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So /lit/ I've had an idea rolling around since I read Uncle
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So /lit/ I've had an idea rolling around since I read Uncle Tom's Cabin in one of my university classes.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was EXTREMELY successful. Iirc, the best selling book of the 19th century. Part of this success was due to the relevancy of its content and its unique approach to black characters.

My idea is to do a novel similar to UTC but make it about a family of Mexicans (or maybe Muslims) attempting to cross the border into the United States. It would be very culturally rooted in either Mexican or Muslim culture (though if Mexican, it could feature strong Christian allegory and symbolism, similar to UTC). Maybe a character or two dies, and it ultimately has a tragic ending.

Whether you agree with immigration policies etc, ideologies aside, does this seem like a lucrative idea or at least an interesting one? What does /lit/ think?

>TL;DR could a Mexican or Muslim version of Uncle Tom's Cabin be successful?

Good lord, had the cover artist ever even seen a black person in his life?
no because unlike catholic and mohamedan invaders, african-americans did not choose to come to america voluntarily. are you retarded?
It sounds like you just want to rebrand something from he 19th Century.
I'm not really trying to compare the situations of slaves and immigrants, I just got the idea from Uncle Ton's Cabin
Essentially I am tbqh. I just think it could be an enjoyable read, and because it is such a hot button topic at the moment, provided one could crank it out pretty quickly, it could be a successful book.
>does this seem like a lucrative idea or at least an interesting one
>implying you can make a quick buck from writing fiction
Yeah OP, this sounds like a great idea, especially now with the current high tide of political correctness and racial sensitivity.
>Muslim culture
La Casa de Tio Taco
Should sell like tortillas.
Aren't there enough of such books already?
As long as you don't turn it into one of those "aw those poor immigrants" propaganda books, I would probably be interesting
>>7719278 has a point though
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Call it 'American Like Me' and use a mejican pseudonym like Dora Ventura (catchy, right?). As for the story, it's To Kill A Mockingbird X2: a Muslim lawyer defends a border jumper and a Catholic Mexican lawyer defends a falsely accused Muslim (accused of terrorism). But have it like Only Revolutions, one story going each way, and all the trigger words are colored (brown, natch).

This is clearly a slam dunk.
I'm sure he or she had, but instead of actually try and make a close to reality representation, they thought it would make for a brighter "happier" cover if they negrofied and made it look like a coonish caricature because that was some feel good comedy back then,.....
For white people
Especially with SoCal chicanos. They LOVE racial stereotypes of themselves
Uncle Achmeds Yurt
This is the literary equivalent of Oscar baiting. Enjoy your new found fame you genius bastard.
Also I'm calling it now, it'll get an oprahs book club sticker.
That's kind of the idea. I could see sjws supporting it hardcore no matter what.
>white guy thinks he's gonna make millions restating boring, century old racial stereotypes
>is not aware that the book he's planning to copy has already been criticized heavily for decades, to the point where "Uncle Tom" is used as a derogatory term
>"great idea, OP!"
please stop you are all embarrassing yourselves
read Tortilla Flat first, THEN write your version
>sjws supporting it hardcore no matter what

Not really, the whole sjw thing is like a hipster interpretation political correctness. Everything, no matter how progressive, must. be. problematized. They'd fucking hate it for no matter what.
the great trumpolini wins again! partys over u mexican shitlords
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The lawyers's names are Don Quijada and Mohamad Mohamad Mohamad. And vice versa for their clients. There's a HILARIOUS scene where there is a sort of Who's On First gag about it. That scene will be referenced in the NPR interview.
You just went full retard
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