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This is a PSA for all the real fags. I'm getting a little
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Photo on 4-24-16 at 12.14 AM.jpg
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This is a PSA for all the real fags.

I'm getting a little sick of the whiny LGBTQI**&^#%$@&(!*&& faggots who feel like they need to put it in everyone's face that they are gay.

Honestly, any rational person could give a flying fuck, and by being obnoxious and flamboyant while at the same time having nothing else to offer society other than the fact that you like sucking dick, you're making the rest of us respectable fags look bad.

Sitting here rolling a blunt, listening to frank zappa. Just watched the fights. Not all of us wear rainbow colored socks and flip out because you didn't address us by our preferred pronoun. I mean, jesus christ... I understand that it can be hard , but grow a set you fucking queers (I say that with all due respect).

I don't need anyone to know if I like banging dudes, I just don't care. And neither should anyone else. Self respecting gay men don't feel the need to shove it down everyone's throats that they don't conform to the gender binary. JUST STOP. You're making us look like a bunch of fucking assholes.

Rant of the day. Yeah, I'm a dick. But at least I'm honest.

We need less whiny cunts in the LGBT community. That's my point.

Thank you. Good Day!
Post your dick
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Be nice hunty
Nice dude. Rub one out and think of me.
sorry but as a proud heterophobe, im too retarded to read all that. bye
>sorry but as a proud heterophobe
>I am proudly against 97% of humanity
That will work for sure
Being a 'heterophobe' makes as much sense as being a homophobe.

And it was only a few paragraphs. If that's too much for you, I'm not sure what to say really. You really are retarded I guess.
okay whatever you say dude. by the way did you catch my dubs?
Getting dubs doesn't mean that you said anything notable.
I absolutely agree

Nice dick btw
Thanks m8
>using the terms "cunt and m8" ITT
Are you from Australia?
still not reading your post. check em
So you admit that you're retarded. But as long as you get dubs or trips everything is okay?

Alright. Whatever works for you.

Nope. Just like using those words.
And another one. And another one. And another one. And ANOTHER one.

How many faggots are going to come on this board and act all high and mighty saying "muh mentally ill trannies, muh sjw conspiracy, muh redpeel" and their "le am I the only one around here" meme.

This place is full of you guys. Like, chock full. Stop pretending you're special like the drooling troglodytes from tumblr, stop thinking you're a novelty because you're gay and right-wing or whatever.

It's getting tiresome.
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kek i love you
So you get a boyfriend, and decide to go out grocery shopping.
The left-right spectrum is purely economic anon.

Idgaf about the spectrum, it's these insufferable autists shitting up the board. Worse than the Trans folk I swear to god. We have at least three "Heh, I'm so sick of all this faggotry. But I bet I'm the only one." threads every day.

They're edgy, and terribly cringey. Back to /b/ with that attitude.
you get a boyfriend
you go to the dollar store
there he says something funny
and you want to kiss him on the mouth
but that would be shoving it in peoples faces
you should only be gay in a bunker
so no one can see your pride parade of gayness
I actually agree with him.

I think public kissing is alright as long as it's not full making out, I don't want to see straight people do it and they don't want to see gays do it.

Pride parades are cancer, that's probably what OP meant the most.
Get over it. The only people who are bothered by that shit are those who have major insecurity issues.
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no u
No I'm pretty secure about my sexuality, I just don't want to see it.
Nobody is forcing you to look.
pda can be gross
Don't worry, you'll grow out of it one day and stop caring what straight people think is "respectable".
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Good argument, I agree.
Also watched the fights, nothing is happening on /asp/ after WWE came over and anally raped us.

I wear a pride bracelet but don't bring up my orientation unless it's really pertinent to the conversation or I'm with close friends.

Not enough people like you on this site.
>Not enough people like you on this site.

So when you get a bf (lol) you'll pretend to not know him when you're out with your friends, and he can only touch you at home like sharia.
Not OP, I gave my boyfriend lots of kisses in public and we held hands. I didn't do anything straight people don't do in public.

I was just responding to the pro-masc-fag sentiment and watching the UFC.
Who cares? You don't have to talk to people you don't like and making a post like this makes you seem like the most insecure mascfag. Is there a term like "Uncle Tom" but for gay people? 'Cause there ought to be.
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>faggots buttblasted
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>listening to frank zappa
You've won the argument already
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