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WHY do people WRITE LIKE THIS while using Twitter? Is EMPHASIS in ALL caps that funny to normies? BECAUSE I'M TOTALLY NOT ACTING LIKE A MEGAPHONE TURD LOL
Fuck off back there faggot
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Normies don't spend enough time communicating via the written word to have developed the ability to read or encode tone into it as subtly as the way you or I may do. The result is that charicature of tone through overuse of capital letters, emoticons, acronyms and punctuation marks.

>Implying his political analysis isn't on point
Isn't it also a cry for attention? Only reason people use twitter is to see that follower count go up and obtain retweets or whatever is the upboat system there. I've seen american "comedians" use caps lock hyperbole to close out every post. It's very aggressive.

Are we saying normies now? Have we just given up all pretence of being more than r9k2?
shut the fuck up normalfag
I suppose.

I'm using it as post-ironic shorthand for the sort of people who do what I described in my post, for the reasons given in my post. It's very self-referential.
>attacks conservatives
>uses absolutes

oh boy.
You underestimate people.

There is a good deal more money moving into social advertising via spokespersons now that traditional arenas such as print media and television are crumbling. A vast majority of social network use is people hawking products and bored teenagers chatting to each other.

Let's say you write a book right now, and it's decent. If you self-publish on amazon (costs you nothing) and just wait, you might sell 50 copies in a year.

Let's say you send free copies (out of pocket) to 100 potential spokespersons on social media who's target audience might overlap with yours. And you post it on reddit and use a bot to upvote it 200-300 times and make some positive comments, and use the same bot to give you 4-5 star ratings on amazon.

You might now sell 3000 copies.

If you price the book at something like 4.99, thats almost $7000 profit for you. As opposed to $50.

Would you have the integrity not to do this? Maybe you convince yourself its the right thing to do because after all more people will read your book.

At every level, from small individuals providing a service or starting a business, to large corporations with huge advertising budgets, the Internet is becoming the easiest and most reliable way to move product by word of mouth. And quality is assumed by popularity, ALWAYS. :^)
Finally someone else who GETS IT! You won't hear it from FAUX NEWS but Donald TRASH reminds me of a certain person, ever heard of Adolf Hitler??? These TRUMPDUMPSTERS really believe that it's undocumented migrants causing all these problems when it's really the GOP and their friends the WALL STREET BANKSTERS! We are ALL migrants, Hillary 2016.
t. Every single childless middle aged woman on Facebook

Poor satire.

His point that refugee streams are caused by the US wars in the middle east is trivial, but true, and apparently, trivialities need to be pointed out to Americans. His knowledge of the Iran-Contra affair is impeccable. That black urban youth doubles as both the scapegoat and useful idiot of larger, more insidious and politically endorsed macroeconomic drug market machinations is also true.

So far he's smarter than you, and he's a dumbass.

1. Caps lock is cruise control for cool.

2. Of course the language shifts when in such a restrictive medium. Look at auctioneer speech. Or listen to pilot radios. These are people who must get information through quickly, and the way to do that is not to use long form rules.
yet mysteriously Obama remains squeaky clean

Barack HUSSEIN Obama - you know who ALSO was a good public speaker??? -ADOLF HITLER. Why can't he produce his birth certificate, and prove he is AN AMERICAN CITIZEN?

Has nothing to do with anything, really.

And probably not. Obama will probably leave behind as tainted and black (heh) a legacy as any other American president.
>no italics
>140 character limit
>explicitly highlighting emphasis is bad

Drink bleach.
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it has to do with everything
you said his political analysis is on point yet he completely ignores Obama's on going role in the problem
not only that he constructs a strawman in implying that the 'WHITE-WING RACISTS' are ignorant of George W's role when that simply isn't true
he does the exact same shit w/r/t to black people
there's nothing vaguely smart about it

I said it was on point. Not that it was comprehensive and all-inclusive, as such criteria would be ridiculous.

You don't say a physics textbook is bad for foregoing philosophy.

The Bush administration is the ultimate cause of the invasion and problems rising from it. There is no disputing this.
Perhaps you underestimate saturation?
so for something to be 'on point' to you it must merely be vaguely accurate?
Nice thread about books you have here.
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Do you actually think this is a new thing?

Do you ACTUALLY think this is a new thing?

Fucking retard, read a book published before 1900, people have always given the punch words larger size.

If "vaguely accurate" is the only alternative to all-exhaustive and true, which you seem to be proposing, yes.
something being 'on point' suggests that one had a clear goal in mind and executed it to near perfection
if his goal was to explain the refugee crisis then he is far from on point
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>read a book published before 1900

Holy FUCK, why are Lefty McGoo's eyes so far apart?
I used to find it funny until it began to be used for every single instance of someone expressing joy or whatever, then it just started to seem disingenuous.
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>He's not familiar with pansexual dismorphia
might you say that it started to seem post-ironic?
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>refugee streams are caused by the US wars in the middle east
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post ocok
Stfu whiteboa ?=)
Why yes, yes I would.
was that sarcasm?
Mods are asleep, post cp.
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Since when did /lit have spoiler tags?

Pic related.
About the retweeting thing I think it is similar to Reddit in that way.
Kristen Stewart somehow simultaneously looks more feminine and more masculine than the person next to her.

I would pound her pussy like the like button at real nigga hours.
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her face is the absolute peak of androgynous aesthetic perfection.
holy shit, what the fuck is going on with Kstew in this pic? Is this recent? She's fucking losing her attractiveness
Why do normalfags do anything stupid?
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>KStew will never choke the life out of you and steal your cum
She's going to get really fat in her 30s you can already tell. Going to make me so sad. She also smokes drinks and doesn't look after her body at all. Partying all the time is catching up quickly.
/lit/ has always been an offshoot of /r9k/
>Implying technical skill doesn't matter when trying to write persuasively

This guy writes like a teenager and presents himself as having the mental ability of a teenager, analysis (probably just shitting out something from a 5 minute Young Turks video anyway) notwithstanding.

for shame, anon.

I use twitter to have pointless arguments with people and satisfy my autism. It's great. Someone I was arguing with once challenged me on the basis of my follower count (0, not counting spambots), made my day

>Americans requiring "This word is important!" formatting in order to understand something.

Wow, they've been idiots since the very start.
the word normie is older than the internet you fucking noob
normie is used to imply any mainstream person

>WHY do people WRITE LIKE THIS while using Twitter?

For starters, Twitter doesn't have italics.
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