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Not trolling, just a stupid question from a retarded atheist.
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Not trolling, just a stupid question from a retarded atheist. If Christ is God, and he had 30 some odd years here on earth to do anything he wanted, and he didn't write the bible (or something like it), why is there any reason to think that the Holy Spirit was working through men when they wrote the bible? if God wanted to write a holy text wouldn't he have done it while he was here?

And this is about the bible and its authority as a religious text so yes, this is /lit/
God didn't want to write a holy text.
He wanted to do things described in the New Testament.
Then he left things in the hands of the apostles who are said to have been blessed by the holy spirit very directly who founded a church members of which wrote and composed the bible.
>what is ascetism

God works in mysterious ways and you have to trust him. Although you probably can't understand this because you're an atheist.
No just about anyone can understand than kind of evasion. Every kid that has been told "because I say so" when they ask "why?"

God is literally perfect in every way. Why would you have to question him?
Hi N
Why wouldn't we if he made us questioning creatures? I would hope God likes us that way and not slaves
being a slave is all God wants for you
its about selfdenial and sacrifice so that you can go to Heaven when you die

that's why Christianity is so powerful, because of its power of seduction
"I bring not a book, but a sword" - Yeshua ben Yosef
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> why is there any reason to think that the Holy Spirit was working through men when they wrote the bible?
This is the same response I give people when they ask me why Christians reject the Gnostic gospels such as the Gospel of Thomas.

The early Christian church used accounts and sayings of Jesus in the form of manuscripts in their pray and liturgy. For a book to be accepted it has to be from an apostle or the disciple of an apostle. The New Testament books were really the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the history of the early church and key doctrine. The reason we have to believe it was influenced is since it was written by people associated with Jesus and elected by him. Who were also given spiritual powers like casting out demons.

> if God wanted to write a holy text wouldn't he have done it while he was here?
Idolatry. Like the Koran which is worshipped by Muslims, God choose to not do so. This is just my opinion to not do so.
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