new take on how to portray insanity in my work. What sort of literature can I read to see how others have done it?

I do not mean the sort of insanity that involves mental hospitals or is supported by the setting. Perhaps more subtle in ways?
insanity is a very broad term. most people who deviate from normative patterns of thinking, behavior and/or speech are often considered insane.
writing about insanity without having the personal experience will usually mean that your writing will be marred by stereotypes (as so many works are dealing with people suffering from psychotic breaks).
still, if you want literature on the subject, read:
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness by Daniel Paul Schreber & Knots by R.D. Laing
I want to use a second person perspective. So you are experiencing the behavior of other characters in order to further characterize them. You're right it is a very broad term but I am trying to be as vague as possible in an effort to get as many possible "hits" as I can. Thank you for the titles.
various manifestations of "insanity" are at their core caused by subject/environment interaction so the setting, or rather in your case the non-setting is the backdrop
walking the line: redefining sanity :^)
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