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File: poverty-in-south-Africa.jpg (67 KB, 512x359) Image search: [Google]
67 KB, 512x359
Stuck in Africa (South Africa).
People here don't read.
Public libraries redundant.
Not a big variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain crap in general.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.

Anyone here know of a place where I can buy quality (in the sense of content, not condition) books online? Should I ship in a container?

Or am I at the vanguard of cultural decay?

Yours Frustratingly
Willfully in Chicago
People here don't read.
Public libraries are redundant.
Not a big variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain crap in general.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.
As for your questions, try e-books.
Job-offer in Perth
People here don't read.
Public libraries are redundant.
No bookstores outside CBD
Bookstores contain crap in general.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.
Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/2oftbu/guide_the_idiot_proof_guide_to_downloading_ebooks/
>Stuck in England (LONDON).
>People here don't read.
>Public libraries redundant.
>Not a big variety in bookstores. They're all close by 5 bongs.
>Books contain crumpets crumbs.
>Second hand bookstores even crappier: they contain scone crumbs, tea leaves and they're all about the queen.
That's because reading is against the shariah, lad
Shipped to Stockholm
People here don't read.
Public libraries are redundant.
Bookstores are used as refugee camps.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.
Living the NEET high life in Adelaide
People here don't read.
Public libraries are redundant.
Bookstores are John Green emporiums.
I once went to a second hand bookstore but it smelled really weird.
Stuck in a small village in Balkans
People here don't read.
No public library.
No bookstores.
No second hand bookstore.
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362 KB, 1233x977
read pdf's boerbro
Stuck in England (south England).
Some people here read.
Public libraries variable but can be good.
Decent variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain a mixture.
Second hand bookstores sometimes great.
Holy shit you're in South fucking Africa?

You're in the most interesting part of the planet, Sub-Saharan Africa, a place packed with more corruption, war, famine, poverty, and potential for change anywhere outside of Syria and you're complaining?

Hold on I'm gonna post this so the thread don't get pruned. I got more.
You want books? Books when right outside your window you can witness the moral collapse of the ANC, as Mandela's dream increasingly is sold out to neoliberalism?

You're in South FUCKEN Africa, the place where whatever change in the sub sahara is going to happen. The money isn't coming through fucking Mali, after all. Chinese and Indian investment is flying past you, exploiting massive mineral wealth by the billions.

Is there anywhere on Earth more ripe for violent revolution?

These are no educated people. I don't know anywhere on Earth where people are still genuinely concerned with witchcraft. Witchcraft! That's a fucking thing that people worry about, along with homos and tribal bullshit. How can you not find that interesting?

Here are some options:
1. Become writer, almost certainly get persecuted by government, become warrior poet who writes stories of glory in blasting g-men.
2. Buy a kindle you fucking baby
3. Save some money. $5,000 USD should do. Use that to buy out a village, become warlord. Use this as a guide: http://exiledonline.com/war-nerd-tom-clancy-is-not-one-of-us/
move to perth
File: Feel Canadian.jpg (42 KB, 1000x500) Image search: [Google]
Feel Canadian.jpg
42 KB, 1000x500
Stuck in rural Canada
Pastor reading the bible once a week makes up our entire literary scene
"Library" is a slur
One local book store whose philosophy section consists of a used copy of The Secret
Nothing to do but meth and hunting
Ran out of meth
Local Tim Hortons getting robbed is the most eventful thing to happen in years
train mma
Stuck in Brazil (Rio).
People here don't read.
Public libraries redundant.
Bookstores are on the dangerous parts of the favela.
Bookstores contain only sports books and drug dealing guides.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.
Stuck in Tennesee (Hell).
People here don't read.
Public libraries redundant.
Not a big variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain crap in general.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.

Oh yeah, Amazon
Where abouts in SA? Just to be straight forward, your post is retarded.
Stuck in England (Northern England)
People here don't read.
Public libraries are redundant.
Not a big variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain crap in general.
Second hand bookstores even crappier.
Stuck in Angeles (Los Angeles).
People here don't read.
Public libraries redundant.
All we have is glorious TV
Holy shit TV is so good/better than books
Movies are dope too, yep we make em
Onde no Rio e o que você costuma ler?
where in south England, mate? Southampton here.
Em casa.
iktf, terrified about what im going to do when i graduate
Fica de olho nesse teu cu.
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1 MB, 212x212
Stuck in Canada (West Coast)
People here love to read tripe
Public libraries have poor selection
Not a good variety of bookstores
Second hand bookstores are the only good ones
get an e-reader and you're set, m8.

Did you feel the earthquake last night?
Stuck in Mexico (Tamaulipas)
People Here don't read
public library in shit dangerous part of town
Bookstores stocked with managementspeak self help shit and books about angels marketed to neurotic middle aged women
Second hand bookstores; same stuff but old
No, I honestly didn't realize there was one until today
Fuck I just moved here from the East, went to the public library yesterday and their philosophy section was all "(tv show) and philosophy".

The town I'm in has one bookshop with 90% of the literature being about the town itself.

Mind you i'm in the interior, waiting for a day I can hike it out to Vancouver to find some prospects. Know of any good secondhand shops there?
por pendejo mijo.
Chillin in New Hampshire
Women read, men hunt
Public libraries are privately endowed, occasionally connected to large scale networks.
Bookstores are everywhere
Books are cheap as fuck

Seriously tho, time to invest in a kindle and go to bookzz
Yes! You should take a look downtown and on Main St.
Pulp Fiction is on main, it's a good one price wise. They also have an excellent selection.
MacLeods downtown is reasonably priced and they have a ton of odd books you won't find in most of the others.
Criterion and Paper hound are ok, check them out after MacLeods since they're less than a block away.

If you are ever on the island in Victoria, go to Russell books on Fort St, especially their antique section.
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>"this country sure is going down the drain"
>tfw no bookstores to cater to my 150+ IQ
>casual racism

Stop being such a rural prole and visit a book lounge, my guy.

Also if you type "books" into google, there are thousands of online stores to choose from - not sure if this query warrants a new thread.
Stuck in a small-ish German town studying German and English.
People here don't read, including the students.
Public libraries have around 15 million books.
Big variety in bookstores.
Bookstores contain crap in general, though.
Second hand bookstores are actually pretty good, especially two of them.
BOOKS FUCKINGLY OVER-PRICED. Except when you're buying them second hand. :^)
stuck on earth
people here don't read
public libraries are redundant
not a big variety in bookstores
second hand bookstores even crappier
books fucking over priced
Reincarnated here in India
People here don't poo in loo
Toilets redundant
Not a big variety in hygiene
Life contains crap in general

Pocket change for based Reclam, and about 10€ for paperback is really cheap
Fuck you nigger, Chicago has better bookstores than most off the Midwest. Powell's typically has a great selection, and at the very least has a bunch of NYRB Classics at discount prices. Also, Oak Park has the Book Table, which is full of discounted new books. Both actually have halfway decent philosophy sections too. tl;dr You get your shit cheaper than most of the US, quit bitching
I think you can download almost every book in the world for free, try using google.
Be in Washington (Seattle-Tacoma)
Collage area so people read
Public libraries are ok
Several different book stores
Second hand bookstores near god tier
finding books online is harder than you think sometimes when you stray from the usual
True for downloads but there are so many places to mail order books
Thread replies: 50
Thread images: 5

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