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mtfg what a shame we are not better edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 145
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▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Makeup Tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/JO33K/
▶MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT (embed)
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge (embed)
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/00000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Minecraft Server: minecraft.is-so.moe
▶Discord server: https://discord.gg/0XFIQ4xa7RcYJuo1
▶Tinychat: grillpill password is "qtgrill"
>tfw no anyone
So who here likes dicks
Is umaru actually back now to reclaim her place as the nicest trip?
How are my measurements?

32-29-34, 5'11, 130lbs.
What sort of thigns you put into your okc profiles mtfg?
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>tfw chaser
i posted like 4 pictures of myself in the thread you were posting in you fucking dumb mongoloid

neck yourself
Your own?
I-I do!
Pictures and kind words
what about your flatmate
Don't you have a boyfriend?
i gathered that much

nothings happening. at most we cuddle and thats it. ive told him i like him and he should initiate if he wants more but he wont. We literally just cuddle now and thats basically it

Tell me more ^^

What's giving you trouble?

Have fun, I would too if I weren't stuck on campus ;~;

Those Isis images are carefully curated and beautiful ;~;

I hope so

If you lack in personality enough to ask, chances are it won't end well for you.
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uhm. no.
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>tfw not playing Smash4 with elanna at this exact moment
how does lacking personality equate to not understanding how online dating works? Thats like saying because the brocas area being damaged reduces nicotine addiction that it would also result in you seeing in black and white.
Deus ex is so cool. I should play more deus ex.
Main lil mac. Only lil mac. The true handicap.
are you high right now??
>tfw no caffeine
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pic related
i think im actually just gonna make more tea and stay awake ;~;
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>people think i've never posted and pics

shaking my head

idk how to tell you anymore, i could probably show you though

ayyy lmao
just b urself (no but really just be yourself, unless you lack personality, then idk, be honest?)000000000000
It equates perfectly because you are asking other people what you should put on your profile about yourself. I don't know what was so hard to understand about that.

...also cringed at you trying to sound defensively smart there.
>you will never gently massage oddish's boobs with your feet
I never asked for this
ur pretty attractive desu
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[screams externally]
morning girls, just about to start work
remember to put booze in every column of your okc profile <3
But you want it
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>tfw not playing smash4 with bexe at this exact moment
>liking domino's
>not ordering from local gems like a hipster
35-32-38. 160 lbs. Need to de-fat.
That depends.
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i dont fucking fink so m8.png
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yume is the cutest trip
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Was it the thread where you were begging people for pictures of everyone else? >>5296598

Or was it the thread where you were talking about how much you wanted to jizz everywhere?
>yume: i wish i still produced semen
>yume: i wish i could jizz p badly ;_;

Or was it the the thread where you were mentioned how you wanted to fuck elanna
>yume: i want to fuck gem and elanna

Oh right it's that last one after you started screaming REEE and spouting nonsense. Luckily I knew they were yours due to the dumb as fuck memes you wrote all over your own pictures.

>calling yourself cute
>calling others a mongoloid
>go neck urself EPICD!!!
Laughing out loud.
On what
but local pizza places wont give me a triple extra cheese and double extra sauce pizza for like $6 each :o
Dominos is delish tho
I have very strict feet standards. Cute feet are a must.
Yume looks like a nerdy boy with long hair. I'm not saying this to bully her because I know she is having a bad day, but it is a little strange to me that everyone thinks she is so cute and passes so well.
I can assure you they are as cute as they come
lol no shes not wtf is wrong with you
Then please massage my boobs with your feet.
She's ugly af, no need to sugarcoat it you wuss.
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right now i'm maining Jigglypuff so i can slap her

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lmfao did i trigger a nerve

PLEASE neck yourself d00d

im cuter than u'll ever be ;)
You're a gross ugly fetishist that talks about her dick all day. You didn't hit a nerve you're just fucking disgusting.
Alright sounds good but don't make eye contact because then it would be awkward.
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i think i struck a nerve~ dont be so tsuntsun aife you know you want my gt ^_~

also i think u 4got ur trip a few posts up silly willy <3
Jigglypuff is a funny main. Yoshi! Do yoshi too!
just pleaase dont hit me. No more hitting.
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Hi mtfg
Am stealth but hate life. Fought with only friend in town, am high on diphenhydramine
Not good help
I guess actual peasants care about the most cost effective solution.

