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Did any philosophers believe in God or religion? Did this affect
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Did any philosophers believe in God or religion? Did this affect their philosophy? Most do not, why?
>Did any philosophers believe in God or religion?
>Did this affect their philosophy?
Take a wild guess.
Probably the most known one is Descartes: He reasoned God's existence, but not really convincingly.

This is a literature board. Reading books would have answered your questions.
yes it mostly does, Kierkegaard's philosophy becomes increasingly influenced by his belief in God.
You don't even try to hide it.
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Wittgenstein was ateish. He didn't believe in God, and as he said, he felt unable to take the leap of faith conscious christians take, but his fondness of christianism and religion in general is reflected in the mysticism that is found in his books, more explicitly in the TLP.
Kant was strongly religious.
It didn't have a lot of weight on his philosophy, considering he even went his way to show how Aquinas' prove of the existence of god was wrong.
You're completely wrong. (Don't waste your time defending yourself. I won't respond. Just educate yourself.)
What an utterly useless fucking post.
It's not often the signs of inoming signs of death are so palpable

Thomas Paine was a Deist
Don't mind all the shitposts; 90% of lit is insecure pedants who are afraid to write something others might critique.

Before the 19th century many philosophers believed in God, gods, or some deistic intelligent designer of the universe. We often look at historical figures through our own modern lens, where 80% of intellectuals are agnostic/ Atheist, but that's an unfair comparison. 1000 years ago we knew almost nothing about how the world worked, but it clearly worked- from that perspective, a God isn't a logical leap, but a natural conclusion.

Yes, being religious affected their philosophy. Early christian philosophers like Aquinas and St. Augustine, and the moral philosophies they created, were strongly influenced by Jesus and the scripture.

The philosophers around the enlightenment, like Descartes and Leibniz, tried to use rationalism to prove God's existence; the existentialist Kierkegaard tried to make sense of our seemingly meaningless existence, without Gods help (though he was a strong believer).

God played a large role in the evolution of western philosophy, and the incremental steps we took away from God are what allowed the formation of today's secular society.
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The ignorance of some people annoys me more than it should.
Looks like you need to go back to reddit.
Why is /lit/ the easiest board to troll?
We're going through an unfortunate period of hypersensitivity and subsequently reactionism to Reddit, it'll all go away in a month just like last time
>where 80% of intellectuals are agnostic/ Atheist,
Spinoza was very religious; his Ethics is an attempt to prove, among other things, that there is only one thing in the universe, and that it is God.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you`re contributing to the thread.
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>Did any philosophers believe in God or religion?
is this a real fucking question?

Are you some 14-year-old fedora tipper?
Spinoza was an atheist pretending to be religious
Perhaps you'd deem him "spiritual"? What do you deem as religious? Strictly monotheistic?
Did any. . . philosophers . . . believe . . . in God. .? Well there's Saint Augustine, and Saint Thomas Aquinas for starters. They're pretty important to philosophy, and they sound kind of religious. Does your computer have google? If you type things in there besides Richard Dawkins, it still works.
He was a pantheist
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>Did any philosophers believe in God or religion?


>If you type things in there besides Richard Dawkins, it still works.

Holy shit I know we always meme'd reddit was a bunch of raging fedora tipping atheists but my god. They are among us.
thats not true
>It's not often the signs of inoming the signs of often signs of death are so palpable
I would disagree but I guess that's going to depend on how you're defining religion.
>We often look at historical figures through our own modern lens, where 80% of intellectuals are agnostic/ Atheist
Wrong, there are no intelligent atheists.
>1000 years ago we knew almost nothing about how the world worked, but it clearly worked- from that perspective, a God isn't a logical leap, but a natural conclusion.
Stupid positivismposters.
our mods are literally either illiterate weebs or straight off the boat from r/books.

if you don't believe me ask yourself why Teryy Pratchett got a sticky when he died but Gunter Grass didn't
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
yes and no.. it would not be correct to label him as a pantheist
the redditor influx is to blame i suspect
No philosopher was ever dumb enough to unironically believe in god. Philosophers entertain the idea of god for the sake of philosophical inquiry.
Sage and report thread guys.
Spinoza was next level troll if that was the case because a lot of people refused to be stuck in a conversation with him because he wouldn't stop evangelizing on the matter
why not?
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