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Has anyone figured out how to bypass dysphoria enough to successfully
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Has anyone figured out how to bypass dysphoria enough to successfully masturbate?

Preferrably without illegal substances that I can't obtain because socially crippled NEET??
before id just fap and feel disgusting. panties + vibrator through panties is way better for me
Uhh. That's some degree of dysphoria I've never experienced. You should probably urgently get help.
I can fucking pin the clit from all sides between my fingers, pelvic bone and a vibrator and fucking squash it there until it turns blue and it doesn't feel any special.

that's really not something you can get an ambulance for, now is it?
Are you ftm?

desu it just feels like having one of those broken phone chargers that you gotta held in that ONE FUCKING ANGLE that's JUST RIGHT and if you sneeze once or move a finger it's gonna stop charging again

except that you've never found the right angle, you have no idea what it could possibly be or what the fuck you do wrong, and you have no chance of ever getting a new charger and people just keep insisting that the right angle is out there somewhere, You Just Have To Keep Looking (:
Why is it always ftms who can't jerk it because of dysphoria?
>that's really not something you can get an ambulance for, now is it?
I'm pretty sure you can wank like a king on T. But then again I aint FtM.
Because the difference between masturbating with a penis and masturbating with a vagina are roughly equal to operating a stick-shift car and writing the entire oxford dictionary on a chinese keyboard.
low test and low libido
one sweet day I am going to get all the T and spend the rest of my glorious life (roughly 10 years before dying of a heart attack, police shootout or equal manly thing) being an enraged mountain gorilla with a micropenis.
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I'm mtf and I can't jerk it because of dysphoria.
Always is a bit of hyperbole, but I'd guess it's often because the way AAs and E (and P) influences our bodies makes it easier to get sexual release while ignoring the erogenous zones we are most dysphoric about. AEs and T... really don't, and also boost sex drive. It's a kind of obvious torture. A trans dude with genital dysphoria has a lot of call to be bitter.

Does Anal feel at all good to you, OP?
Never tried, never will, unless I'm paid in hard cash.

What does AA, E and AE mean?
That's a shame. That could have been a practical work-around.

That would be anti-androgens, estrogens, and anti-estrogens, respectively.
>practical work-around
40% of women (or cunt-possessors anyhow, not going to go full tumblr on gendering genitals) don't even orgasm on vaginal penetration. Why would I get off anal?

Is that really a thing?

Do afab people even HAVE a prostate?

oh alright. I learnt something today?
>Do afab people even HAVE a prostate?
pfft lmao


Says it all. Sort your fucking life out and then you'll see yourself cured. Jesus Christ. Notice the pattern how it's always the NEETs and shut-ins that hibernate on this board 24/7, and they're always the same people with the same problems.
I'm fucking trying I keep applying for jobs and school and I got an interview at the employment office and the trans clinic next month. I almost got my shit together it ok.

Also, I still couldn't fap when I WAS in school and then I had a place all to myself.
>and the trans clinic next month
Do you want to be hated? Because thats how you become hated.
bitch I'm already hated I'm losing nothing with this
I failed to fap to this.
you are beyond redemption
Sorry can't really help you. I can take care of myself but other people touching my junk makes me sad
I'm so trans, I don't even let my boyfriend masturbate.
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