It's gross. I guess people eat grocery store mac and cheese too, I guess.
this place is cancerous

Yume, stop bullying people
I goddamn swear, you're gonna give birth to a hate spammer eventually and no one wants that.
Keep it in your pants, girl.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night you dumb shovelface.

P.S. you post like a 13 year old screaming at people on Call of Duty mixed with one of those fat weebs that wears Naruto merchandise in public
So is your asshole
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>thinking dominos is gross
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>dressed femme
>sound like a faggot
>go to pick up package from front desk
>desk guy gives me sideeye
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hey hi hello
um so today i'm going to a play with my family later tonight and i'm gonna do my grandmother's makeup and stuff and then idek what i'm doing this coming weekend while i'm in cali. i think i might try to go get an iphone 6s, i was sposed to with my mom but she's been acting so lazy about it and i'm just like ok fine i'll do i myself!! she was the one who made a big deal out of it lol

today has been good tho. my grandmother asked me tons of stuff about being trans and then i talked to her about the wealthy dc guy and stuff and that was a good bonding experience for us.

also i took this pic yesterday and didn't think i looked too bad. how has your been mtfg?
trips checked and dominos isnt worth it, the local kebabturks make pizza thats just as nice for 25% cheaper
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Heya mtfg! How's your black Friday goin gurls?
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dang i really struck a nerve didnt i

cool it kid ur going to blow a fuse
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are you sure you're not projecting?

I think you're just jealous
Clash of the two shittiest trolls on mtfg. Nobody is a winner here.
Aife you're vicious. I know you don't agree on things but can we stop fighting?
And the same to you.
so kinda empty?
ok i'll try
i meant like what to put on in regards to the trans thingy and how much detail people put in.
also im in middle of studying right now for exams so it was only analogy could thing of
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Hey look its you during every thread you've been in. Talk about your dick some more hon.
thats funny I swear I've read this profile before
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Well I think I'm out of here for now, this place isn't helping make my shitty mood any better.
i like sushi and going on addventures! some friday nights i go out with the girls but sometimes i just like to stay home and watch netflix teehee :*
It's not good by delivery pizza standards. You must live out in the boonies where there are no better options.
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i wish i could jizz on your face desu

Had some scary sad feels this morning but then snugged a bunch and watched a bunch of Jojo with mister.


You're the worst.
Go write some poetry or draw or something, goddamn.


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My Snapshot_92.jpg
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Black Friday sale. ran up credit card on toys for younger relatives, clothes and makeup. totally worth. My mommy bought me a onesie.
Also qt pic of you and your mom btw.
Whatever you say "bro"
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>actually read the thread
>want to leave
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>tfw you'll never hatefuck aife

y life
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that wasn't.png
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o-oh i didn't know ppl were fighting
ok be back later


i've been avoiding the sales cause they're not as nice as i expected ;_; i'm glad you got some nice stuff tho!! i like the onesie btw
also ty my mommy is so pretty i love her


vittu saatanaaäörlgäerölhg
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bye aife my love i need to go on a date ill be back later <33

whats up angie?
>waiting months upon months to finally be cute
This surely is hell is there is one. Can't wait for all this muscle to die die die.
why are you dressed like a fucking third grader?
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I think it's safe to come out now, they're done arguing.
any cutie mtfs who aren't transbiens play pokemon or mtg or hearthstone?
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mtfg I want to make an announcement, I just had grs. Technically I had it done 3 weeks ago, but I just thought I could maybe post about my experience and people could ask nice things and I could help maybe :D
not gonna go str8 for a guy with that shit taste in vidya
Fuck you i'm a panda. CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE
tippety top kek pal
I'm not a transbian. I swear. I swear its a coincidence that i keep crushing on girls.
Who did you see?
Suffering from post op depression

Just sad
I play blue black aristocrats in standard and have 3 different commander decks tbdesu
I play pokemon
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>playing hearthstone
>despite also playing mtg
Marci Bowers up in San Mateo :)
>tfw been waiting years
Watch out everyone, the fun police just showed up.
damn why arent i visiting moncton........
How much? Did you have to take out a loan? Was it scary?
im a transbean
i love your name. why did you choose that name?
It was around $26,000 including the operating room and anesthesiologist.

I ended up having to take out a loan because insurance was taking it's time to get back to me about covering the surgery, but now I'm charging them and getting 90% reimbursed.

