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Questions that don't deserve their own thread

great choice of pic OP
Is Kokoro worth reading still if I got the ending spoiled sensei killing himself? I'm guessing it's kind of predictable anyways, right?
yes and yes
What's a book I should read that isn't posted on /lit/ everyday?
The Goshawk by T.H. White
McTeague by Frank Norris
are there any flowcharts/what to read if you're a first fantasy was ASOIAF and you wanna improve?
I don't have a chart, but you should read The Hobbit and then LotR
Got to read this for my class. Is it any good?
is War&Peace a nice intro to tolstoi? if not then which?
good english translation for tolstoi also aprecciated
It's an under-appreciated classic of American lit IMHO

Also it's fun as fuck to read
Death of Ivan Illyich is better as an intro.
any good translation? for both if possible
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I want to get into Matthew Arnold's criticism. Where should I start?
What's the book called about a Polish prince that was locked up because he'll fuck everything up and the proceeds to fuck everything up.
anyone know where i can get art of zeus savaging ganymede's butthole?
Can someone share a Volokhnosky translation of The Brothers Karamazov
Is there a list of translations to avoid? I got some Dover Thrift translation books for Christmas and was unsure of their quality.
You're going to have to be more specific
Dover Thrift Editions of A Picture of Dorian Grey and The Trial in english
Who were the translators?
David Wyllie for Kafka and looks like the original Wilde
Anthony Briggs for W&P
Where do I start with Philip K Dick?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
I want to write a novel but have no idea how to format it or what program is best to write in.
Just use notepad for now. Don't get caught up in the formatting and semantics, just get those ideas from out of your head and into a file.
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is this edition good?
What's the best book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series?
What movie should I watch?
The Dark Knight Rises
bro if it's not a fucking translation it doesn't really matter
Life, the Universe, and Everything
Non meme recommendations of XX or XIX century American or English lit?
Preferably prose
Does anybody have an .epub of a good Latin dictionary and/or any other valuable text for learning Latin?

Gratias vobis ago.
Look up the /int/ sticky
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I'm interested in psychoanalysis. What are the essential texts, and which provide the best introduction?
The Secret Agent by Conrad. Massively underrated book.
do you consider the cover ugly?
>not reading wild untranslated
After dark knight rises, if you watched that, watch howl's moving castle.
What book from G K Chesterton should I start with?
the man who was thursday

i mean duh
Why should it matter? Do you?
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a little to be honest, i mean look at pic related, it's so pretty

and of course it doesn't matter, but i have options
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Which do I dig into first /lit/?
The one that isn't a meme

You got a bad translation there m80
I knew that going in, but it was the only translation available.

I plan to reread it in a better translation sometime in the future regardless.
Ulysses, if you're man enough
Just finished TBK and I'm a bit confused on one point.
How did Ratikin being Grushenka's cousin completely invalidate his testimony at the trial? I understand that him taking the money from her made him seem less noble/greedy, but what was it about them also being related that made him unscrupulous.
Freud Reader edited by Peter Gay, that was the text we used in my Marx, Nietzsche, Freud class.
I just grabbed The Cossacks as a free ebook, does that work as well?
I just read Freud and Beyind which presents a quick synopsis of each of the major figures in psychoanalysis and how they responded to each other. If you're interested in getting a historical perspective which could also introduce you to some different thinkers which you can pursue later, I'd recommend it. You also can't go wrong by just starting with Freud himself.
Jung is also worth a read, but it's hard to find a single book that fully encapsulates his ideas. Definitely dip your toe into the water with the Undiscovered Self and if that suits your fancy branch out into Man & His Symbols and Synchronicity. But Jung is very hard to get on your own. I have no idea how I stumbled into it, my professor was a dyed in the wool Freudian who took every opportunity to shit on Jung
I'm very curious about reading Jung but it's so hard to figure out where to start. I also want to read Adler, do you have any experience with him?
Um let me see if I can find my textbook from my Theories of Personality class. It had some excerpts from Adler in there.
Sweet. I know he was heavily influenced by Nietzsche and the will to power. But that's about it. And of course there's Lacan, but I have no idea what the fuck to do to try to start with him
I forgot how annoying this textbook was for actually letting you research further on your own. I'm flipping between the short excerpts they have and the references on the back, so bare with me.

Adler was an early student of Freud so he should be read afterword and in the context of Freud. That being said, the first Adlerian thing to read would be "Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Physical Compensation" (1917). After that if you want to get into his shift in emphasis from organ inferiority to subjective inferiority read "Feeling unmanly as inferiority feeling" (1956)

Striving for superiority is covered in The education of children (1930).

