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Catfishing Mormons
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Hey. I'm bored and looking to catfish some mormons on Mormon Singles. Unforunatly I'm currently broke. Any chance any of you would be willing to pay these fucks the 10$ I need to be able to message and IM on there site? Within five minutes I was getting requests to chat, if you do end up helping me get in I'd be happy to give you a cut of any money I do manage to rip off.
Username is [email protected] and password is Catfish4chan not sure how their subscription service works but if you could go in there and pay the fee, I'd appreciate it.
hello i am nigerian prince i have 150 000 in gold bars i would be send to you if you just give me your social and bank number
If I was going to steal from anyone it wouldn't be you guys. It's 10$ and it's going straight to the dating website. Now, if I do manage to actually catfish someone I'm going to try and get them on the line and milk them for money. so there's that
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