It was sorta scary but mostly exciting.
You certianly aren't a real human beam
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Morning /mtfg/,
how you doing?
Idk :( Would be fun to hang out.
>how you doing?
please dont
its a fun little game that alot of people play. Can't argue with you that magic is way better
kinda hardcore there, all my cards are old atm but thinking about starting to buy again.. I could totally see some nerdy little (or tall) cute mtf girl playing her decks at a local card shop maybe being all shy *_*
just got Alpha Sapphire and started really getting into it. like, watching videos and reading about it competitively. Kind of sad but kind of fun to get into! I want to join Team Aqua.
How are you feeling about it now, as far as any post-op depression or anything like that? I realize it's not remotely close to healed yet so it might be hard to make a judgment call.
uh, yes?

I'm sorry to hear that anon, get better soon.
Therapist told me to listen to this but it isn't doing anything but making me feel more depressed
I think I'm going to take a break from posting for awhile. I don't like what this place is doing to me.
I dunno your name is nice to say ^w^
good therapist
see you tomorrow


ok bye elanna, pls come back though ;~;
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I mean, it may not be 100% healed but I can move around and sit down, although that still feels like a chore.

I feel pretty good about it, it looks good just real swollen. The most anxious or depressed I felt was like two nights after the surgery where I got some random bout of anxiety. Any dysphoria now is just stemming from not liking my face a whole lot, and dilating is a tedious chore.
Bye Elanna
Hope to see you soon

Thank you
I don't think this place can do anything worse than what you do to yourself on daily basis.
ban anons
hows life?
who here wants to post feet?
That's good to hear. Hope you're one of the lucky ones who get past the shitty dilation stages quickly.
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Frank doesn't make a good therapist
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Don't stay away too long
it just sounds energetic i guess, I'm bad at naming things
D-do you want to kiss?
It only gets shittier when I move up in dilator sizes, but thanks :D
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rip ;_;

good actually, except for elanna leaving
He helps to keep the bad feels away on a shit day.
How possible is it to forget dilation?
Have you forgot it?
What if you do?
Do you have to keep up dilation forever?
morning kuppy, how's your Melbourne morning?
it's hotish here but I'm in cool rooms all day~

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Frank is the asshole friend you don't want to hang out with
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God damn early threads
>playing RE6 Jake/Sherry campaign with bestie
>mfw he says I "look too much like Sherry"
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post your fantasy husbando.

why dont you kiss me? ;-;
I don't like girls
i wanna die
Lucky. Sherry is really fucking cu
>playing RE6
Oh, jesus christ.
It's cool right now I guess, though I haven't even left my room yet. Hopefully the temperature doesn't get too hot today.
Where are you from might I ask?
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What are you listening to right now mtfg?

>playing any re after 4
I guess it's like forgetting to take hormone dosages, anyone could forget I guess but this is fresh in my mind right now so I haven't forgotten a single session.

Plus I guess it would be hard to forget not to dilate because right now I have to do it 3 times a day for 3 months. If you forget to dilate you could lose depth because stuff could heal over.

I have to keep up that dilation regimen for 3 months, then 2 times a day for a year then after that I think its once a week or sex can replace it. You can stop but the doctor recommends not because you "might" lose depth. Plus not enough research to be able to be 100% sure you can stop.
>playing re4
Maximum pleb.
>decide not to lewd for a few weeks so i get pent up and its more fun
>suddenly have no sex drive
t-thanks estrogen
I wish I was nice, its the only thing I can offer in life and I'm not even good at it
She's still pretty cute
I like her parka
>implying Im a girl
That pic is like 10 years old, i've seen your dumb face on 420chan before.
Re 4 was unique because it changed Re's format, but it got stale in 5 and 6
Oh yeah 6 is a clusterfuck I don't deny that
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music thread!

>weeb shit
I don't like chasers
god taste bexe
>implying I like benis
why does every mtf use that damn meme. I'm just looking for a waifu to hang out with
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I should drown myself in the tub
I see.
How does it look btw? Does it look nearly indistinguishable from a real vagina?

I wish I could be meaner, being mean doesn't come naturally to me so I'm really put on the spot when someone insults me.
i don't even know if im trans or not why is this so difficult to figure out please help or kill me
Find a good psych to talk to.
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alright how about something a little different


dank you
do you want to fug?
Street Horrrsing > their other albums.
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Anyone else feel/felt literally off balance because of the way their body is shaped?
I'm constantly having these waves where I feel like I'm top-heavy and about to topple over because of the amount of muscle on my torso.
I need to know if someone knows this feel or if I'm just going crazy.
Therapists are there for that.

Also consider your future and whether you can imagine yourself actually living as a man maybe?


