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I'm starting a youtube reading channel
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Thread replies: 17
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I'm starting a youtube channel where me and some other people read literature.

Any ideas for a good channel name?
"The Book Review"
"Lads and the Classics"
"The Symposium"
"Literally Literature"
"Gangsta Books" (if you're black or hispanic)
"The Book Discussion"
What kind of lit?
three dumb niggers and a book

four hipsters and a book

two faggots and a book

fuck this shit I'm retarded

fags and pages

using literature as lube

reading is gay
"Katie's Classic Books and Stitches"
"Effeminate Faggots Reading"
"Page Fiddlers"
"Fudge & Judge Book Review"
"The Snugglesworth Perspective"
"Books for Blacks"
"Faggonomitry Alliance"
"The Gay Spot"
"Stale Interpretations"
"Hermit Gambit"
"He Who Whores"
"Happier Endings"

Fuck you.
As much as Page Fiddlers would be great, we're going for the Lads and the Classics I think.

Three dumb niggers and a book was a personal highlight.
>I'm starting a youtube channel where me and some other people read literature.
Should have kept your reading channel off the /lit/-radar, you're doomed now.

Anyone got the copypasta of what happend to that poor, naïeve, semi-cutie with her books channel?
Yes, and?
You're starting a Youtube channel where you and some other people read literature.
"He who whores"

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Sorry to interrupt the shitposting, but are there actually any /lit/ approved Youtube channels?
Page fiddlers lol
Thread replies: 17
Thread images: 2

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