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Why are gay men so gay?
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I'm a late bloomer(didn´t realize I was gay until I was 25), now I´m 26 years old. I´ve never done anything with another man.

I´ve been hitting the gym hard, working on getting leaner while having a decent amount of muscles, I´m starting to see my see my abs when I flex and I got all kinds of vascularity, in other words im getting simply shredded brah.

Anyways since I´ve only been focusing on my body, I havn´t had time(or been too afraid) to go out there(use grindr), get laid. You see I´m not the most social person and meeting up with strangers to fuck sounds like a really intense(emotionally damaging) experience for me.

I don´t come off as gay, and I find that flamboyant gay men make me uncomfortable, or even gay men for that matter. Why do so many gay men act like teenage girls? And is it normal to feel uncomfortable around other gay men? Hell I don´t even dare to go downtown when it´s gay pride parade day.
there are plenty of normal gay men at pride
Do you dislike flamboyant gayness because it's just not your scene, or do you dislike it out of some twisted sense of internalized homophobia? There's a difference.
I just get kinda triggered when I go on youtube and see a typical gay vlogging youtuber. They all act, talk and dress like girls. Especially the black ones.
I´m pretty sure it´s a bit of both.
How do I fix internalized homophobia? When I was growing up I viewed homosexuality as something dirty and shameful.
I did this by trying to meet and chill with other gay people a lot. Going to pride events and talking to people. Lots are normal people. Lots are not -straight wierdos exist too. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and talk to them all.

I'm 24, masc, people assume straight. It took me seven years to get to the point I'm at now.

I came out at 18. Was religeous until i came out to myself at 17. My internalized homophobia was almost insurmountable. I eventually realized i couldn't keep masturbating to gay porn and pretend i was straight forever. The thought of destroying my (future) family and marriage because of cheating with a man was too rough.

I don't usually admit it, but i still feel ashamed when a BF wants to hold my hand in public, but i do it anyway. My last boyfriend could sense this and he told me he knew it made me uncomfortable and he was willing to stop. I told him to keep doing it with me until i was comfortable.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
>Why do so many gay men act like teenage girls?
You'll either find a very long post which blames feminism and the destruction of masculinity for the effemination of (gay) men, or you'll find a short answer which does the same.

Point is that as a gay person you're expected to act effeminate and "queer" (and be incredibly liberal 'n shit but that's a slightly different matter).
Also it's why people laugh at 'masc' people.
if it took you 25 years to work it out, you're not actually gay you're just hopeless and lonely.
>I don't usually admit it, but i still feel ashamed when a BF wants to hold my hand in public, but i do it anyway. My last boyfriend could sense this and he told me he knew it made me uncomfortable and he was willing to stop. I told him to keep doing it with me until i was comfortable.

That's honestly really cute and sweet desu
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What a shitty attempt at trolling you sad pathetic little shit. I can't keep concentrating on a cpherrent reply to your shitty post becase I'm too busy mirring myself and all dem lean muscles I have. I look like a sick cunt right now so your opinion is pretty moot.

Stay fat or langy you spastic twat.
Explain for us how that works.
Then tell me why I can´t cum from hetero sex and tell my why my dick doesn´t get hard when im trying to fap to a pic of a nude woman.
Gay Men are hated, because they are breaking their gender roles.
>internalized homophobia
there's that meme again!

Basically, or just really fucking retarded to the point where they probably didn't even realize they had a penis/vagina until their early 20s
>Basically, or just really fucking retarded to the point where they probably didn't even realize they had a penis/vagina until their early 20s



just fucking kill yourself m8

Or would you please dare to explain how one goes from being straight to a straight lonely guy who jerks off to gay porn?
where is this copypasta from it's pretty hilarious some fucked up lonely dude probably originally created it lmao
Ok then, just tell me how I can be straight again and feel sexual attraction towards girls.
wait so that wasn't copypasta? or did you create it?
He's trolling you. Just ignore the dumbfuck. People can deny thier sexuality for thier whole lives.
Of course I created it and you very well know it.

Stop acting like a cheeky cunt you passive aggressive little shit.
>People can deny thier sexuality for thier whole lives.
They can deny, but they cannot be completely naive to their sexuality. Keep up with the conversation or don't bother replying at all you fucking inbred "thier" poster.
Why should I give you any proper attention when >>6566015
that was your initial response? Or do you see yourself as faultless?

Curious, not only are you struggling with your sexuality but you're also struggling with the very basic concept of communication.

>just fucking kill yourself m8
You're trying to tell others something you so desperately want to do yourself.

OP here

When I was a teenager I was obsessed with other guys penises, I would wake up to myself jacking my cock thinking about my best friends dick and talking tomyself in sleep that I loved up.

