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fellow mtfs, how risky is is to fly to the US with estrogen vials
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fellow mtfs, how risky is is to fly to the US with estrogen vials and syringes in your suitcase without a prescription? im going to USA from europe in a few days and ill have to bring my hormones, ill bring 2 vials and 1 syringe only. will it get confiscated at the airport? should i put it in my hand luggage or check in?

OR can i just do my dosage for the entire month ( ill be there a month) in one go? right now im on 10mg per week, can i just do one shot of 40mg/4mL ?
check in for sure
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You need a prescription or other means of 'proving' it's for your personal use, and you have to check in.

>OR can i just do my dosage for the entire month ( ill be there a month) in one go? right now im on 10mg per week, can i just do one shot of 40mg/4mL ?
Just do your monthly shot all at once. Because of the way hormones are regulated, any excess will just go into storage and then be released when you're low on E. I did this once for 3 weeks, all at once, and it worked great
Actually I personally know people who are prescribed 30mg per -week- of IM estradiol.

Also many who do 30-40mg per month, all at once.

It's common but the thing OP needs to look out for is the fact that progynon depot concentration means that a 40mg shot is 4ml - which is not so fun to inject all at once in one spot. Not the best idea either. I'd split it into two injections.

If I were OP I would have taken estradiol pills with me instead - funny story, I actually did switch back to pills from injections briefly, and it gave me a boost in breast growth, even though it had petered out on the same pills before, and got boosted vastly when I started injections initially. I was pretty surprised by that. But it's too late for OP to try that for this trip.

Odds are it'd all make it through by chance, but there's still the chance that you'd have some trouble. Your best bet is to either inject it all at once before going, and not 4mL all in the same site at the same time either.

Don't risk your trip. Either inject it all before, or go without. Next time buy pills and bring them, it's much easier to get through.
Please don't do this. It's like doing 4 times the heroin thinking it will last 4 times that long.
Look I don't want to be mean, I see you are genuinely concerned about a fellow poster and trying to guide them to what you think would be correct, and I commend you for being one of the few people on this board who give a single fuck about any of the other posters, but you seem to have no idea what you are talking about. I know it seems logical that 4 times the medicine at once would be a bad idea, but that's simply not how injections work.

Fun fact: the majority of people on -prescription- injections have either monthly or bi-monthly injections. Meaning, they take 30-40 mg of estradiol valerate intramuscularly injected all at once, once per month, or they take like 20mg twice a month. This is the majority of the people prescribed injected estrogen. OP would not be doing any wrong by injecting that much at once. It seems illogical, but that's just how things work. This isn't heroin. This is estradiol.

Even if OP was fucking up (which they are not), they would be fine because this is a one-off thing. They aren't injecting 40mg at once every month, they're doing it just this one time. No big deal man. This won't cause a prolactinoma, this won't cause anything big. That would take more fucking around than just this, and this isn't even fucking around.

The benefit of weekly injections is that your levels are more stable, and you notice the peaks and troughs caused by injections less. If OP injects a whole month's of estradiol at once, odds are they will experience a bit more pronounced of an initial estrogen spike (manifested mainly in the form of increased libido and some emotional things) along with a slightly worse than normal crash towards the end of the month, which still won't be that big of a deal. Nearing the end of the month, OP might get a little bitchier than she gets at the end of the week typically, if she has that going on at all. (sorry for misgendering you if you're a femboy doing gormones btw)

OP will be fine regardless. Don't sweat it.
Not any of the people in this thread and I know you're probably trying to help but I have a policy of never doing anything potentially dangerous on the advise of 4chan. If you're injecting shit into you then you better do the fucking research instead of listening to randos on the internet.
>If you're injecting shit into you then you better do the fucking research instead of listening to randos on the internet.
I would expand that actually, to include not just injecting shit into you but also taking any sort of medication.
OP should be looking it up for themselves, for all we know they already have and are still unsure. It's not like it's the easiest thing ever to find info on injecting estradiol valerate.

OP should already know to do research, they came here specifically for our opinions, and here they are, including your quite valid opinion. It is still a good resource to hear from other people who have been in your situation and have experience with the things you need help with.

I am >>6434564 by the way.
Hahaha bullshit
Weekly injection of only 5mg.
2 days after injection 2500 pmol/l
5 days after injection 768/pmol/l
Stop spreading misinformation
I've flown from San Fran (fuck those body scanners) to Denmark twice, both with pills, vials and needles. They've never stopped me or even bothered asking questions. On the way back they didn't even bother me as much as the USA checkpoints do.

You should be fine OP, though I wouldn't bring more than what you need + maybe a couple weeks extra just in case.
Do not take prescription medication that you don't have a prescription for with you on airline travel.

If you leave it in your checked baggage, and they search the contents (which they do all the time), they will seize EVERYTHING in that bag. Not just the meds. EVERYTHING is confiscated.

If you take it on with you, you will be caught and the meds seized, potentially detained and further violated by TSA agents (intrusive pat-downs, inspections, naked screenings).

Bad idea all around.
I've had no problems traveling with meds before I got my script even had my cypro in hand luggage and had no questions even in places like abu dhabi and usa


Valerate, injected SC (which actually makes it last longer than IM)

You don't need a different preparation for that? Have you tried comparing hormone levels IM for days 2 and 5?
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