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>6'2" >46" chest >massive shoulders >narrow
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Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 4
>46" chest
>massive shoulders
>narrow hips
>square jaw, prominent cheekbones and brow ridge
>Northern European

All I ever wanted to be was a tiny, cute Japanese girl . . .

>46" chest
Why would you want to be a little girl when you could be a mountain?
I have 47 chest and I'm male and 5'10

Please kill me

Being a manlet hurts
Don't you think you should focus more on maturing mentally before you focus on your appearance?
Says the biggest shitposter on this site
Is your waist the same though?
Like I'm about a 31" chest but my waist is only 29-30" so I'm basically a box. Makes my chest look a lot bigger than it really is.
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Nope, I'm like a triangle my waist is thin.

Tfw you have to work out my chest to keep from looking like a board.

I would be a god if i had grown to 6'1.
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>tfw always thought i was bulky/wide for a skinny guy
>check work shirt size
>34-36 inch chest
>mfw my waist is 26"
>mfw I'm 6ft tall
>mfw not even trans just a twink

Feels pretty good desu senpai
Thanks for making me feel better, anons!

I'm 6'4" and only have a 40" chest.

> tfw no 6'2" bf with a 46" chest to treat like a tiny, cute Japanese girl

Why even live?
>30" chest
>average shoulders
>narrow hips but proportionate with my body
>normal cheekbones
>jaw not square
>because i have a huge chin which could never pass
It's about twice a normal chin, i kid you not.
Iktf 45" under bust, 18" from shoulder socket to shoulder socket. Only 5'10 tall. At least my hips are 45". I'm a regular wide rectangle.

Transition needs to be done young. If the person is showing transgender signs after puberty starts, they will have it for life.

I just want my 15yo body to start from...
And how young are you?
>>jaw not square
>>because i have a huge chin which could never pass
get FFS
>implying i have any money
>implying i have a job
>implying i have any exploitable skills
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You can become a japanese cute girl OP, just follow Ladybeard, fits your description
>6'1 wanting to get into lolita
lyfe is sufring
Says the 26 year old unemployed hon who spends all day posting the dumbest fucking questions I've ever read on a website.
Work hard to develop them. you can always do night stocking at a grocery store to get a work history.
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 4

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