A good reader for Adler (at least all the excerpts in this textbook seem to come from it) seems to be The individual psychology of Alfred Adler so try to find that.
Jung... I really don't know what to say. His collected works series is like 20 volumes long. Read the Red Book, that's the core of his ideas.
How do I get into Christie?
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I've just bought this one. Any particular essays you would recommend? Civilization and Its Discontents and Beyond the Pleasure Principle seem the most interesting to me.

Sounds good. I've wanted to read up on those involved other than Freud and Jung. The only ones other ones I know are Reich, Fromm, and Lacan.

>but it's hard to find a single book that fully encapsulates his ideas
This is the feeling I got when looking through his works. Is this any good?
murder on the orient express and and then there were none
And Then There Were None
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Came back to /lit/ after a while. This thread was really needed. Anyway, my question is, what's with the /reddit/ meme? Seriously, back then when I browsed /lit/ there weren't so much posts saying "go back to /reddit/". What has happened to /lit/? I'm guessing it's /his/ exodus fault, but still...
>Came back to /lit/ after a while.
hmm.. i wonder where you could possibly have come back from...
It's not a meme. Most people don't go to Reddit so they assume it's evil or something.
Go visit r/books
Are Hannibal books any good? I started reading one of them (the Serbian translation) and it was fucking garbage. Are they good in English?
that's the definition of a meme. groupthink stupidity.
Regarding dosto's The Double, should I go for Garnett or P&V?
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You just can't make this shit up. It's on the r/books front page
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>Which is the most disturbing book you have ever read?
Best The Stranger translation?
The one that begins with Maman is p good desu. At least that's what my professor said, and she was fluent in French.
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>most people don't go to reddit
Can someone at least tell me where to download it from, I searched, but I end up on some shady sites and I don't want to get a virus or something
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Where do I begin with Borges? I'm a little confused on which books have overlapping stories.
The Aleph, Labyrinths, and Fictionsare collections that are all in his completed works book.

All of her translated works, karamazov is further down the page
Silence of the Lambs is very good in English, Red Dragon is good in English.

The others are sort of cashins

there were some popular reddit threads recently, and the amount of posts and low quality threads have shot up noticeably, as well as people defending works that are either utterly entry level or shit. /lit/ is garbage, but I come here for a certain kind of garbage with recommendations mixed in, not this shit >>7561895
good is relative of course, its still pop-thriller-horror
how do i know if im in love
when it ends
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Birthday presents from my brother, which one should I start with?
Also, does my brother have good taste?
Gunslinger, Blood Meridian, Master and Margarita, in that order.

Gunslinger you will finish in 2 days.
Dorian or Meridian
Better than most.
Does it matter in what order you read the short stories in Dubliners? Can I start with the last one, The Dead, for example?
read them in order for maximum effect. it's a short read anyway.
Thank you, looks like it'll be either Gunslinger or Meridian then. Kinda was in the wanting for a somewhat more recent book anyway since I just finished Dracula and Moby Dick.
Ja, felt like it.
Ok. Should I familiarize myself with Irish culture in some way beforehand? I know literally nothing.
Don't read the PV version. Avsey all the way
Do what you want. I don't know why a lot of people here get obsessed by details like this. You know you can read Dubliners now and come back to it later?

It's not like you only have to read something once and if you don't get everything out of it (which you won't in one read through anyway) that's it.
It would probably help to have an idea of the cultural climate at the time (Catholicism vs. Protestantism, rising Irish nationalism, etc.) You don't need a super in-depth knowledge to enjoy the stories though.
That's not even the big punch in the book and it's essentially a forgone conclusion well before it happens.
what is the best edition of Heraclitus' Fragments?
What did you guys think about Tristram Shandy?
Should've gone with Schocken for Kafka. He does have pretty good taste in publishers though
>so long as a man rides his Hobby-Horse peaceably and quietly along the King's highway, and neither compels you or me to get up behind him,--pray, Sir, what have either you or I to do with it?
how to we stop plebs from posting?
you can't. they'll outnumber you and drown you in frog memes. all you can do is hide the shit threads and hope this website dies and maybe something like htmlgiant will pop up again
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What is this?
Thank you
Aren't PV usually regarded as the best Dostoevsky translators ?
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What are some first-hand accounts from WW1/2? I have Poilu and I plan on picking up Guadalcanal Diary at some point. Fiction is fine (Storm of Steel, All Quiet on the Western Front, etc) but I'd prefer diaries/letters/memoirs.

I prefer WW1 but I'm open to anything good.
Storm of Steel isn't fiction.
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Where can I find good literary fiction agents? I mean agents who will publish classic literary fiction, and try to get it published in such a way that the book is seen by literary award committees.
Neither is All Quiet on the Western Front. I just meant more of a typically non-fiction presentation (I know Storm of Steel is more in line with Poilu but let's not split hairs).
>publish classic literary fiction
I guess you could try the past.
>opened this in paint
>they're all fake

wtf who would make this
Come on man, don't be like that.
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Please help me with essential Borges anon-kun.

