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No one cares about how long your beard is you box of assjuic
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You are currently reading a thread in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

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No one cares about how long your beard is you box of assjuice.

I care
Stop giving this faggot attention
Literally one of the worst arguments of all time

>gay marriage has never existed because it has never been recognized in the US before!!!

Also many tend to ignore the fact that multiple cultures have practiced polygamy for years
File: fake-dynasty.jpg (121 KB, 550x350) Image search: [Google]
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>caring what a fictional character slightly based off the actor who plays him thinks
>be conservative
>be bi man
>be in gay relationship
>hear phil talk

He's pretty much on the way out the door anyway
Willie Robertson has been largely silent on the issue or basically neutral, and he did support Trump from day one, which is at least a more moderate position.
Either way, they're reality tv stars that make hunting supplies so who gives a fuck lol
you should be more tolerant of muslims, you dumbshit, they're not all brown and black skinned, some are white, you're just another backwards racist and islamaphobic shithead, fuck off
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