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So, today my prof said "There's nothing in Aristotle
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So, today my prof said "There's nothing in Aristotle that wasn't first in Plato."

Is she right?
something something socrates dick
That sounds like a soundbite she heard and repeated without having read much of either.

What does she study?

And is she a real professor or a TA?
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People love that meme. "all philosophy is footnotes to plato".
Xev can certainly get me hard. Pretty good ass, nice tits. I like when she begs for it.

It's not completely right, but it's not wrong either.

Aristotle categories where influenced heavily by Plato's theory of forms, even though they were conflicting theories.
>xev bellringer
It was a passing remark and I didn't pursue it because I don't like distracting the class.

Should I visit her in office hours?
is that Infinite Jest in the middle?
Xev is such fucking trash, holy shit that dumb face of hers.
Absolute MADMAN
What do you prefer anon?
What do you mean? As in other pornstars in general?
Xev always gives me the horn
>being right
that girl is fine, my negro compatriot
I get a batch of rowdy young men like you in my art class every semester, but I will not give up! If you don’t find the still life inspiring, there is always another way to get a boy’s creative juices flowing…. Luckily for us, I know exactly what it’ll take to hold your attention.

A naked woman’s body. Shh you don’t need to speak, just pick up your pencil and draw what you see. I want your eyes on me, exploring me. Don’t be afraid to look at my vagina… my nipples. Drag your pencil across the paper with the motion that follows my natural, soft curves.

You’re breathing pretty hard, I’m glad you’re getting into this! Let me see your progress, don’t be shy. Where are the drawings from the other two poses I did? I saw your hand moving quite fast, you were drawing, weren’t you?

You were… masturbating behind your drawing board?! I can’t believe you had the nerve to take advantage of your naked teacher. Take it out. It’s only fair… In fact, take off all of your clothes. It’s about time we moved onto a more advanced lesson, young man.

Touch me. Put your hand between my legs, feel the warmth… the wetness. You know, a true artist will use all of his senses to understand his subject. Ohhh, yes rub my pussy. I heard you want to fuck me, at least that’s what you tell your friends. Are you all talk and no action? Show me then, if you’re a real man.

>what did she mean by this?
No, because Aristotle takes an opposing position on the problem of universals. Also, Aristotle has a more developed and more precise terminology, and teaches in a direct manner in a treatise rather than indirectly through dialogue. I suppose a lot of what is in Aristotle is in Plato in nascent form, but Aristotle developed it more, e.g. there's a part in the Phaedo where Socrates accuses materialists of having a confused notion of causation, and Aristotle's "four causes" perfectly clarifies this passage whereas Plato leaves it in a state of confusion. Also, it's not just any particular doctrine but their whole philosophical approach that is different. Aristotle believes that the senses are a source of knowledge, and that we arrive at universal knowledge by abstracting universals from our senses. Plato believes that the senses are largely a source of illusion, and that one must transcend the sensual world to see the intellectual world of which the sensual world is only a shadow. In other words, for Plato ideas are actual objects of our contemplation, whereas for Aristotle ideas are a medium by which we contemplate individual things in the world. Plato has more in common with Eastern mysticism. He speculates on the immortality of the soul and the afterlife. Aristotle considers to have found proof that the soul is immortal but he does not speculate on the afterlife.
Plato is more immediately close to Christianity because he puts search for the transcendent Good and the liberation of the soul from ignorance as his foremost aim. However, Aristotle's doctrine arguably ends up being more assimilable to Christianity because of his theory on the intellect and the senses. For Plato, the soul pre-existed the body and the souls existence in the body is essentially an imprisonment; the goal is for the soul to be liberated from the body and to return to the purely spiritual world from which it came by remembering the Ideas or Forms it once knew when it was still in that spiritual world. For Aristotle, the soul's place in the body is natural and good, and the soul essentially belongs to the body - man is the union of body and soul, not a soul that happens to be controlling a certain body. Aristotle's is closer to Christianity, because Christians believe that God made man in the body in the very beginning, and that at the end of time all men will be resurrected in their flesh - so that man's bodily nature is a good thing. The greatest affirmation of this is the Incarnation of the Word, Christ. For Plato, this would be incomprehensible, because the idea of the Word abasing itself by being associated with matter is utterly repulsive to him. Essentially, Plato implicitly denies the goodness of the created / material world, and does not identify the creater/move of the material world (the Demiurge) with the same transcendent Good, whereas Christians believe they are the same.
>man face
>saggy tits propped up by tight dress
here's a famous 20th century Catholic philosopher's brief panegyric on Aristotle and comparison with Plato
> there's a part in the Phaedo where Socrates accuses materialists of having a confused notion of causation, and Aristotle's "four causes" perfectly clarifies this passage whereas Plato leaves it in a state of confusion.