Where do I start, what do I move onto next. Please prioritise readability/entertaining over all else. ty babes.
does anyone remember the name of that youtube channel about words, with well produced vids, where the general theme was sadness or smth like that?

the only video I remember was about a word which describes the sensation that there's not enough time in a lifespan to do/learn everything you'd want to (if you at least know what word that is, I could search it myself)
Lol fuck, completely missed it.

Thanks :^)
Segismundo: La Vida es Sueño
where'd you buy that copy of ulysses?

>Aren't PV usually regarded as the best Dostoevsky translators ?

According to Reddit yes
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Should I take notes when I'm reading a novel? I don't do it at all, but sometimes when I finish what is supposed to be a profound book, my thoughts are muddled and my impressions are mixed. Is there a way to remedy this or does good analysis just come with more reading?
Have you tried Amazon
Take notes.
So in the Gunslinger, when Roland's exorcising the demon out of that preacher chick in Tull, did he shove the barrel of his gun up her pussy? I read that part last night and I re-read it when I got home from work, and that's still what I'm getting out of this. He shoved the barrel of his gun up her pussy and exorcised a demon. Is that right? I can't read this book any further until I know that's right.
Does anyone know any good Wagner studies?
Take notes. It'll make you pick more things out while you're reading and over time you'll get better at it. It's quite rewarding to make a note, and then bring it on here to have a discussion. That's when you realize people DO read here, you just have to get specific to avoid memes
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Visiting Québec City and Montréal next month. Any essential Québecois literature that would be good to bring along?
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Le chandail de hockey
Dead Certainties by Schama is interesting
Malazan book of the fallen serie. Rough to get into but 10 times beter then ASOIAF
Mordecai Richler - Barney's Version or St. Urbain's Horseman

The Maudes for W&P
Briggs for war and peace.
And Anna Karenina
I just saw this thread. Created one before :/
Any recs for books about economics? A focus on human behaviour more than something more math heavy would be nice.
a behavorial economics textbook

all pop behavorial economics are pseudo science. think thinking fast and slow, freakonomics, and nudge tier of bullshit.
I'd start with the Kreutzer Sonata. It's quite short, gripping and gives you an idea in which milieu most of his fiction is set
I've started (preparing for) the Greeks by reading Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History and most of Hamilton's Mythology.

Where do I go next?

I want to read at least some major texts of philosophy, history, literature, etc, but I also want to make it to the Romans and Christians and Moderns before I die (fairly busy "wagefag" here)
what is a good book about the russian monarchy leading up to the death of the romanovs?

also, a history of christianity and the orthodox church in russia.
Iliad and odyssey. If you are diggin' the myths go search for more and read whatever.
Then go read the presocratics, try to understand why they were saying what they were.

Read Plato, read some Aristotle although he is not worth reading in his entirety IMO, be selective.

If you have any other questions just google. Read some poets. I recommend Sapphos.

Its a very natural process. Just start with illiad/odyssey and presocratics and follow the questions you have.
Thanks, anon!
Any comprehensive books on rhetoric? I'm not talking about any "how to win debates" shit.

I'm interested in understanding how people naturally formulate arguments, whether it be in a debating environment or a casual discussion with a group of friends. What 'devices' do people usually first employ and why? Which ones are people most responsive to? Perhaps some stuff on how this has developed historically.

Like I said, I'm not looking for a "how to" book. Just something to satisfy my nascent interest.

how good are those podcasts?
pls respond
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Does someone have a copy of this Ulysses?

Is it good quality overall?

What's the cover like under the dustjacket?
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In The Illuminatus! Trilogy, in regards to 'Appendix Cheth', it states;

"Readers who do not understand the scene in which Hagbard abdicates in favor of Miss Portinari should take heart.Once they do understand it, they will understand most of the mysteries of all schools of mysticism."

Any explanations to this? I'm afraid it went over my head.
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remember the scene when simon moon is fucking that girl in his apartment and they sit up straight and get all meditative? Right towards the end of book 1 I think.

That's the whole point of The Illuminatis! and almost all of RAW's work. Reread that part then act it out.
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Everyman are pretty good quality and they are all pretty uniform under the dustcovers.
been trying to remember that for ages
Alright, sweet, thanks man.
how many books have /lit/ written so far after the release of tundra?
Where can I get em?
none. tundra is the only /lit/ book, everything else is reddit.

Thanks senpai.
What is the best translation of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius?
lulu. tundra is the OG unpasteurized memecream. hypersphere is half reddit. pictures of dfw is full reddit.
I'm looking for a collection of essays that I can find on #bookz. I'm not too bothered about subject matter, just someone who writes well.
i am sorry to think i have raised a timid son

I've read DoII and Cossacks, and desu I vastly preferred Cossacks. I have the Maude translation.
Gregory Hays
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Thread images: 26

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