You always had god tier music taste desu
Transition anyway, get srs. If you regret it just become an ftm.
>tfw you are imagining elanna licking the tip of your gt and then you cum really hard
>mfw an annoying autistic trip got butthurt from a poll
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Fuck off you degenerate
Who's your trip crush? If you like someone you HAVE to post it!
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get on my level mtfg
Shut up feefs
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>not using the image
DON'T forget it next time!
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Its a secret but I *do* have a crush. I don't wanna say who it is tho . . .
I think it looks pretty good, right now it's just really swollen and puffy but it seems very nearly indistinguishable from the real deal. The biggest tells I guess would be some scaring on the sides and the labia minora being puffier...but again that might just be swelling.
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ok i'm home.
which insurance did you have? did you like, meet bowers at all before hand? and hows the pain?
So, um, this is a little bit embarrassing, but what does it mean if my semen turns white again? I've been on HRT for about a year now and I'm on 100mg spiro, but this morning there was a bit of white in my semen. It might just be that I haven't paid attention to it, but I don't remember there being any white AT ALL after I started spiro.
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nice heavy sound
not so much into the piggish sort of squeals, I prefer a bit more discernible vocals

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Yay heya oddish :3
It's because spiro is sugar pills
It can happen if you haven't orgasmed in ages or were edging for awhile.

But 100mg of spiro isn't very much, if you have blood tests to back it up and your T is low it's probably the above.
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For those who did vote on the post op depression, how do I get over it?
I feel fucking awful about it all
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happy (1).jpg
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>mfw spoiled myself to some fancy cycling shorts on black friday
>mfw took the raifu out for the first time in forever and tore a small tree in half

Was a good day. How has everyone else been?
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2015-11-27 17.41.39.png
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My plushie came today (tired of having >no bf to cuddle), am I a real girl now? Also please help me name her. How about Athena?
how are you

why don't you claim to be an anon any more?
you relax and focus on other things and let yourself become accustomed to your face over time

residual self-image etc
I have Blue Shield of California, I'm on a certain plan that means they get to cover 90% of the surgery and I just have a 10% copay.

I met and talked to Bowers before everything and asked her questions about healing and dilating and satisfaction rates. Nice fact, out of over 1400 surgeries I think, only around 60 people have come back for touch ups.

Pain was the worst in the first two weeks, it was sort of a searing kind of pain and it felt like I was tucking my junk or something, but it's a lot less now. It's occasional twangs of sharp pain which is apparently nerves reconnecting.
that a mother fucking cactus owl??
Real bad
i'm ok i guess i was feeling sorta down so i'm listening to my favorite album ever again and i think if anyone here is ever sad they should listen to this album:
post pic of you cuddling her as tight as possible
Ok, what about this?
Been bumping this shit during work, it's so fun to listen to
It's less of a crush and more of a hunger for really
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2015-11-27 17.46.30.jpg
2 MB, 1520x2688
maybe tomorrow, i'm super gross today, my hair is dirty cause i'm pushing washes and i'm not wearing any makeup
i was thinking about this album the otehr day but couldn't remember what it was. ty for reminding me.
i think i have some kidney stone action going on. i tee tee'd blood this mornin and my right kidney been hurtin all day
Oh fug! Good catch, anon :3


What happened?
This is making me miss the giant pikachu I had as a kid. Had to throw it out when I got lice
I'm not feefs but thanks for the compliment
that's not what residual self image means btw.
i didn't know you've had operation?
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I want a cactus owl..
Really bad post op depression
CUTE. i love owls
Oh no ;__;
Supposedly it goes away in a few weeks tho, right?
It's been 9 weeks.....
woah be careful! go see a doctor!
you keep asking lol I'm from Sydney
lazy day? : p
I'm working so only part replying
Oh jeebz, that's not good. Is it regret or are the meds/pain just getting to you?
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Casey Anthony.jpg
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>tfw the city you live in is the top story for all of national news in the country
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well that was different, thought I was on /x/ for a second
kinda ambient and really atmospheric, feels like an album intro

I don't have anything like that so here's a good album
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Major regret
Please help I think my bestie may actually think I'm cute
Colorado Springs?
I'm curious, what exactly is Post-Op depression. What is it like? Why does it happen?

I forget easily...
Lol yup
ero massage them?
You're regretting your ffs now but why? don't you think you look better?
only kayla can love herself
ooooomg :3
>implying im kayla
I would fug her
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aw man bj blazkowics is hot
this game is already worth the $10
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 145

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