Here's the passage, it takes place in the room that Socrates dies in after being condemned to die by drinking poison.

>Then I will tell you, said Socrates. When I was young, Cebes, I had a prodigious desire to know that department of philosophy which is called the investigation of nature; to know the causes of things . . .


>Then I heard some one reading, as he said, from a book of Anaxagoras, that mind was the disposer and cause of all, and I was delighted at this notion, which appeared quite admirable . . .


>What expectations I had formed, and how grievously was I disappointed! As I proceeded, I found my philosopher altogether forsaking mind or any other principle of order, but having recourse to air, and ether, and water, and other eccentricities. I might compare him to a person who began by maintaining generally that mind is the cause of the actions of Socrates, but who, when he endeavoured to explain the causes of my several actions in detail, went on to show that I sit here because my body is made up of bones and muscles; and the bones, as he would say, are hard and have joints which divide them, and the muscles are elastic, and they cover the bones, which have also a covering or environment of flesh and skin which contains them; and as the bones are lifted at their joints by the contraction or relaxation of the muscles, I am able to bend my limbs, and this is why I am sitting here in a curved posture—that is what he would say, and he would have a similar explanation of my talking to you, which he would attribute to sound, and air, and hearing, and he would assign ten thousand other causes of the same sort, forgetting to mention the true cause, which is, that the Athenians have thought fit to condemn me, and accordingly I have thought it better and more right to remain here and undergo my sentence; for I am inclined to think that these muscles and bones of mine would have gone off long ago to Megara or Boeotia—by the dog they would, if they had been moved only by their own idea of what was best, and if I had not chosen the better and nobler part, instead of playing truant and running away, of enduring any punishment which the state inflicts. There is surely a strange confusion of causes and conditions in all this.

This is perfectly clarified by Aristotle's distinguishing between the four causes: formal cause, material cause, efficient cause, final cause. The materialists confuse the material cause (Socrates the individual man who is condemned) with the efficient cause (Socrates' being condemned by the Athenians), the formal cause (Socrates' condemnation itself), and the final cause (Socrates choosing to be condemned rather than defend himself in trial). Th
forgot link

No, that is at best an embarrassing simplification, and at worst a gross mistake. I don't know how this person is allowed to teach philosophy (assuming she's not actually some history teacher trying to be clever).
Aristotle's and Plato's divergent method of teaching actually reflects their divergent epistemologies, i.e. their view on how we acquire knowledge. For Aristotle, the mind is a blank slate which acquires knowledge by experience, by abstracting universals from sense data. For Plato, the mind, which has pre-existed the body probably by thousands of years, already has ideas, and its task is to remember or awaken to them. Therefore, Aristotle teaches in a very direct manner assuming that our intellects will abstract what is said in them like they abstract from the sensual world, whereas Plato's dialogues are not about teaching any particular doctrine, but are a kind of method or ritual to get the soul to begin questioning and examining itself so that it can begin to search for the Ideas which reside within it.
One of the effects of Plato dialogue method, though, is that the mind can become so aware of its own thinking and so abstracted from the senses that it can come to a vivid awareness of its suprasensous nature, or its separability from matter / the senses. This can happen by any form of acute intellectual activity, it's just that Plato's dialogues are specially designed to bring this activity about. It's like a form of meditation on the mind itself. Experiencing this awareness of your mind, it is hard to ever again be a materialist, and it is much easier to believe that the soul can survive the body and is perhaps immmortal.
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Aristotle's work isn't a treatise, and wasn't really a written work for an audience,

>that we arrive at universal knowledge by abstracting universals from our senses. Plato believes that the senses are largely a source of illusion, and that one must transcend the sensual world to see the intellectual world of which the sensual world is only a shadow
They mostly differ in the relation of the material to the intellectual world, but Aristotle's conception of forms isn't far off, especially when he talks about the soul and its ability to cognise.

>Plato has more in common with Eastern mysticism
Some common ground is reached, but come on my dude.

>Aristotle considers to have found proof that the soul is immortal
Whether he considers the soul to be immortal or not is up for debate

I also don't see how Aristotle is particularly closer to Christianity given only your examples. How can you rank those comparisons in any meaningful way?

Finally, of course Aristotle doesn't agree with everything Plato has said, but most of it comes from Plato in some way, whether by refutation or by building upon existing works (like in the ethics and politics)
>They mostly differ in the relation of the material to the intellectual world, but Aristotle's conception of forms isn't far off, especially when he talks about the soul and its ability to cognise.

