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This is sort of an /x/ question that largely applies to /lgbt/.
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You are currently reading a thread in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

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This is sort of an /x/ question that largely applies to /lgbt/.

I've always believed in extraterrestrials, and a thought occurred to me and I wonder if this thought has also occurred to some of you?

Could it be that transgendered people are actually alien human hybrids that are impregnated or placed if you will into abducted pregnant women or just fertile women?

This would explain why they feel like "another being" or as if they were born in the "wrong skin". The only thing wrong was what was done to them and that is alien and human dna do not mix, yet were possibly combined in an alien laboratory above a UFO or on a distant planet.

Could this explain why transgendered people don't feel right in their own skin because they are perpetually trapped between being human and being alien?

And also why transgendered people only make up a very small minority of the population, because abductions and alien forced impregnacies are also as equally as uncommon?

It is often cited that 5-6 percent of the population claims to be abducted by aliens.

0.5 percent of the population identify as trans.

Now if you take into consideration the fact that half of the people abducted would be males, and that not all females would be impregnated, some would just be studied, nor would all pregnancies be successful or all trans people come out as trans, it stands to reason that the percentage of alien abductions and the number of trans children are correlated.

Also there is something uncanny about 5% abductions and 0.5% transgendered. They are both numerically 5, maybe that means something.

What do you think /lgbt/? Could trans people be alien/human hybrids?
Yes absolutely. /thread
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i choose to believe this is sincere because it makes my world a funnier place knowing people who believe this exist

thanks op
That's silly. We all know that transgender people are just reincarnated souls who can't let go of their previous life.
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I'm sorry, couldn't get past the 4th paragraph without laughing hysterically
mom... dad...
im a alien
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Even The Lone Gunmen would laugh at you OP
You're the shitstain that's defecating on my /x/. Fuck off from 4chan and go outside you piece of shit.
Open your mind to the possibilities anon. Einstein wouldn't have come up with the theory of relativity if he thought like you.
Alien/Human Hybrid.
I've never considered this before. But it makes a great deal of sense to me.

Hey trans people of legbutts do any of you recall stories from your mothers of missing gaps in time or being abducted or seeing any bright lights before you were born or during your mom's pregnancy?
Maybe we will slowly start seeing a rise in the trans population as more and more people are abducted. Maybe it's a plot to end the human race because the more trans people the less babies are made. Maybe they want to end the human race and take over the planet to rape our resources?
No, but I lost some time in your mother's bedroom last night.
Interesting theory, didn't they have an X-files about some person who learned to transplant heads onto bodies and he was a gay couple but he was gonna transplant his head onto a woman's body or something and I was thinking why a woman? Won't that ruin the relationship?
Because I get impatient with notions that are not falsifiable I'm just going to appeal to parsimony, and say no. No, I do not think that you're an alien/human hybrid.

It is an interesting idea for an X-Files episode that I think I'd be mildly uncomfortable but morbidly interested in watching.
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Trans people are likely a result of being old souls from races like the Pleidians that have a 3rd gender, literally a tranny gender, but were forced into one or the other upon earth entry. There's also the possibility of being intentionally fucked up by the archons and being born into the wrong gender so you live a life of suffering and feed them negative energy.

Next up, gay people are descended from a race of space proto-greeks with a very powerful space navy who fuck their women only for reproductive purposes and go back to being gay for the rest of the time. Their planet has high gravity so they're very muscular. You probably think I'm joking but file this bit of trivia away in your mind for future use.
There's already an X-Files episode kinda like that from season 1 called Gender Bender. Bunch of human looking aliens that can change gender at will.
What are the Pleidans and the Archons?
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Archons = bad, currently in charge of earth
Pleidians = benevolent blond nordic aliens, trying to break through the blockade along with many others
kinda interesting if you read up on what the japanese think of the constellation
Is this from the Church of Scientology?
first, 5% of people claiming to be abducted by aliens sounds ridiculously high. that's waaayy beyond what the illuminati or whatever could conceivably cover up. that's 1 in 20 people, anon. like, if you go a decent sized grocery store, there would be at least 3 people there brimming with black sludge. also, there's always the million dollar question of "why?"

second, "born in the wrong body desu" is a hon meme. I would totally buy that half of the weird shit hons say could be explained away with alien abductions. all that "bell ringing" bullshit sounds like some kinda snowcrashesque mind virus going active
I'm not trans wtf is the difference between a hun and a regular tranny?

>5–6 percent of the general population might have been abducted.

A hun/hon is someone who started hrt late or has shit genetics. Either way, they're doomed to look like a dude in drag.
Ok and why do they have a different culture?

Gay men generally have the same culture despite how attractive or unattractive except for the slight sub culture differences of bears and twinks and all that bullshit.

Is Caitlyn Jenner a hunny Hon?
Where is it from?
It's not really a subculture. It's just an insult towards manly MtFs. Jenner is a hon though, yes. Atleast I think so. Some people are calling her a "goddess" so fuck me I guess.
what >>5867346 said. they've built up a weird subculture that doesn't mesh very well with how younger trans people act or rationalize things. it's kind of interesting, but mostly sad.

from http://ufocasebook.com/pdf/abductionexperience.pdf regarding the 5% figure:
>The “abduction experience” is characterized by subjectively real memories of being taken secretly and/or against one’s will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures.
so practically anyone that gets night terrors would test positive. the figure itself comes from some other study I can't find, so idk if that's actually how they got the number. if it is, it would be way too broad to be useful.
Who do trans people go after eachother so viciously moreso than gay men or lesbians, like Beta fish in a tank?
Are the younger trans people the ones who came up with nonsense like pansexual? If so as a CIS person I'll take the hons as allies any day of the week.
Because they're unstable.
What do you even mean by "ally"? Just don't associate with special snowflakes. They come in all shapes and sizes.
Because a hon is commonly viewed as a failed transition, so there's some inherent envy between the two groups. Bears and twinks are just different types of gays but there's no grounds for them to dislike each other
But it seems like most of the hatred is directed at the honey buns. You would think if envy was involved it would be the other way around.

