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Do you have a daily page quota? Or do you have a daily time quota?
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Do you have a daily page quota?
Or do you have a daily time quota?

I feel like I don't read enough and I'm thinking about using a timer to read an hour a day. Obviously I can go beyond the timer or read at other times of day.
(If you save pic related, I'd recommend changing the filename to CatCatRorschach or something similar; it's a picture of Catcat, Catdog's cousin)
quotas make me shudder. why would you have to force something that is meant to be pleasurable on yourself?

None. I just read when I like, and because I like to read, I read a lot per day anyway.
Nasty, nasty post.
I didn't mean to make it sound like a maximum per day. It's meant to be a minimum. I do enjoy reading though; I finished The Crying of Lot 49 a week or so ago and loved it. It just feels forced or an uphill struggle sometimes.

>It's meant to be a minimum.

we realize that

i lean and loafe at my ease until the guilt sets in heavy and i read for an entire day to make up for the time i spent not reading. it works alright. i dont see anything wrong with setting a timer for yourself. its also pleasant to read first thing in the morning
OK, what if I compare a page/time quota to weight lifting? In a sense, self-imposed minimums indicate an interest in the activity (reading, lifting), an interest in doing it more, and an interest in getting better at it through routine/repetition.
No, but i'm a serious drunk and I can't read much when i'm drunk. I use the little sober time I have to read though. I like the idea of reading more than drinking but i'm more addicted to drinking than reading.
Is that that stupid cat from /mu/?
The original picture is in my Clover folder so maybe
>self-imposed minimums indicate an interest in the activity

not really, lifting programs they indicate discipline towards achieving a goal (getting buff), not as a means to experience the activity out of inherent enjoyment. it's still gross.
lifting weights / working out based on counts is for faggots on teams with coaches and other homoerotic forms of discipline and control...if you're just working out for youself, just lift heavy shit until you get tired, the end....all this scientific fag shit is gay
Eh, I disagree.
You can relate getting buff to finishing a book. I understand where you're coming from though. On the other hand, I'm sure there are plenty of lifters who enjoy lifting for its own sake, but also follow a regimen to ensure they do it well.

Your depiction of lifting is, ironically, homoerotic
dude my cat is not stupid
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