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This is one of my favorite books of all time! But enough of what
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This is one of my favorite books of all time! But enough of what I think. What did YOU all think of this book? :)
Legitimately beautiful. As a holder of a Bachelors in a STEM field, I found it to be really very accurate. Cline is a master storyteller.
As an engineer I found this to be a lovely bit of Nostalgia. as a 90's kid I remember playing these videogames in my youth and this book brought back all those memories and hit me right in the feels. 5/7 cannot recommend enough.
Honestly, it tapped right into my inner gamer. Might not be the best piece of literature written, but it holds a special place in my heart.

What do you guys think of the proposed movie adaptation? I think it could work very well.

Dr. Spielberg has the pulling power to get a lot of the rights to the things referenced in RPO. Plus as someone who's best work was in the 80s, he should give the film the authenticity it needs.

This will be the greatest moment in geek history. This will be one of the most entertaining movies that will ever exist. This will be epic.
As a person straight from Reddit, I love it. It has the wacky sort of humour that I'm familiar with. I give it 10/10. This will stand the test of time, not that "Pynchon" or "Joyce." It's a real page turner and I can stay up all night, reading it!!!

If you're going to try and be sarcastic I suggest you "level up", "noob."
Call me crazy (but don't call me shirley haha) but I think this book will be remembered in the future how Catch-22 and Animal Farm are viewed today. It was very exciting and full of symbolism and politicals!
I just came back to lit after 5 year break or so, and my skin is nowhere near thick enough for this sort of trolling. Fuck that book, fuck this thread, kudos on tailoring all of your posts to make them as rageworthy as possible, I am definitely rustled.
Rofl yeah, I read it in two weeks. I haven't even read a book in a year, I was like "WHAT!?" So freaking good!
What the hell is going on in this thread?

I-I'm scared, /lit/
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>Haha, that's nice OP, but while you're stuck on your ONE book I've been catching up on my personal library. I've read a dozen books today already.
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A celebration of top tier literature.

Stop being so fucking sincere you faggot
That really took things up a notch.
/lit/ it's doomed.

we actually like this book. have you read it? the synopsis sounds cringy but it's actually very well done. cline's prose is sublime.

Right sorry. Ahem.

Watered-down cyberpunk for teenagers
I can say that I unironically enjoyed the book. There is no much of literary value there, and I will forget it in a few months, but I was entertained while I read it. There is no more to it really, just simple entertainment to kill time - like that movie you stop after zapping through the channel because there is nothing else to see (do people still do that?).
How old are you?

>too old for this book
I've got to ask: How satisfying, genuinely, is that elitism for you?

Ready Player One is the bacon of science fiction. Everything it lacks in depth is largely made up for by flavor. I had the good fortune to read it on an airplane; it is THE perfect airplane read.
>I had the good fortune to read it on an airplane; it is THE perfect airplane read.
I've heard this argument and I don't buy it. I could read L'etranger or Animal Farm on the plane too as they're also really short books but they're still literary, so why shouldn't Ready Player One be literary?
since when has /lit/ become so retarded?

this is literally one of the worse books I've ever read. If you unironically enjoy this just fuck off to reddit
I never meant to take away from RPO's (to me, inherent) literary value. On the contrary, what I meant to do was recommend it as that kind of spark for anyone curious enough, especially those more intellectually minded, to experience the literary scene for the first time.
>just fuck off to reddit
why exactly do you hate reddit and ready player one again?

oh that's right, becase they're popular. ugh this contrarian poopposting is really starting to get on my nerves.
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If you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's an invented concept by idiots with reddit sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.

It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively.

If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, pop music, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there. Or kill yourself.
this is the best copypasta of 2015 prove me wrong
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Why did you read it you enormous menschmilk gurgler...
It's the holidays so I'm going to give you an offer:

Send you address to me and I'll reciprocate with one of my very own signed copies of RPO. Guess I'm just trying to spread that fsm spirit haha.
I agree and contrarian really has become a deflective buzzword in the last few years
I enjoy ironically consuming mainstream media. I went to a star wars marathon this weekend. That book was just to hard to stomach, I guess
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>I enjoy ironically consuming mainstream media
I really can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Biting the bait, there is no elitism in my post. Not every book I read is literary fiction, just like not every movie I watch is a 'smart' film by some independent director - sometimes I simply want to watch Community. That doesn't mean it doesn't hold any merit (it is certainly better than anything I've read in critique threads), as long as it delivers what it promises, and I don't think this book promises its readers as nothing more than a time-killer.

>Breaking Bad
So that's for you mediocre mass-marketed work?
I disagree there. It seems that you're just being a hipster, but that's normal here, we've seen the board change its opinion on books once they became popular.
a sincere mindset is incompatible with the world we live in, senpai. the guy who attemps at new sincerity is just gonna get even more anxious and depressive for forcing an unnatural worldview upon himself

dfw offed himself for a reason
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>just like not every movie I watch is a 'smart' film by some independent director - sometimes I simply want to watch Community.
>So that's for you mediocre mass-marketed work?
>I disagree there.
>Animal Farm

Take >>7486742 and show him the way back to reddit
5/7 post. Cutting edge stuff.
After reading that great book, I sure am READY for a sequel! haha
Fuck yeah. It's probably going to be called Ready Player Two. Or Fight! Or sumthin.
I loved this book too, it's really cool.
Your just being contrarian. This place sure is elitist. I have a freaking Bachelors degree in material science, my opinion counts and probably more than your own does. Just because Catcher and The Rye and The Odyssey are boring doesn't make them good. You are dismissed.
>the odyssey

I rest my case
What are we going to do with this guy

Any suggestions, boys?
No hypothesis, no evidence, support, or argument. Typical.
Nice strawman argument there, friendo! Come back to me when you learn how to form a real argument.
>reading something that's like 1,000 years old.
>Not getting the /lit/ meta joke about Homer's seriously shitty poems
>Just because Catcher and The Rye and The Odyssey are boring doesn't make them good.

Oh, is this evidence, is this an argument, is this a hypothesis?
You got dubs, at least.

Getting warm.
Actually, yeah. Or are you only pretending to be insipid, stupid, and hopelessly benighted?
If it's boring then you don't enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it then it's not good. Read the Martian for something that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Sometimes the idiocy of this place is too much for me. This board is more filled with that people than others - people who CAN'T like nor enjoy anything relatively popular because that prevents them of being special snowflakes.
>hating books because they have a YA tag or are popular on some website

The biggest of plebs 2bh. You aren't some intellectual for reading hard books, nor are said books superior. A true book connoisseur doesn't discriminate.
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Also >>7486835
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It's ok. Being a few years younger than Cline I can see what he was going for; total 80's nostalgia. I liked the part that waxes all "thx1138" when he turns himself in but the rest was fair. Not terrible, not fantastic.
It would seem that according to some people here, there are only 20 books worth reading and you should just read and re-read them ad-nauseum
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8, m80.
I hate star tattoos
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so much shitposting
It's fine for what it is. Nobody, not even Cline, is pretending it's high art. It's the book equivalent of a Summer Blockbuster. Just mindless fun where you don't have to think. Basically, I liked it

His second book is a mess though.
Video games are for children.
The OASIS concept was interesting enough, But the main character and plot was such shit. Even the 15-year-old me thought it was shit.
holy moly. this equally endless and pointless debate over whose taste is the most patrician. i'm beginning to believe it's all a meta joke

never change, /lit/
My friend unironically reads shit like this and recommends it wholeheartedly to me. He even got a little butthurt when I gave the book shit.
I just couldn't enjoy it at all. I had to force myself though it because my mate had recommended it and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
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>he took the bait
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