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>tfw China still uses Tu-16s >tfw their long range supersonic
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File: yj-12 launch.gif (2 MB, 512x288) Image search: [Google]
yj-12 launch.gif
2 MB, 512x288
>tfw China still uses Tu-16s
>tfw their long range supersonic anti-ship missiles still make them fucking deadly against carrier groups

Shows how the arrow is largely more important than the archer these days.

Gif is from the recent South China Sea excercise, involving around 100 ships and planes together, training A2AD scenarios. A group of these H-6s with YJ-12s could threaten the USN considerably.
It's not even the latest "K"-variant of the H-6/Tu-16 Badger. Literally ancient planes carry these deadly stuff.
File: Chinese YJ-12 missile closeup 1.jpg (149 KB, 950x633) Image search: [Google]
Chinese YJ-12 missile closeup 1.jpg
149 KB, 950x633
ground launched variant or static display, apparently.
The entire excercise, apparently.


Cant speak moon, but seems that they werent exactly implicit against whom it was directed.
Anyone knows if these missiles have been tested against a carrier sized target moving at flank speed and using known defensive systems?
Cold launch missiles make my dicc hard
they mostly use small target boats with radar reflectors for target tests.

or cargo ships
>This is what chinkaboos actually believe

Well their survivability is awful.

If the a flight of Tu-16's get jumped by CAP, they all die without doing anything.

If a flight of something more modern, like Tu-22M see CAP, they can go fast/jam and either rush to the launch point of run away for another run later.

It's the equivalent of transporting drugs in a 60's station wagon. If you get to your destination, great, if the cops see you, they get you 100% of the time and you lose the more expensive objective (drugs/killing a CSG).
>Carry these deadly stuff

Ho Le Fuk at it again.
The Tu-16s do not even have to get near the group to launch their missiles. They dont even have the radars on them to detect the enemy ships by themselves, everything is done by data-link with off-board sensor assets.

And even a Tu-22M or any supersonic bomber wont survive when jumped by dedicated air-superiority or even interceptors, as they cant turn for shit.
Yep. Looks like shitposting is about to commence.
Impressive etc.
>their long range supersonic anti-ship missiles still make them fucking deadly against carrier groups

How many carriers have these hyper-machismo missiles killed? What's their combat record?
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