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What, in your humble opinion, is the most underrated of Shakespeare's
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What, in your humble opinion, is the most underrated of Shakespeare's plays?
Antony and Cleopatra
Either Othello or Richard III
>one of the most celebrated characters in the Shakespearean oeuvre
>up there with the likes of Hamlet and Falsaff

Richard III honestly

Margaret's curses, Clarence's dream, Richard's fake-ass Elliot Rodger complex... idr what else but i recall being extremely pleasantly surprised by the play overall
File: hamletBW.jpg (284 KB, 1052x1200) Image search: [Google]
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Honestly Hamlet is the only one that I truly, genuinely like a lot. I get that excited feeling reading it that I used to get reading Doctor Strange comics under my blankets at night. I self identify with Hamlet as a man so deeply, and through him I feel intimately connected with a distant past in a way that few other stories can match in terms of immersion and emotion.

He has other works that are certainly well made, but none of them reach this higher level of enjoyment for me
Richard III is great, I've found Margaret's "how to curse" has been pivotal in my understanding of characters like Hamlet and Iago.


My man

Better than Hamlet imo
Came here to post this.

give me any reason besides your supreme edginess
It's a 7 act play about an androgynous breast that separated from its Roman patrician host in order to make it big on Broadway

What's not to love?
In my humble opinion it is the most underrated because most people I speak to about Shakespeare don't know it exists.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Titus Andronicus was the most popular play during Shakespeare's own time.

Where are you from? Maybe it's playing somewhere?
I love Troilus and Cressida
I would say "Much Ado About Nothing" but I'm so far removed from the world of critics I don't know if it's underrated or not - I just never see it talked about very much.
Anon, you are a shining star.

I thought once that Hayden Christensen would make a great Troilus.
Much Ado About Nothing
Richard II
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