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Why has the archive been down for so long? Will it ever be back?
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Why has the archive been down for so long? Will it ever be back?

I need it to parrot some information for my uni papers
Do cats not like syrup?
>parrot some information for my uni papers

Btw, by archive you mean warosu?

If you google 4chan lit archive or something probably there will be one site or other with a backup.
>tfw all the pomf links posted last month are dead because pomf had an issue
>tfw didn't grab the torrents in time
Yes, warosu.
The only other one I can find is 4chandata and that one sucks, it's completely unorganized and you can't search according to specific boards, only 4chan as a whole.
It's nice to be able to search up "the phenomenology of spirit" and go through a few pages until you find one really long post that really gives you some nice information or an interpretation that aligns with your own but expresses it much better than you can. Then paraphrase it accordingly and make it look like you know much more than you do. It's how I've been getting 100s on papers instead of 95s for 3 years now, it can't vanish on me during my last smester
Cats are like those of us on /lit/. They are interested in everything but don't actually like anything.
a.pomf.se I believe

and yes, pomf pomf is fantastic.
I need help, boys, what can you do for me?
Are those torrents still running, btw?
>it's completely unorganized and you can't search according to specific boards, only 4chan as a whole.
Find a STEMfag who'll write a filtering script for you.
kots love bliny

>select images of bliny
TFW Warosu went back to the days when Pinecone made those posts on Joyce and Shakespeare
TFW it's gone and those threads, among a few other jewels of /lit/, are lost forever
mfw i have them saved
PLEASE for the love of CHRIST THE LORD upload them to pomf or something

man, does time fly. already six years since that
That theory is idiotic, but it's good bait too.

can someone clarify that pic?
post the entire thread, please, just upload the html somewhere
where is butters???
she left unfortunately. she got moved in with a younger girl and wanted to change up her lifestyle
she got a girlfriend
Don't say that
someone has the entire catalog of warosu saved somewhere
pls let it be true
So there was never any hope for the two of us to begin with?
she came back a couple of times

You're welcome

that's just couple of months
I have all the torrents. Can re-upload them and seed if you guys want. Is pomf really not working anymore?
btw, you do know that pomf.se went down and was replaced by pomf.is, right?
Going by the message on pomf, it's just a missed payment that made them lose last month's uploads. So most of what was posted in the bib sharethread must be down.
And that will cover the warosu downtime. I'm guessing there won't be any transfer between the two?
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