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Why do ladyboys pass so well?
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>tfw you will never be as passable as a ladyboy because you were born white
make up + starting young + cheap plastic surgery
They don't you are affected by racial blindness.
Hormones aren't a controlled substance, meaning they can just buy them without prescription as soon as they can scrounge together the cash.
they're not a controlled substance in the UK but I'd rather not risk taking them if I have no idea whats in them/I dont know the right dosage
>they're not a controlled substance in the UK
So you can buy it at any pharmacy?
no but you can buy them online easily in the EU because they're not a class a, b, or c drug
Implying hormones yield drastic changes
Hormones do yield drastic results, though? That's why puberty is such a big deal.
Yeah that what I thought. If I could buy hormones at pharmacy the same way I buy vitamins instead some shady website I would probably start sooner.
Because Brown is beautiful

literally cause asian. I live in Thailand and while some ladyboys do look like men most look almost exactly like women.

Also hormones are the method by which genetics actually ENACT change on the body. Some hormones regulate which genes are expressed and when.

Needs to study some Physiology for Beginners.

hormones PLUS STARTING YOUNG is huge

hormones aren't gonna shrink a 40-year-old square manly jawbone into a little girly jaw

consider castrati: that is the sort of substantial effect you get when you start 'em young
Did s/he fucking draw a line on her cleavage?
Its cause Thai, Filipino, and Korean males are very feminine they typically have soft jaws, round pointy chins, little to no brow bossing, lack hair loss genes, low body hair. And they are short.

White people are basically the opposite of all of this. Especially white jaws and chins are very masculine as well as sharper stronger foreheads. This is why Asian girls and basically most girls of any race find white European men most attractive.
File: rPdhlBO.jpg (23 KB, 400x662) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 400x662
It's just the softening filters making shadows look weird I think.
They don't.

Just watch any video about "walking pattaya" and you are going to see that in a real setting it's very hard to see one actually passing.
Bullshit. I was in Thailand and Nana Plaza.
Couldn't figure out which of the girls was trans, until she put her cock out.
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