I would jack off to bbc porn, big dick porn, dic pics or just men masturbating, I always did this mental gymnastics in my head about how it wasn´t gay, even when I jerked off to gay porn, i would think to myself "im just open minded, everybody could get off to gay porn if they tried".

When I see my friends dick in the locker room I get a fucking hardon. And I can´t tell you how many homosexual fantasies I´ve had, it´s atleast hell lot of more than I´ve had heterofantasies.
>You're trying to tell others something you so desperately want to do yourself.

You really do have shits for brain m9, you´re a fuck boi my nigga, a worthless piece of shit and your cheeky little comments enraged me for a sec so I lost my cool and wished death upon you.

That´s just how I am, and if you got a problem with me than I´d wish death and misery upon you. If you offend me I´d would like to break your skull(if I could get away with it), that's just the type of person I am).

Talk shit, get hit.
Im sure he wasn't completely naive to his sexuality.. You assumed that yourself dumbass.

This is what im talking about. And i know what it is because of experience. Im done talking with you, you are an arrogant cunt.
You are acting like such a faggot
Science has shown that gay men to have certain brain structures in common with heterosexual females.
Same here I grew up religious and hating on gays. Took me a while to come out to myself and when I see gay guys I may want to sleep with them but I still have this disdain inside me that makes me want to say fuck off faggot
Science has shown that this is a bullshit myth people believe but can never back up because there is no such science.
I didn't realize I was gay until about 22. I'm 25 and just don't give a fuck. I am also pretty fucking autisitc too.

To be honest, I think I am asexual. I just want to get laid so I can call myself asexual without seeming like am edgy faggot who cannot get laid. I just don't really like sex. Didn't even care about it when I was a teenager.
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There is no difference between male and female brains
That article does show that the differences aren't hard and fast, but it also shows that there are still differences on average. Look up literally any transgender brain study and you'll find that there are indeed differences on aggregate, because if there weren't, they'd have nothing to compare.




Not trans but still interesting:
So maybe these differences are in individuals, and not such a broad stroke as between genders.
Absolute bullshit
the differences found in the "brains aren't really different" are very general, they check the overall brain and don't focus on anything. the differences in trans studies are found in a certain structure of the brain and seem to be consistent. you can't really compare the two studies and both can be true simultaneously.
Your article is from 2008, mine is from 2015. Science is never constant and can always change. You have to put your silly urban myth behind you, there is no difference between female and male brains.
lol that's actually your excuse? show me a study from within a few years which shows no difference between a homosexual """male""" and a heterosexual male

all the studies have shown they are more similar to heterosexual females, why cannot you accept this scientific fact?
see >>6569320
there is no difference between male and female brains, as scientifically shown in this link here >>6569261
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Still a publication from 2010, so the new consensus is that there is no difference between female and male brains, as you can read here >>6569261
which is a study published in 2015. So new information has come since 2010.
>aren't really different =/= no difference
are you trying to say that just because it was not released last year means it completely invalidates the study and its scientific findings?
As >>6569320 said, there are differences, just not as hard-set as previously thought. The only claim the experts actually make in the article is that it's rare to find a fully masculine or fully feminine brain, not that there is no such concept as a masculine and feminine brain, and not that certain structures aren't significantly different. The studies can all be true.
>keep masturbating to gay porn and pretend i was straight forever.

that's exactly my plan.
That is how science works, yes. Something is found and gets published, something that contradicted what we first thought is found and then published which make the first publication invalid.
Someone can continue to do research on it and invalidate the new findings.
But that is science, you either deal with that or turn into a believer.
Actually, no, that's not how it works. One or two articles doesn't suddenly invalidate decades of peer reviewed work. They make no effort in the article to actually debunk the previous differences shown, so no, more recent =/= more reliable.
>saving a thumbnail
thanks, my eyes needed that newfag cancer.
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I'm so fucking sorry I didn't go to the actual page

Here you go, faggot
Go back to r9k you fucking loser. Having less neurons do not affect a female's intelligence considering they, on average, have higher IQs.
shut the fuck up dyke bitch if you pick 20 people at random from those with IQ's 140 or higher, the odds are that 19 of those 20 will be male
You aren't gay, you're an ugly guy who's past the age to find a good woman so you decided it was better to fuck asses and construct a new identity around it
This is what is *NOT* meant by gendered brains. Different brains =/= one type being intellectually superior.
>Past the age of finding a good woman?
>Fucking men instead because of that
Are you fucking retarded?

>You aren't gay, you're an ugly guy
How would you possibly even know that?
I'm pretty sure I´m better looking than you tho.
why are you using fucking ´ as a '?
Maybe flamers.
If one study has a different result from a previous one then multiple studies are required to test the validity of both.
>higher IQs
Yeah I want source on that because all studies I saw don't have those results.
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