Also where did the term hon come from?

There's a Restaurant called Cafe Hon that was featured on Kitchen Nightmares, I wonder if it is run by trannies.
There are other forums where older transitioners hang out. They call each other terms like "hon" because that's what old people do.

Older, non-passing transitioner #1:
>"Trying on a dress for the first time! How do I look?"
Older, non-passing transitioner #2:
>"You look beautiful, hon!"

So younger transitioners from places like /cd/ started using the term to mock them.
While there is some tension from envy, the bigger problem is a lot of early transitioners viewing hons as walking stereotypes. And to take that a step further, it makes it harder to be taken seriously when all people see are the non passing trans people, only reinforcing the stereotype.
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Do they not see that they are hurting their own cause by dividing themselves up and attacking one another?

It is pure folly to attack your own kind in hopes of gaining approval from a larger segment of society.
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are you high?
>gay space navy
That's fucking hilarious.


This happens with almost every single highly oppressed minority group. Since a ridiculous amount of people around the world target trans people so often with harsh ridicule and violence, some kind-of lose it from the constant stress and become desperate to weed out the "bad ones" who draw the most hatred to the group as a whole and condemn them/expel them from the group in the hopes it will alleviate some of the hate and danger. It's fear and survival at its ugliest and it's really fucking sad to watch sometimes, because of course the people who hate them take advantage of this division to further confuse society on the topic.
What makes you think OP is high?
Aww at first I thought you said space gravy, and then I was hungry.
Space gravy!
trans people stop feeling wrong if they transition well and are passable, most of the time. if they were aliens, why would the focus be on gender? going mtf or ftm doesn't make you any more or less like the alien you should be, in that situation.
try again.
So this is what this is about... it's about trans people.

Maybe we're all aliens?
Isn't being trans just a mental illness? Like not to be an asshole but if someone is uncomfortable with their perfectly healthy body parts like those poeple that amputate their legs??
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OP, I have to give it up for you.
Thanks for the OC,
No, it's not a mental illness, being trans starts from conception by alien abduction like OP said.

Trans people are part alien part human. It is safe to assume that these aliens that are abducting our women and impregnating them have no gender and reproduce through budding or something of the sort. When you mix dna from a creature that has no gender with a creature that has gender confusion takes place.

Aliens are at fault here.
I think we are all Aliens and that we all came from another planet in a primitve form by accident like a planet colliding with Earth.



WTF do cars have to do with aliens and humans?
Why does mr pink not tip?
>transgender people are just reincarnated souls who can't let go of their previous life.
HEY I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT, TOO. In my previous life I was Wu Zetian, btw.
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why skeptical?
Aliens exist, they walk among us. Men in dresses and women in jeans.
>implying the next Einstein lurk on 4chan
Most of the people here are bellow the average when it comes to intellect. Of course that doesn't includes me, because I'm awesome.
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Flying saucers are always big bait.
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i think it's true. i actually have pics of ufo's too.i'm mtf and i've always felt different/always was strangely intouch with the paranormal/always "knew" there was something more but I ironically think it has to do with the bible/quran/other religious text also.

I know everyones gonna be like ayyyylmaoo trollin but seriously, I think all people are reborn into new bodies as you can destroy souls but in the case of trans, we're reborn souls that happen from a combination of factors like karma of our parents, possibly being aborted as a fetus, not having kids in a further back past life to create new souls so we just reincarnated etc...

I believe trans who openly embrace spirituality to actually be the most spiritual people of all as we have no hang ups on accepting our feminine and masculine dna even though we choose which one we outwardly show. In the bible it says man was created in the image of the creator and that eve was created from the rib of adam. How could a feminine being come out of an purely masculine being unless those traits existed in the first creation as well, and if that's true, then the creator made it to be that way in his image for a reason(not that I could completely comprehend an omnipresent creator). Just my thoughts...it's truely amazing.
you cannot destroy souls** whoops. again just my opinion, since science will also tell you that you cannot destroy energy, it simply changes form, too many coincidences IMO and I don't believe in coincidence
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ALIENS! they're behind the LGBT agenda!
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Mulder, the thought that there are alien-human hybrids living among us is preposterous. Even if aliens did exist, you have no scientific evidence linking aliens and transgender people. The statistics you claim support your theory have no correlation outside of this conversation. It's ludicrous, Mulder. And no, the number "5" doesn't mean anything in this context. It's just a coincidence.
Mmmm yeah I'm pretty sure it was actually the whole bigoted, conservative society that has dominated the western world for the last 300 years. Oh and the whole medical aspect of it all...

Bit fun theory.
I already have substantial evidence backing my theory. I'm not going to tell you about it because I'm a hot sociopath who wants you to make your own decisions on the validity of supernatural phenomena.
>because I'm a hot sociopath
pics or it didn't happen
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>ywn fuck a hot alien
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