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How have you despooked your ego today, /lit/?
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File: stirner.gif (150 KB, 245x320) Image search: [Google]
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How have you despooked your ego today, /lit/?
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Come on Stirnerfags, I know you're here
i havent decided if agreeing with stirners 'its only yours insomuch as you can protect it', antimorality etc, is an intelligent considered position to hold or if its just idealistic immature naive. etc. like someone liking the fountainhead.. etc
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Instead of going to class I smoked weed and read Lovecraft in the park as the autumn leaves rustle all around me

Damn my ego knows how to have a comfy/spooky time
it's really the only intelligent position.
>mfw discover spooks are a spook and the self is the spookiest spook of them all
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>yfw The Ego and Its Own is actually a refutation of itself
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Uh, stirner does not believe in the self retard.
The concept of spooks cannot be a spook because it is per-disolved.

You can't refute what the ego is based upon.
Nice try kids. Try reading next time.
>You can't refute what the ego is based upon.
But anon, my ego is the spook.
he goes at lengths to make the ego or "creative nothing" ... something ...complicated.
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