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how do i find a master? i'm a smaller build guy, twink and fem acting and i just want a master to keep me in chastity and talk dirty to me and spank me and keep me on a leash by my collar and stuff, but all the guys i meet online are creeps, im not even picky on looks, i actually like bigger guys, like chubby, and older, but i also want someone that wont murder me in my sleep, which seems like all im meeting online
Fetlife sorta has that problem.

Half of your problems are you just over worrying, but there's other types of baggage you should be ready to deal with dating in the fetish community. Fetish relationships are a large commitment in general.
Don't think you'll have much trouble finding someone anon

or you could always just have an adult relationship with someone you met in a nonsexual nonhookup situation (like a class, volunteering, or club) and confess your fantasy to them. They will comply because literally everyone wants a femboy chastity slave
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damn slow down
>They will comply because literally everyone wants a femboy chastity slave
But I don't

The problems a two way street.

It's tough, everyone's creepy in fetlife and once they find your the Dom of their fetish/fantasy they just jump your bones. Everyone wants you to Dom them but they have no understanding of their limits or even basic sexual education. Like why don't Subs go out get tested, consider what they want, then offer themselves to a Dom when they are ready.

Have you read the Bottoming Book, OP?
I wasn't counting you, sorry anon
I'd have no trouble finding "someone" but all the "someones" so far have been creeps that just want to beat me and hurt me, not proper dom sub stuff, just abuse

Because it's slightly relative to my question; can bottoms be doms too? Been wondering about it lately.
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1) find a cute boyfriend
2) go on a few dates
3) have physical intimacy via several nonkinky hookups
4) launch "Chad, I... I have something to tell you. I have a bit of a fantasy, and I'd really like for you to help me live it."
5a) Chad is into it and after some discussion you get to live your fantasy with someone you like
5b) Chad is not into it, you break up with him and find another guy in a few months. Repeat.
I don't see why not.
That's actually....really decent advice....Thanks anon.
You can do it twinkbro.

/lgbt/ is so fuckin comfy
You should consider being a "switch"!

Best of luck on your Googling.
fuck off and make your own thread
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Already am desu senpai, but not seen any bottoms dom in my entire life
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