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>tfw you're 20 yo gay dude >tfw every girl you meet
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You are currently reading a thread in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

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>tfw you're 20 yo gay dude
>tfw every girl you meet starts having a crush on you
>tfw 0 guys ever liked you

How to know if you're a bf material or not? This is literally driving me crazy.
if girls find you attractive guys probably do too. you more than likely just look too straight, OP
>be lesbian
>surrounded by men who want to fuck you
>constantly getting asked out
>no girls want to fuck you
fucking why

You two need to level up so you can class change into heterosexuals, looks like your builds are much better suited to it.
same. personally its because I have a hard time getting along with most women so nobody really knows I'm lesbian. Have kissed two girls in my life.

not OP but how do you get other gay people to understand without having to intentionally break your wrist and being really feminine?
Step 1: go online and buy a rainbow bracelet, I like silicon cause it's stretchy and not irritating
Step 2: Wear the bracelet
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit

> how do you get other gay people
> other gay people
> gay people

yeah cause wearing rainbow stuff is such a subtle clue, gee
guess I'll just have to watch a ton of 50's movies to see how they did it
um personally i actually think i look really gay. Long hair, super skinny pretty boy. My friend told me im too alternative for gay community and i'm like wtf? still don't understand what she wanted to say. :/
same i never kissed a thats not my best friend when we are drunk guy lmao
gonna buy rainbow bracelet and get killed while i'll be waiting for the bus since im from homophobic country in europe lmao
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