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are there any authors who explore similar themes or ideas to
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are there any authors who explore similar themes or ideas to Lovecraft?

without being one of those faggots who harp on about muh cthlulu tentacles of course
ligotti and that faggot who wrote house of leaves

maybe emil cioran if u can handle no spooky monsters
Ligotti is solid. I haven't read much of his work but you should check out Robert W. Chambers. The King in Yellow specifically.
Arthur Machen
Clark Ashton Smith
The king in yellow by robert chambers
lord Dunsany and Poe, they were Lovecrafts main influences so much so that he thought he had no style of his own
I only read Dunsany's Fifty-One Tales, which I adore, but what other works of his are worth reading?
not really sure sorry he has such a large collection of material im not sure what of it has and doesnt have value
Did you read anything by him?
only read a few short stories no collections, if you want a fucking weird one try "the distressing tale of thangobrand the jeweller"
These and W. Hope Hodgson
China Meiville?
Play Bloodborne. It's the best Lovecraft vidya.
you mean only

call of cthulhu is buggy shit
>darkest dungeon
>one of those faggots who harp on about muh cthlulu tentacles of course
Steampunklets yank off over him a lot. Maybe you could purchase some of their fine wares down Artist's Alley at SteampunkCon 2016?
> not patching the true best Lovecraft vidya

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>get his complete fiction work for christmas
>I've only read him here or there
>actually a pretty cool gift
>in the mountains of madness & shadow over innsmouth
>must be non-fiction

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DCotE is fucking amazing you disgusting pleb faggot.

I am astonished by how pleb you are.
Robert E Howard is very good on the racial stuff, chucks in a bit of eldritch every now and again.
I'm OK with this. Don't know why this shit gets brought up every fucking thread

I have a copy that I borrowed from a friend. I'm surprised Lovecraft get's so much hate around here, I think his writing is pretty phenomenal.

>Dat Colour Out of Space
>Dat Ex Oblivione
Michael Sloane wrote a couple of books in the 30's that have recently been reprinted as "The Rim of Morning". It's actually pretty good, and covers the same sort of horrorific cosmicism that Lovecraft was getting at.

Algernon Blackwood's The Wendigo can get pretty damn spooky, even if it isn't written in a Lovecraftian style.
I dont know why cofs receives always more recognition than The Case of Charles Dexter Wards, which imo is his best large story.

Haven't read that one yet.
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how i feel on the inside.gif
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well I really fucked up that green text. I meant to say that those two stories were missing, meaning that they were clearly non-fiction.

Well Fuck.
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