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Just finished reading the 4th part of this book and am gonna
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Just finished reading the 4th part of this book and am gonna read the appendix.
What do the people of /lit/ think about this book?
Favorite part?
Is this the best Faulkner has to offer or did he do better?
Liked Quentin's and Benjy's sections the most, desu.

>select all candy
>mfw Candy sounds like Cady
Many have Absalom, Absalom as his masterpiece. Personally I prefer The Hamlet. All the Yok County stuff is worth reading. Don't get memed- faulker is a god
Jumping into a lake wearing concrete shoes next week in honor of Quentin. Wish me luck!
I thought Quentin's was the most difficult but also the most rewarding and interesting. The later chapters kind of made it feel a little too downgraded. My favorite part was when he brushed his teeth.
I had a friend who did this in high school. I still wonder if it was inspired from the book or not
i've read absalom and as i lay dying. how would you decribe the hamlet in comparison?
I liked it too but it's different... very different in fact... very influential though so you might want to pick it up regardless... also it's better if you experience it played onstage I hear... oh and by the way, nice numbers at the end of your post!
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that book is garbage imo. can anyone suggest me another of faulkners Mcsouthern literature (yes i'll incestasize it please) that might change my mind? or have i pretty much experienced his writing style?
First two parts where the best. They were so great I almost felt dissapointed with the other two parts. Particularly the fourth part, which didn't show any character's perspective.
Fourth part is Dilsey
She's depersonalized
Didn't that chapter have an omnicient narrative? It focuses on Dilsey sure, but it's not from her perspective.
wow you must be such an astute reader, everyone feed this guy anything so we can get him to keep reading and giving great observations
first two parts were so amazing that the second two really turned me off.
i'm not all into his particular motifs of southern decline and all that, though i think he did it in an interesting way, but the character perspectives of benjy and quentin were amazing.
i just cant see why its so highly acclaimed and so highly shit at the same time. thats all.
sure is reddit in here
Don't be mistaken - YA male irreverence is pure 4chan.
Opening of the fourth part blew my mind tbphwy
One of the realest books I've read in my life.
My favorite part was the 2nd part with Quentin.
Read Light in August. Seems like The Sound and the Fury was a little too difficult for you.
You guys didn't like Jason's part? I thought it was pretty interesting.
The fourth part was okay but I agree. The first two parts were incredible.
This desu
The part where Jason has the migraine as he's chasing after Quentin has god tier prose
The only Faulkner I've ever read is Intruder in the Dust and I didn't like it at all. I have no idea why this professor choose such an obscure work, or why no other professor has required another one. Should I put my first impression aside and give him another chance?
Yes you should. I don't like a lot by Faulkner but The Sound and the Fury is god tier.
Intruder in the Dust was written at a time in Faulkner's life when the years of alcohol abuse had finally caught up to him. The man fucking destroyed himself.
>everybody trashing the Dilsey section
>everybody defaulting to loving the Quentin section
>board culture pretends to dislike people who need to relate to literature in some way to love it
>mfw you're all white college guys

No doubt Quentin's chapter is amazing and all, but y'all fuckers are hypocrites. You're blind to not appreciate part four.

At OP, Absalom, Absalom! > Light in August ~= Sound and the Fury > As I Lay Dying > Go Down Moses = Snopes trilogy.
Short story A Rose for Emily is fantastic. As is The Bear, which is in Go Down Moses.
I agree with you. Faulkner himself called Dilsey the most human character in the book. The Jason section was amazing. I think people here just identify with Quentin.
Well, OP, did you enjoy it?
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I did! A whole lot.

I loved the Quentin part the most, especially the memory of Caroline complaining about the family, which I found interesting how Caroline doesn't reference, or mention Quentin during that. I thought maybe since Quentin is emotionally unstable he probably didn't remember his mother complaining about him, but I could be wrong. I also love the part where he's with his knife and the part where everything is falling apart for him.

Outside of Quentin's section, I really enjoyed the part in Benjy's where he switches between the memory of the night Damuddy died, the day of Caddy's wedding, and the day she wears the dress, the hat, and the perfume.

Jason's section was also really enjoyable, especially the parts where he's driving, and the parts where you can clearly see his hypocrisy.

As for the section based around Dilsey, it was good, but overshadowed by the rest in my opinion.
I read this book about a year ago.

I enjoyed the prose but didn't really understand what was going on sometimes and wasn't sure if I was meant to. I also hardly remember what actually happened so it couldn't've been that good
>Can't understand the book
>"couldn't have been that good"
wew lad
Light in August is okay not nearly as good as Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying imo
I think I just really like the stream of consciousness style in both though
Personally I think Absalom, Absalom! is his best.
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