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/lit/ Zine? wtf why
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Thread replies: 12
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File: Pinecone 00002 Heat.jpg (4 MB, 2550x3300) Image search: [Google]
Pinecone 00002 Heat.jpg
4 MB, 2550x3300
Hello friends,

Ideology is dead. You worked hard to win that prize. Pinecone burns forth. We will accept your admissions from Ideology Heat for Pinecone Heat. Prize included. That's right. We will reanimate the corpse of Ideology.

Submissions are accepted at: pineconemagazine at gmail

But they are also accepted at our website. Just google 'pinecone magazine wix'. You can submit there anonymously.

So submit yr Heat stuff (for the prize) or just make something up (also for the prize).

Those of y'all that submitted already, don't worry: same applies to y'all.


Whitney Houston
re-submitted thank fucking god
what the fuck is a heat issue

are all the stories about being warm
That was Ideology's idea. No one knows.
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910 KB, 2319x1894
Lot of heatzines these days
Really, though, there are none.
>You worked hard to win that prize.
No, that was all your doing mate. Congratulations, you bullied some high school kids into giving up on their literary project.
File: image.jpg (47 KB, 500x376) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 500x376
$50 or $500?
What's going on here
U k off you retarded faggot. No one gives a shit about your failed zine
Aw thx :^) u2
Thread replies: 12
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