Well, they are probably closer to each other than either of them are to modern philosophy. They both agree that the intellect transcends the senses in some form or other, whereas modern philosophy depreciates the intellect and puts it on the level of sense.

>Some common ground is reached, but come on my dude.

It's more than that. Some have speculated that Plato was directly initiated into Eastern form of mysticism. There were mystery cults around in Greece at the time, and Pythagoras, who we know was directly initiated into Eastern forms of speculation, still had influence. Plato is not that far off Eastern pantheism with the idea that our souls originally belonged to something transcendent and must return to it by being liberated from the body / material world.

>I also don't see how Aristotle is particularly closer to Christianity given only your examples.

It's closer in the sense that it is more amenable. It is difficult to reconcile Plato's disdain for the body with the idea that God is the creator of the material world and put man in the body originally, AND Himself became Incarnate. If our soul's place in the body is a fall or a punishment, then the Christian doctrine of creation and resurrection makes no sense at all. Plato is more amenable to spiritual pantheism or gnosticism.
Though St. Augustine puts Plato's World of Ideas in the Divine Mind, which is some kind of reconciliation.

>Finally, of course Aristotle doesn't agree with everything Plato has said, but most of it comes from Plato in some way, whether by refutation or by building upon existing works (like in the ethics and politics)

Yes, I think I said this, more or less.
>Finally, of course Aristotle doesn't agree with everything Plato has said, but most of it comes from Plato in some way, whether by refutation or by building upon existing works (like in the ethics and politics)

>Yes, I think I said this, more or less.

Although I think that Aristotle's refutation of Plato kind of comes from his having a really different bent of mind. Plato is kind of like the mystic who has secret knowledge that cannot be directly taught. Aristotle is more just a man of common sense. It really comes down to Plato being primarily the contemplator of his own mind, whereas Aristotle primarily contemplated the world. This is what I mean by them having different bents or turns of mind.
She's dumb as fuck.

Plato was basically a guy tripping on mushrooms, lost in his own mind.

Aristotle single handily created a dozen branches of science.

Aristotle built on some of Plato's ideas, he was a student of his after all, but that kind of garbage is just dumb as shit. Funny SJWs tend to hate Aristotle, usually without having actually read him themselves. Bitches be jealous.
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>Plato was basically a guy tripping on mushrooms, lost in his own mind.

Looks like someone's still stuck in the cave.

Explain? That's what I got from it.

I guess it's worth mentioning I don't say that as an insult.
In a way yes, in the sense that Aristotle's thought relies on Plato's, even when he develops a different view, but on the other hand no, because it might be interpreted that their thought is compatible and that the transition from one to the other is somehow continous. I always like to think of Aristotle as the Greek philosopher of his time, while Plato is stranger, this has already been noted by Nietzche.
this is a great little summary senpai
kill yourself, my man
What do you think of Gadamer?
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>There is nothing in The Godfather Part II that wasn't first in The Godfather Part I

There is so much in Aristostle that is original. If there ever was some Extra Terrestial civilization out there that took pity on us humans for not being able to bring our thoughts into fruition, they would sent Aristotle to help us on our way.

Plato and Aristotle absolutely different.
>>what did she mean by this?
possibly muh dik?
Why do you ask? It is obvious.
I got hard
Fuck no. Aristotle championned an ethicism, plato didn't even have a fart off.
Not my fault you're attracted to ugly man face there.
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These posts are wrong or completely off the mark.


This guy is right.

People in here need to read the dialogue Parmenides and more specifically the part about the problem of universals. Aristotle took his categories straight out of there, there is absolutely no doubt about this.

The main difference in their metaphysics lies in the emphasis Plato put on the ideal state of the forms, whereas Aristotle emphasized a correspondence of universals with the natural world.
>People love that meme. "all philosophy is footnotes to plato".
There was a good deal of truth in that when he said it.
She always does this SHITTY NO-DICK PORN

Actually she has plenty of dick porn out there.
Maybe it would be more correct to say Plato is a stepping stool to all of Western philosophy? It's hinting at the same thing.
>whereas modern philosophy depreciates the intellect and puts it on the level of sense.
not really. the academics have managed to be paid because they understand that their speculations are quite praised.
they understand that a lot of their models, especially in science, are quite wild, yet they continue to depreciate the senses.
the populace still has faith in a rationalism, the scientific academics have lost interest in answering the question as to know which speculations connect back to empiricism.
Scientists are still frankly rationalist and they do not even care about the purpose of what they are doing, beyond some fantasy of making people happy by some material conditions.
soon anon soon
where is that pic from? Bacon?
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you should definitely... visit... her
> POV porn
I would have thought /lit/ would appreciate being stimulated intellectually.
You should write a book
If we did we wouldnt come here.
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